It has once again been a long time since I've posted something here. It has been over a month, in fact. As to be expected, things have been extremely busy at work, but I'm not all work and no play. I went home for a Thanksgiving vacation. I always go home for Thanksgiving, but in the past I've only gone home for a week. I always been very conscious of work and deadlines and I tend to plan everything around work and deadlines. As I got close to planning my vacation, I contacted the HR department to ask them how many personal and vacation days I had left. When you added everything up, I had nearly 20 personal and vacation days available for the rest of the year. Seeing that number made me realize that I don't take enough time off, and that probably explains why I'm often so tired. This year I think I reached a point of being so tired and so desperate for a break, a real break. So I said "screw it" and made arrangements to take an extra-long vacation. I was at home for almost two whole weeks! In terms of work days, it ended up being seven personal/vacation days, so, yay for me!
While at home I did nothing but relax, eat good food, hang out with the family, and play with the dogs. Yes, I will admit that I did check work e-mail while I was at home to make sure everything was going OK with my projects, but other than that, it was a very relaxing and much needed break. It is always hard to come back to work after such a wonderful time, but now I have a Christmas vacation to look forward to!