Well, as I might have mentioned in past posts, when you live in an apartment, you're bound to experience occasional noise from your neighbors. In the past, I've listened to my upstairs neighbors get into arguments about their child's haircut. And I've also listened to their children run and jump above me. Those neighbors moved out last month, and things have been really quiet since...until a few nights ago...
Part of my apartment shares a wall with the townhouse next to me. Unfortunately my bedroom and their living room share the wall. On Wednesday night I went to bed at my usual time a little after 10:30. I was all settled in and ready to fall asleep when I started to hear noises through the wall. It wasn't the TV or radio or just loud talking, but it was the sound of really loud and noisy sex. Oh my God! The girl was especially loud and I unfortunately had to listen to every moan, scream, and word she said. The worst part of it—but I guess the best part for them—was that it went on forever. Over an hour and three orgasms later they finally got to the "big one" that ended with the girl either laughing or crying (I couldn't quite tell) and it finally ended with a "wahoo" screamed by the girl. Yes, she really did yell "wahoo" as if she were watching a Nuggets game or something. Listening to the whole thing was gross, horrifying, and amusing all at the same time. But on the bright side, in the process I learned that my neighbor's name is David...
When you see him, you can walk up to him and say, "You're David Wahoo, right?"
Ha! One of my friends said a similar thing and that I should just go up to him and say "hi, David." Maybe I'll give him a high five too.
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