As I might have mentioned in previous blog posts, I read a lot of news online. While I appreciate almost immediate updates and breaking stories, one of the things that has often frustrated me are the reader comments you often find at the bottom of these stories. Some comments are interesting and carefully thought out and generate great discussion. Unfortunately, however, many of the comments aren't that great. People often use the moment to step on their soapbox to push their personal beliefs. And while everyone does that to some extent, others just take it to extreme lengths. These reader comments truly highlight—and not always in the best light—the differences of the world, and usually those differences fall along racial, religious, or political lines.
With the recent earthquakes in Japan, there have been plenty of news stories and plenty of opportunities for soapboxing. Fortunately many of the comments are positive and show compassion for what is happening in Japan. Still, however, there are the comments that continue to divide people along political or religious lines. Democrat vs. republican. Religious vs. non-religious. Why do we need divisions at a time like this? If anything, a moment like this should serve to remind us that we all share this planet and that we should all respect one another. At the very least we should try to respect one another a little more. Every now and then there should be a time when you are able to put your differences aside to look for—or at the very least hope for—something positive in a bad situation, because you never know if you will one day find yourself on the other end of the story and in need of that same compassion and respect.
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