Thursday, September 25, 2008


Is this lady for real? Or is it a Saturday Night Live skit? This woman has no idea what she is talking about. Could she possibly be dumber than George Bush?

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Reminds me of a certain commercial..."No Katie, I don't know anything about politics or foreign policy, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night..." If somehow, someway McCain and Palin get elected, I'm moving to Amsterdam!


Anonymous said...

Scary! Did you watch the debate last night? I was pondering it all night and I was wondering. McCain talked about accountability, about firing Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Christopher Cox what with the financial crisis and all. I wonder if McCain would fire himself for the colossal blunder of supporting the Iraq invasion at the start?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and is it me or did it seem like McCain was talking out of both sides of his mouth again? He accused Obama of refusing to admit the surge worked, yet earlier he crowed while quoting Obama's statement that the surge worked better than he had dreamed.