Sunday, August 13, 2006

More Relaxed

I am feeling a better today. At least I feel more relaxed and less restless. I still feel a little restless, but I am not feeling as bad as I was yesterday. The older I get the more I realize how moody I really am. My moods tend to change from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. To make matters worse, my moods tend to be extreme and intense and dramatic. Maybe I can blame it on all of the Greek tragedy I read. Oi moi, as they always say.

The weather is making me feel better. It has cooled off a lot lately. Unfortunately, my apartment still feels a bit warm and stuffy. I wish there was a way to bring the air outside inside. Right now there is the slightest breeze and you can smell rain in the air. It smells wonderful. It is amazing how something as simple as the smell of rain can improve my mood. I suppose this is all it takes. The smell of rain, a nice glass of wine, some good music.

Current mood: relaxed
Current music: Anna Nalick. Wreck of the Day
Current drink: Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve 2004 Chardonnay

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