In spite of my last blog and my aspirations to read more, here I sit in front of the computer again. But rather than play games, I decided to blog for whoever reads these things. I don't quite know why I feel so restless right now. I certainly can't complain about my job. As busy as I am and as crazy as things are in the office, I'm much happier than I was at my previous job. I am just restless. I don't know what it is I want. And I don't know what it is I need. But something inside me is telling me I want or need something. There are a few people in my life who I am truly missing right now. Maybe that is it. Maybe I am missing some kind of connection that I'm not finding at work right now. The people at work are wonderful and we have great working and casual relationships. But I haven't truly bonded with anyone yet. I'm just very different from many of the people there. The one good thing you could say about my former workplace is that the people who worked there seemed to form great bonds with one another. I suppose I'm missing that bond and that connection. Although we do see one another on occasion, I miss the daily connection. I look for this bond at my current workplace, but I can't seem to find it. But, the more I think about it, the more I realize that this is okay. I suppose this is what makes my other bonds and connections all the more special and more worthy to be cherished. It makes me love those people more...not that there would ever be anything to make me love them less. I suppose I just miss them.
Current mood: pensive
Current music: Dead Can Dance
Current drink: Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve 2004 Chardonnay
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