After my old computer crashed, I did everything I could to save it. Nothing I tried seemed to work, but fortunately I was able to save all of my important files. I got to the point when I didn't really care about the computer itself, but I really wanted to save things like my photos and important documents. I even took my computer into work and had one of our IT guys take a look at it. He tried everything and said that the computer was pretty much dead. It was about five years old and I got a lot of good use out of it, and it was a great computer up until the point that it died. But it was also getting old, getting slower, and running out of space.
So, after a lot of research and after seeking advice from family and friends, I went out and bought a new computer. In fact, this time I bought a laptop. I wanted a laptop this time because they are more energy efficient and eco friendly and you don't have to deal with all of the cords and wires overloading an outlet. And, naturally, there is always the option to take it with me if I need to go somewhere important.
I'm now on Windows 7 and Microsoft 2007, so I'm still getting used to the new system. But quite frankly so far the hardest thing to get used to has been the keyboard on the laptop. I'm so used to desktop keyboards after using my old computer and work computers for so long, so it's taking a while to get used to all of the keys. Yes, they are all in the same place, but it feels so different. So, if there are errors in this post, I'm going to blame the new keyboard! Although, even harder to get used to is the track pad. My hand keeps brushing on the pad and accidentally clicking on things, so I sometimes don't know where I might end up.
In a nutshell, I'm thrilled to have a computer again. Now I feel like I'm part of the world again!
Current mood: happy
Current music: Loreena McKennitt
Current drink: Remy Martin VSOP Cognac (I have to celebrate!)
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