Sunday, August 01, 2010


I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm the type of person who often scans the ground for dropped change and I'm also not ashamed to say that I'll stop to pick up whatever coin I find. I guess I'm like my Oma in that way. Money is money even if it is just a penny or two. And, who knows, it might really bring you luck some day. I'm rarely successful, however, in getting the bigger payoffs. Until yesterday.

Yesterday I was doing my laundry and was ready to start the dryer. When my coin got stuck I thought I lost my quarter for good, but when I pushed the coin return button, two quarters came out. I got an extra quarter! I tried to put my quarter in again but it got stuck again, and when I pushed the coin return button more quarters kept coming out. I eventually got the dryer to take my four quarters to start the load, but somehow I had seven new quarters in my pocket. That almost covers a whole other load of laundry that I can do!

This might be as exciting as finding a $100 on the ground, but I'll take what I can get!

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