Thursday, February 26, 2009

More Things That Make Me Question (and Hate) the Human Race

I've read and seen a number of things in the news this week that make me question the intelligence of the human race.

Bottled tap water: One story that caught my attention happened to be a story in the L.A. Times about an entrepreneur who is selling bottled New York tap water. It's tap water, in a bottle, and people are willing to pay $1.50 for it. What? Maybe I'm biased because I could never truly understand the whole bottled water idea and craze. Sure, I can see that there are times when bottled water is important and when it comes in handy. If you're always on the go or constantly traveling, it makes sense. However, you could also use a reusable watter bottle, like a Sigg. If your city's tap water is especially bad, it makes sense to use bottled water. However, you could also buy a water filter, like a Britta. And, naturally, it's usually a good idea to have bottled water in your natural disaster kit. But I honestly don't understand the reasoning behind buying bottled water on a regular basis. It seems wasteful to spend money on water. And, also, the mini-environmentalist in me doesn't like the idea of all that plastic lying around if people don't make an effort to recycle the bottles. Yet, I suppose this entrepreneur is a genius because people seem to be falling for it. It almost makes me wish I had thought of it. People seem foolish enough to fall for any trend that seems hip and/or exotic. Maybe I should go into business of selling manure by telling people it comes from the exotic and endangered lynx of the Swiss Alps. I bet I could sell it for $300 a pound!

Michelle Obama's Arms: There seems to be a kerfuffle and uproar over the dress that Michelle Obama wore when President Obama gave his speech to Congress. I've seen it in news stories and in the reader comments section to those news stories. And, yes, I realize that I mentioned in a previous post that I hate reader comments, but unfortunately I read these because they were so, naturally, idiotic, but I digress. Apparently there are some people out there who were horrified and mortified that she dared to wear a sleeveless dress. "How dare she wear a sleeveless dress during such an event?!" people questioned and exclaimed. "How dare she wear a sleeveless dress during the winter?!" others would later ask. Who are these people? This is what they care about? They need to get a hobby and/or get a life!

Reading directions: Ok, this doesn't have anything to do with something I read in the news, but I'm on a roll with ranting, so why stop... I really hate it when people don't read directions or instructions. I work in publishing. Our lives revolve around words, and our lives revolve around reading those words. So when I write a letter or e-mail or when I fill out a form, I expect people to read what I write. This doesn't always happen, and it drives me out of my mind!

Current mood: agitated
Current drink: vanilla soy milk

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