A small list of things I'm sick of...in no particular order:
The Republican Party: Do I really need to say much other than what a bunch of sore losers, whiners, and hypocrites. I'm so sick of their grandstanding and self-righteous preaching. I'm sick of their attacks on and total lack of support for Obama and his administration. And I seem to remember over the past few years that when anyone opposed Bush they would say that that person was anti-American and unpatriotic. Again, I will say, hypocrites!
Nadya Suleman (a.k.a Octo Mom): I have one word, "crazy." What sane woman with six kids, no job, no income, and no home would want to have another eight kids? I feel bad for her children. And I feel bad for the state of California which will have to pay to support this new dysfunctional family.
Reality TV: Do we really need a reality TV show for everyone and everything out there? I will admit that I've certainly watched my share of reality TV shows. I was in high school when the first Real World came out. Back then it was new and fresh and exciting. Those kids had hopes and dreams and aspirations. They dealt with real issues like racism or homophobia or religion. Now there is a reality show for everything and everyone. You want to marry a complete stranger for a million dollars? There is a show for you. Oh, the sanctity of marriage! You want to hook-up with an aging rock star and call it true love? There is a show for you. Do you want to compete with twenty other men and women to win the heart of a bisexual internet "star"? There is a show for you. Now, thanks to MTV andVH1, we have reality show spinoffs where reality "stars" get reality shows of their own. Soon the reality shows spread and multiply faster than STDs through unprotected orgies. And there really is no better way to describe this. I'll still admit that I watch a few reality shows like Top Chef or Biggest Loser, but these tend to be shows where people are trying to reach a dream or trying to improve their lives. And, sure I watch Man vs. Wild, but that's because Bear is just amazing...and crazy...and pretty good looking.
Reader comments: These days I tend to read the news online instead of through an old fashioned newspaper. It's cheaper (well, free, actually), it's ecofriendly, and it's quicker and more up-to-date. The one disadvantage of online news sources, however, are the reader comments that accompany most stories. There really ought to be an IQ test before you can post a reader comment, because you really see the most idiotic and moronic comments on these sites.
Current mood: glad tomorrow is a holiday
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Michelle Branch "Breathe"
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