Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spoke Too Soon

Just a few days ago I was patting myself on the back because I refused to bring work home with me over the weekend. I made grand statements that I was going to put my foot down and not work overtime! Well, today I worked a 10-hour day. I got to work at 8:00 and left after 6:00. I had lunch, but I ate it at my desk in between tasks. The day just turned into a non-stop race, and I'm exhausted...

But, I treated myself after work and picked up some food from Wahoo's on the way home. I had a giant chicken bowl with tons of black beans and rice and a big glass of root beer... I wish it were a real beer... I still need to go to the liquor store... Sigh...

Current mood: tired and full
Currently watching: Rachel Maddow
Current drink: Barq's root beer

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