Friday, June 05, 2009


We've had quite a few strange turns of the weather lately. I think that when I last posted I was talking about thunder and lightning and afternoon or evening storms. Earlier this week, the weather has been pretty cloudy and gray. At one point a cold front moved in and the temperature got so chilly in the evening that I actually had to turn on my heater for the night. How often does that happen in June? After that one night, the temperature slowly started to return to normal. We're probably nowhere near as warm as we normally should be at this time of the year, but at least it is a little more normal that temperatures in the 50s or 60s. The air is just different, too. It's been humid. For those of you who haven't lived in or been to Colorado, it is usually bone dry. It is not a place that is known for its humidity, and even the slightest trace of humidity is something that we all immediately feel. Certainly it isn't like the humidity in back east or in the south. That humidity, as my friend once charmingly said, is like a solid. Having gone east for various business trips, the humidity was something that I immediately noticed. When you step out of the shower, you immediately feel as if you need another shower. When you walk out of an air conditioned building, the air does hit you like a solid. It is like you've walked into and surrounded yourself with some hot, heavy, wet drapes. Today I was hit with that feeling as I was leaving the office. It might not has been as severe as that, but you could definitely "feel" the air.

Current mood: relaxing after a busy week
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Filter "Take a Picture"
Current drink: Corona

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