Once again, it has been quite a long time since I've last written. I have been busy, as usual. Lately I've started to do more freelance work. Yes, in spite of being exhausted on most days because of my day job, I'm still taking on more work at home. But I've been looking for ways to make extra money, and freelancing is the best and easiest way to do that. The thought once crossed my mind to work at a bookstore or restaurant, but, in all honestly, I generally don't like dealing with people, so I never pursued that. So doing freelance editing is the best route for me because I can do it at home. And working freelance is also a good way to keep or build contacts with other publishers and it's good to keep your name out there. Once you establish your reputation, freelance jobs often keep coming your way. And there is always the chance that it could lead to bigger job opportunities. So it's good to keep yourself in the pool.
April marked my three-year anniversary at my current job, but I didn't have my review until this past week. Fortunately this review came with a promotion to Associate Director of Editorial Services and a decent raise. In a different economy, I could have asked for more money given my experience and what I was promoted to, but with the current economy and the state of publishing in general, I'm absolutely grateful just to get a promotion and a raise at all. There are so many people in the publishing industry who have had either huge pay cuts or who have been laid off, so it's a miracle just to keep a job these days. And it's comforting to know that my boss and the company are doing what they can to keep me around.
I haven't written about the weather recently. It has been typical Colorado weather, and by that I mean it has been strange and unpredictable. In reality, I suppose, it is predictable that Colorado weather is unpredictable. If that makes any sense. We can have days of warm, sunny weather, and a day or two later the temperature will drop and we could get snow. On Friday we actually had a dusting of snow. Naturally it didn't stick around for long, and the weather warmed up again this weekend. I'm just looking forward to the day when I can officially turn off my heater and stop wasting so much money on energy bills.
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