Sunday, May 23, 2010

Workouts Continue

A few weeks ago—maybe it was several weeks ago or even months, I'm losing track of time—I wrote a post about my workouts. Yes, surprisingly, I've kept up with them, and it has possibly been the longest time I've stuck to a workout routine without getting lazy and falling off the wagon. But so far, so good.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm tiny and I'll always be tiny, but I'm stronger than most people would think and I do have some muscle that most people would underestimate. (And, yes, the ego I have now comes from getting teased, picked on, and beat up when I was younger. How much would I love to cross paths now with the guys who picked on me then!) Because I've kept up with my workouts, I've been feeling better and healthier and I've been sleeping better. My clothes are starting to get too tight in the shoulders—thanks to my huge muscles!—but I've always had a hard time getting the right fit in the shoulders with most women's clothes. I might be tiny, but apparently my shoulders are broad compared to most small or petite women. That's why I always loved it when my mom made my clothes, because the clothes actually fit me properly. Oh well.

...this was an incredibly random post...

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