Monday, January 17, 2011


As I mentioned in my previous post, today is a holiday and I've been taking advantage of the extra day off. I woke up at about 8:30 and eventually rolled out of bed at 9:00. Because I'm usually awake by 6:00 on workdays, I absolutely love my opportunities to sleep in. I took a long, hot shower—as opposed to my usual quick, hot shower—then made French Toast for breakfast. I lounged around for most of the morning, and wasted time on the internet while listening to the news. Eventually, I decided to be a little productive, so I did the dishes and a few loads of laundry. Now I have the rest of the afternoon to be lazy again. I love days like this!

The weather has been absolutely beautiful today. The skies are blue and the sun is shining. It's still a bit chilly at around 55 degrees, but it's warmer than it has been these past few weeks. I've actually been able to turn off my heater and open a few windows to let in some fresh air for a change.

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