Monday, June 16, 2008

The Check Is in the Mail...

It has recently occurred to me that I haven't received my "economic stimulus" rebate check from the government. It was supposed to be sent in the mail this month, and I'm still waiting for it. Maybe the IRS is sending it via pony express because the cost of gas is too high to put gasoline in the mail trucks because this sorry excuse for a government ran our economy into the sewer... But I'm not bitter. And, sorry, George W., I'm not going to stimulate the economy you ruined by buying a new car or TV. I'm going to try to pay off some bills and maybe buy some overpriced food, because a girl has to eat...

Just thought I would write about something other than moving...

Current mood: bitter and annoyed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Dave Matthews "Crash Into Me"

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