Sunday, December 02, 2007


It is a little past 11:30, and it is past my bedtime. 11:30 isn't late considering some of the hours that my night-owl friends keep, but it is late for me. I'm usually in bed by now. But, then again, I usually lie in bed with my mind racing until about 1:00 in the morning. I can never turn my mind off.

I'm tired because I've been working on my indexing project all day today. I'm not quite done yet, and I might need to ask for one more day to finish it. This rarely happens, and I hate it. I always hit my deadlines, but I'm going to miss this one by a day. Fortunately I'm doing this job for a friend who already told me that the deadline is flexible.

I think I'm working too hard right now, and naturally, because of work, I haven't bought my plane ticket home for Christmas. I need to do that still. I just have to figure out how to make all of my schedules work.

This is true stream of consciousness and none of this is making sense, so I'm going to bed...

And, no, I'm not drunk, I'm just tired...

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