...right now I can't think of a better post title than "Friday"...
I haven't had all that much to report over the past few weeks. After I got all moved in, I've basically been spending time unpacking, organizing, and getting settled. There are still several piles of stuff lying all over the place, but eventually everything will get put away in its place. So far there isn't much of a rush to get things finished, and I've also been kind of lazy. Oh well, it will all get done in time.
In terms of work, things have been both busy and slow. Things were busy earlier this week both with my "real" job and with my freelance job. But for the past two days at my "real" job I have had absolutely nothing to do. Right now all of my projects are being worked on by someone else, and I can't do anything with the projects until those people return them to me. So I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning my cubicle and, if you could imagine, just reading some of our books (and maybe surfing the Web a lot). Today was slow as well, but fortunately we're on summer hours so our office closed at 1:00 today.
This weekend will be a combination of work and fun. I have a freelance project to finish up, and I've also been considering applying for more freelance work to do online copy editing. All I have to do is take the tests and see if they want to hire me. I'm not thrilled about doing more freelance work during the day, but it would be nice to have some extra money in the bank account. Fortunately the weekend won't be all work. Tonight there is happy hour with some friends and former co-workers and on Sunday there will be brunch or lunch with other friends. Should be a nice weekend.
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