I'm cooking my dinner right now, and in the process I managed to steam up all of the windows in my apartment. Oh well. I like to make my neighbors wonder...
It's been snowing for most of the afternoon, and the weather people are saying that we might have another big snowstorm. Looks like I'll be digging out in a few days.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Eve Dinner 2006
Because of the blizzard and problems at the airport, I decided to cancel my vacation home, so I spent this Christmas alone at home in Boulder. I did not let that get me down, though. I just finished a very nice Christmas Eve dinner. It wasn't quite as good as my Ma's cooking, but I do the best I can. On tonight's menu: chicken (marinated in garlic, thyme, salt, pepper, red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, and a tad of olive oil), green beans, and garlic mashed potatoes. Along with it, I drank a Chateau St. Michelle Riesling.

My dinner guests...

We still had a lot of snow from the recent blizzard, but our white Christmas was made even whiter with some more snow.

My dinner guests...

We still had a lot of snow from the recent blizzard, but our white Christmas was made even whiter with some more snow.

Friday, December 22, 2006
Digging Out
Well, the Great Blizzard of 2006 has ended, and thus begins the Great Dig Out of 2006. Yesterday, I spent some time cleaning the top of my car. I mostly just wanted to take some of the weight of the snow off the poor little thing. This morning, I decided to clear away some of the snow surrounding my car. At some point during the night or early this morning, a plow must have come through to clear our parking lot. My car had already been buried by the blizzard, but now it was buried even more by a giant snowbank created by the plow. And, to make things more interesting, the plow decided to push all, not some, but all of the snow into an empty parking slot right next to my driver's side door. In spite of the fact that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, I still wanted to clear away some of the snow, if anything, just to make it melt a little faster. Since I don't own a shovel, I was mostly just breaking up the snow and pushing it away with a broom. Fortunately the snow from this blizzard is pretty light and airy rather than the heavy and wet snow we often get, so the broom works reasonably well. I'm taking a break right now, but will go back to tackling it later. This is just a lesson to me that at some point, I need to invest in a good shovel just in case this ever happens again.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Still Snowing
I still can't get through with the airlines, so I'm going to keep taking pictures and keep blogging. I suppose we are fortunate in the fact that we haven't lost power here in Boulder. And, surprising, in spite of all the snow it really isn't that cold. It is in the 20s, but that isn't so bad. In fact, I feel comfortable going outside with just a thermal shirt, sweatshirt, and a hat. Yes, I should probably be wearing a coat and gloves, but I don't stay out for long. The clouds seem to be thinning out and the sun is trying to shine through which is a good start to the Great Thaw of 2006! The roads are still in bad shape so who knows when things will be completely back to normal.
In front of my apartment.
Where the sidewalk ends... And, no, I didn't shovel this myself. Perish the thought!


If someone ever makes a Blizzard of 2006 T-shirt (and you know some entrepreneur will capitalize on this), I just might buy it.
Well, it is the morning of December 21, and I am still in Colorado and there isn't much of a chance that I will be able to leave for the next few days. I've been calling the airline all morning to make arrangements for a new flight, but in our day and age of computers and technology, I usually spend about five minutes trying to "talk" to an automated operator. After many, many tries of trying to find the right way into the back door, I realized that if I answer "I don't know" to the important questions they (the royal, computerized "they") will transfer me to a customer service rep. The only unfortunate thing is that the moment "they" transfer me, I get a busy signal and then I am disconnected. I'm not surprised, of course, because I'm sure the volume of calls they are receiving is overwhelming. I just want to talk to a human being. Oh well. I suppose I have to keep trying. Meanwhile, here are some more pictures of the morning after.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
White Christmas
If circumstances were ideal, I would have been in California right now for my Christmas vacation. Unfortunately I live in Colorado, and we've been hit by a horrible blizzard. My initial 12:00 flight was cancelled, and I was booked for a later 5:00 flight. Now the airport is closed entirely and all flights are cancelled until tomorrow. I'm even concerned that I'll be able to leave tomorrow night because the snow isn't slowing down.

Friday, December 15, 2006
So It Begins
In yesterday's post, I began composing my list of new year's resolutions. One of them was to save money. I'm going to try to get serious about this. Earlier today, a co-worker and I were talking about our money issues. We both live alone, so neither of us is able to split the rent and utilities with anyone. We're both single, so there isn't a boyfriend or husband (or girlfriend, in my case) who can help bring in a second income. And we're both involved in publishing which usually doesn't bring in a huge salary. We both talked about our splurges and the fact that we sometimes buy things that we don't necessarily need. She likes shoes. I like things from Victoria's Secret. So we both agreed to make a serious commitment to saving money.
I took a few small steps tonight. I decided to cancel my Netflix subscription. It's not much but it will save me about $17.00 a month. Besides, one of my other resolutions was to watch less TV and spend more time reading. Maybe this will kill two birds with one stone. I also decided to take a few credit cards out of my wallet. If I don't have them with me, I can't use them, right? Most notably, I took out my Old Navy card and my Victoria's Secret Angel card. I sealed them in an envelope and I sealed the envelope with packing tape. I tried to be realistic with myself, so I wrote the date March 7, 2007 on the envelope. I promised myself that I can't open the envelope before that date. That date happens to be my birthday, so if I should decide to buy myself a gift, then I'll open it for that one day. I'll be turning 32 that day, so who knows if I will be excited or depressed to buy something sexy! If I don't buy something that day, then all the better.
This is all a small step, but at least it is a step. Now I am going to pour myself a glass of cognac and enjoy every sip of it, because who knows how long it will be before I am able to buy another bottle.
I took a few small steps tonight. I decided to cancel my Netflix subscription. It's not much but it will save me about $17.00 a month. Besides, one of my other resolutions was to watch less TV and spend more time reading. Maybe this will kill two birds with one stone. I also decided to take a few credit cards out of my wallet. If I don't have them with me, I can't use them, right? Most notably, I took out my Old Navy card and my Victoria's Secret Angel card. I sealed them in an envelope and I sealed the envelope with packing tape. I tried to be realistic with myself, so I wrote the date March 7, 2007 on the envelope. I promised myself that I can't open the envelope before that date. That date happens to be my birthday, so if I should decide to buy myself a gift, then I'll open it for that one day. I'll be turning 32 that day, so who knows if I will be excited or depressed to buy something sexy! If I don't buy something that day, then all the better.
This is all a small step, but at least it is a step. Now I am going to pour myself a glass of cognac and enjoy every sip of it, because who knows how long it will be before I am able to buy another bottle.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
New Year, New Promises
I normally don't make new year's resolutions, probably because I lack willpower and any ability to commit to anything. Perhaps that's an exaggeration. But, maybe, just maybe, if I put my resolutions down in writing, albeit cyber writing, then maybe I'll stick to things a little better. Here we go. We'll see how I do in a few months.
1. Save money! This means no more unnecessary shopping trips to Victoria's Secret, Old Navy, Borders, Barnes & Noble, and any other such places. And just because I want a shiny new toy (like a cool digital camera), that doesn't mean that I have to buy it.
2. Eat healthier and exercise more. I've become a lazy bum over the past year. I need to change this and try to get back into shape.
3. Watch less TV and read more books. These days when I get home from work, I usually just plop down on the couch and watch TV for the rest of the night. It's a mindless way to waste away the night after a long hard day at work. But I think it is time my brain got a little more exercise, too.
4. Brush up on my Greek and Latin. I haven't been studying my Greek and Latin as much as I want to because of the aforementioned desire to plop down on the couch after work to watch TV the whole night. Maybe I'll make it my goal to read all of Homer's Odyssey (in Greek) before the year is over. Damn, that is ambitious! And insane!
5. To be a better person in general. This is probably a long shot even longer than eating healthier and exercising more. I suppose I want to be more even-keeled. I want to be less moody and I want to let things roll off my back the way they used to. I want to be more serious about the right things and less serious about the wrong things, if that makes sense. Mostly I want to go back to my loving, caring, and affectionate self and let go of the paranoid, distant, scared, and standoffish self. We'll see how I do...
Possibly, more to come later...
1. Save money! This means no more unnecessary shopping trips to Victoria's Secret, Old Navy, Borders, Barnes & Noble, and any other such places. And just because I want a shiny new toy (like a cool digital camera), that doesn't mean that I have to buy it.
2. Eat healthier and exercise more. I've become a lazy bum over the past year. I need to change this and try to get back into shape.
3. Watch less TV and read more books. These days when I get home from work, I usually just plop down on the couch and watch TV for the rest of the night. It's a mindless way to waste away the night after a long hard day at work. But I think it is time my brain got a little more exercise, too.
4. Brush up on my Greek and Latin. I haven't been studying my Greek and Latin as much as I want to because of the aforementioned desire to plop down on the couch after work to watch TV the whole night. Maybe I'll make it my goal to read all of Homer's Odyssey (in Greek) before the year is over. Damn, that is ambitious! And insane!
5. To be a better person in general. This is probably a long shot even longer than eating healthier and exercising more. I suppose I want to be more even-keeled. I want to be less moody and I want to let things roll off my back the way they used to. I want to be more serious about the right things and less serious about the wrong things, if that makes sense. Mostly I want to go back to my loving, caring, and affectionate self and let go of the paranoid, distant, scared, and standoffish self. We'll see how I do...
Possibly, more to come later...
What Book Am I Editing?
Monday, December 11, 2006
I stand alone
Surrounded by space
Covered by the night
Blinded by the darkness
I stand
Arms and limbs weak from struggle
Flesh and skin torn by the chains that lock me
Warm blood sizzles in the snow staining it deep red
Screams and cries echo into silence
Steam from my hot breath fades into the cold air
I stand
Helpless and exposed
A feast for the eagle
I stand
A toy, a pawn
Mocked by the gods
My torture, my torment unending
Their joy, their pleasure eternal
Surrounded by space
Covered by the night
Blinded by the darkness
I stand
Arms and limbs weak from struggle
Flesh and skin torn by the chains that lock me
Warm blood sizzles in the snow staining it deep red
Screams and cries echo into silence
Steam from my hot breath fades into the cold air
I stand
Helpless and exposed
A feast for the eagle
I stand
A toy, a pawn
Mocked by the gods
My torture, my torment unending
Their joy, their pleasure eternal
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Books and History
I decided to get serious today about cleaning my apartment. Today I wanted to tackle my books and bookcases. I already Pledged the bookcases, dusted my books with my little Swiffer duster (it is gentle on my books), and rearranged my books on the shelves. I have a lot of books--the result of several years in college and grad school. The sad thing is that the books I have here in Colorado are only the ones I used while I was studying Classics. I have boxes and boxes of books back home in California. Those books are from the years when I was an English major, so you can imagine how many more books I have. One of these days when I have enough money to buy my own place with a little more room for a library, I'm going to put all of my books together. As much as I love the Classics (and by Classics I mean Greek and Latin), I miss reading the other "classics." Sometimes you just want to put down the Aeschylus, Aristotle, Plato, and Homer, and you want to pick up Austen, Fitzgerald, Faulkner, or Hemingway instead. It will be nice one of these days to have a complete library of all of my books. As I think of it, I must have about 200-300 books total, and I can't even imagine how much it is all worth. There are some books, though, that you can't put a price on like a copy of Homer's Iliad (in Greek) that was printed in 1870.

On the inside of the front cover is a written note "From L. & E. M. Fisher, Dec. 25, 1886." It was obviously a Christmas gift to someone. Inside the book is a slip of paper that the previous reader was using as a bookmark. It looks like it was a single sheet from a page-a-day type of calendar. This sheet has a nice, ink drawing of what I assume to be a bank. In fact it is from the "Ohio National Bank on Cor. High and Town Sts. in Columbus, Ohio." They offer "Foreign Exchange, Money Orders, and Travelers' Cheques." The date on this calendar sheet is Tuesday, October 8, 1929. It's interesting to imagine that about 21 days later the stock market crashed on October 29 and not long after there was the Great Depression. I wonder what happened to this book. Did the owner keep it because it is something precious? Or did the owner have to sell it just to make some money to get through a few days during the Depression? It is amusing to consider the history of this book and to think of the fact that it is in my hands now.

On the inside of the front cover is a written note "From L. & E. M. Fisher, Dec. 25, 1886." It was obviously a Christmas gift to someone. Inside the book is a slip of paper that the previous reader was using as a bookmark. It looks like it was a single sheet from a page-a-day type of calendar. This sheet has a nice, ink drawing of what I assume to be a bank. In fact it is from the "Ohio National Bank on Cor. High and Town Sts. in Columbus, Ohio." They offer "Foreign Exchange, Money Orders, and Travelers' Cheques." The date on this calendar sheet is Tuesday, October 8, 1929. It's interesting to imagine that about 21 days later the stock market crashed on October 29 and not long after there was the Great Depression. I wonder what happened to this book. Did the owner keep it because it is something precious? Or did the owner have to sell it just to make some money to get through a few days during the Depression? It is amusing to consider the history of this book and to think of the fact that it is in my hands now.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Well, I went out and did it. I finally bought myself a very cool digital camera. I'm considering it a Christmas bonus to myself. I'm still playing with it and trying to figure out all of the features. I'm usually pretty tech savvy, but sometimes I feel like an orangutan handling this thing.

Don't worry! I don't leave my candles unattended, especially when they are around my precious books. I'm sure the Classicists out there will derive a tingle of joy from seeing those cute, little green and red books. And, yes, I did drink the cognac. It is one of the many sacrifices we make for the sake of "art."

Don't worry! I don't leave my candles unattended, especially when they are around my precious books. I'm sure the Classicists out there will derive a tingle of joy from seeing those cute, little green and red books. And, yes, I did drink the cognac. It is one of the many sacrifices we make for the sake of "art."
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Law
Here are some great stories about the legal system in action. And we wonder why the rest of the world thinks we're nuts. And to think that we want to spread our style of democracy and law throughout the world. These stories are especially interesting to me because I have lived in California and I currently live in Boulder, Colorado, and I work with several lawyers.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Silly Me
Have you ever had one of those days where you just get home from work and pull into the parking lot of your apartment complex. You look on the passenger seat and grab your hat, but where are your gloves? You look on the floor. You look under the seat. You look in the back seat. You check the pockets of your jacket. Where are they? Did I leave them on my desk at work? Where are they? Where? Where? Where? Ah, maybe you put them in your purse or bag. Well, they are not in your bag, but have you ever discovered that they were on your hands and that you were wearing them? I'm not asking this for any particular reason, really... I'm just curious about what other people experience...
Ugh, my apartment is a mess. Maybe I should clean tonight...
Current mood: tired
Current drink: milk
Ugh, my apartment is a mess. Maybe I should clean tonight...
Current mood: tired
Current drink: milk
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