Monday, August 06, 2007

Still Working After Hours

It's Monday night, and I had to bring work home with me again. There is just too much to do. I'm not ready to get started. So instead I'm blogging and eating a bowl of popcorn for a snack. I really should eat an apple... I bought a bunch yesterday. I'm trying to eat more fruit, and I failed at eating bananas. I think I failed mostly because I'm allergic to them. I keep buying bananas, though, because each time I'm hoping that I'll be less allergic. But every time I eat them, it does bad things to my throat, so I'm giving up. Too bad, too, because I love bananas. So I bought apples and strawberries instead.

I really want it to rain right now. A lot of people get depressed when it rains. I like the rain. I don't get depressed, I just get pensive. I wish I didn't have to work tonight. I'd rather just sit in a dark room with a glass of wine and be pensive...

I'm not tipsy right now. This is just stream of consciousness because I'm in a mood...

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