Apartments: Today I went to the apartment complex in Gunbarrel to drop off my application. In order to put yourself on a waiting list, you have to turn in an application so that they can do a credit check and background check. I passed the credit check, and the background check came back clean. Apparently they didn't check deep enough into my background! Anyway, now that I'm on a waiting list, the manager of the complex will start calling me once she knows when apartments will be free and available. Since I'm applying so early, I'm hoping that I will have a nice pick of the better apartments. But I also don't plan on moving until July, so I still have a lot of time on my hands.
Work: Things have been quiet and slow at work lately, and I'm enjoying it. It feels nice to be able to take a breather, and it's nice to be able to leave the office at 5:00 for a change! I assume, though, that things will eventually pick up again. But it's nice to have a chance to relax even for a little while.
Bananas: I eat bananas because they are good for me and because I like them. The only problem is that I'm kind of allergic to them. I'm eating one right now, and I'm only halfway through it and it's already starting to affect me. Bananas do strange things to my throat and make my throat itch. I still eat them though. As long as my throat doesn't close up, I figure I'll be fine.
This is a random entry, but this is all I have right now...
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: Tori Amos
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