Sunday, April 13, 2008


I finally did my taxes, and I'm grumpy because of the fact that I owe money this year. But I'm also grumpy for other reasons. I sort of resent giving money to a government that will not grant me some of the same rights and privileges available to other people out there. You can file as single or you can file jointly if you're married. However, marriage is defined as husband and wife, man and woman. I once read that the federal law denies same-sex couples about 1,138 federal rights, benefits, and protections that are available to straight couples. Yet the government doesn't hesitate to take our money. They deny us our rights then take our money away. That's how our government works. I always wonder if there will be a time when I can check that "married" box and if it will be counted and recognized. Sadly, I have little faith in our government and our society to believe that this will ever happen in my lifetime. So I either have to keep hoping...or I have to move to a more accepting and progressive country that recognizes same-sex marriage.

Current mood: bitter
Current music: Lisa Gerrard
Current drink: Ravenswood Napa Valley Zinfandel

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