Tater tots is a strange post title, I know, but I had tater tots with my dinner tonight, so I have them on my brain. Which leads to the bizarre philosophical (or rhetorical) question of the day. Is there such a thing as a healthy tater tot? They are potatoes, so they can't be too bad. And if they are organic and if bake them instead of fry them, that has to make them healthier, right? I suppose I'm trying to justify eating tater tots tonight. Plus I just like saying tater tots for some reason. Kind of like the word eyeball. For some odd reason I just like saying the word eyeball.
Anyway, as I mentioned in previous posts, things are going to get really busy at work over these next few weeks. Last week was also my one year anniversary. And while there wasn't much fanfare, I do have to go through my annual review this week. My "homework" is to come up with a list of goals for the next year. I have never liked the idea of coming up with goals. My major goals are to make my books as good as they can possibly be and to try to get them to press on time. And the fact that I was promoted five months after starting the job, makes it a little harder to come up with something that I can shoot for. But I suppose I have to come up with something clever that falls outside the normal day-to-day work that I do.
I will say, however, that this review experience will probably be better than the reviews that I had at previous jobs. My first job out of grad school was the worst. Our manager would ask us to write up our job descriptions, you know those things that the company is supposed to give you when you start the job. He mostly wanted us to write up our job descriptions because he had no idea what we did on a daily basis. Then he would ask us to write up a self-evaluation, again, because he had no idea what we did on a daily basis. Then we would have to come up with some goals. My job description, self-evaluation, and goals essentially said "I perform all of the duties and task of my ignorant and incompetent pinheaded manager. Although he continues to get all of the credit and money for the tasks that I perform, I perform them nonetheless in a vain attempt to keep some sense of order and sanity on this sinking ship. My goals for the next year are to try to prevent myself from hurling myself out of my office window and thus not falling into a bloody heap on the parking lot below."
Fortunately I think that the review and self-evaluation at this job will not be so bad. How times have changed...
Current drink: Ravenswood Lodi Zinfandel
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