Friday, March 28, 2008

Finally Friday

It's been another long, busy week at work. The week, though, had a great ending. From Wednesday to today we had some people from our New York office come out to Boulder for a visit. There were a lot of meetings and some nice lunches, but there were also parties. We wanted to do something at night and we could have done a typical happy hour at a restaurant somewhere. But the Happy Hour Committee came up with a better plan. Actually one of the guys came up with the plan and we all readily agreed. We decided to have happy hour in the office, and by itself something like that probably doesn't sound like much fun because we spend all day at work. But our great idea was to order a bunch of pizza, buy a bunch of beer and wine, and set up a cool Wii player in the conference room. Our conference room has a projector, so all we had to do was hook up the Wii to the projector and we could project the games on the wall as if it were a big screen. We played Guitar Hero all night. On Guitar Hero you and a partner each play little guitars that are the controls for the game. One person plays the guitar and the other plays the bass. When you watch the screen it tells you what notes or chords to hit. The faster the song or the higher the difficulty level, the faster the notes and chords come. When you do well, there is a lot of fire flaring up and there are lightning bolts. But if you do really badly and miss your notes, your team gets booed off the stage. Of all the times I played last night, I was only booed off once. I also learned that I'm much better at the bass than the guitar. We really had a blast last night, and we were still playing at the office until about 10:00 p.m.

Here is the song that I was rockin' out to for most of the night. I've never heard this song until I played it for the game, but I love it. The song is called "Mauvais Garcon" and it is by NAAST. It was such a fun song to play along with. Just imagine me on bass. :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

This and That Weekend Edition

This has been a mixed weekend in that it was both busy and quiet. On Saturday I went on a major shopping spree to buy some more clothes for work. I'm far from fashionable, but I needed some more things to wear other than the standard 10 or 15 or so things that I normally wear. So I bought a bunch of shirts and some new jeans. I should have bought some more dress pants, but I didn't. All I have to say is thank God I don't have to wear full business attire to work! I'm glad I work in a relaxed industry.

Naturally after buying a bunch of new clothes, I had to do a ton of laundry, and that is what I did for some of the day today. I also brought work home with me. In spite of making a pretty decent dent in the piles of work that I had to do at work this past week, I still had to bring a lot of work home with me. I worked on it for about five hours this afternoon. I didn't finish as much as I would have liked, but my eyes and my back were getting tired, so I gave up. Instead, I decided to watch a very fabulous movie, Once, that I rented on Netflix. It was beautiful. It was also relaxing and calming which is what I needed tonight. Now I only wish that I had a glass of wine!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Have you ever noticed that there are some people in this world who never seem to be happy? There are just some people who are always sad or frustrated or angry. When you browse blogs across the Web like I do, you often see this. There are people out there who are filled with so much angst, sadness, frustration, or hate. They hate their jobs, hate their living situation, hate their friends, hate their family, hate the car they drive, hate the way they look, hate everything else, and in general hate themselves. And I'm not talking about people who have these individual hates. I'm talking about people who hate all of these things at once. On the surface, you look at them and think that they must have a sad and miserable life. But eventually sad and miserable turns into pathetic. Sometimes you want to shake these people and ask them if there is anything in their life that they love and appreciate. Sometimes you want to just slap them and remind them that sometimes their problems are trivial compared to the real problems of the world. Sure, everyone hits a rough patch in life, and there are certainly plenty of people out there who truly live a hard life. But sometimes when you read the things that some people write, all you can do is shake your head in disbelief. When a grown adult writes about things and concerns that a thirteen-year-old would write about, you want to just shake them.

Everyone has their moments of moodiness. I certainly can't deny that I'm moody and slightly manic and bipolar. Everyone gets the blues or the "mean reds" as Holly Golightly put it in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I know that I complain about all of the idiots of the world who annoy me. I know that I often write about being exhausted because of work. But, unlike some of the people out there in the world, I at least don't hate my life or hate myself. In fact, I think that my life is pretty darn good and I think I'm pretty darn cool. I can sometimes be a big dork and a geek, but I have my moments of cool. In my mind, I live my own charmed life. I have an exciting job. I live in a cool little apartment in a cool city. I have a wonderful family. I have beautiful friends. I might not have a million dollars, the perfect body or looks, that Tuscan villa or that house on the shore of a Greek isle, or any other secret desires that I want, but so what. For whatever negatives I might have in my life, they are far outnumbered by the positives, and, for that, I consider myself fortunate.

I'm fortunate, but I know that I'm not a special case. That is why I get so frustrated and annoyed when I read certain blogs, and, like I was saying, I sometimes wish I can reach through the monitor and shake the person writing those blogs. Everyone has the potential to be happy and fortunate. But it's not going to happen if they sit alone on the couch and wallow in self-pity. They just have to change their thinking. (Wow! I really sounded like Oprah or Dr. Phil for a second there!) There has to be something in their life that makes them happy. There has to be something that they appreciate and cherish. If there isn't, well, I suppose all we can do is feel sorry for them...and feel thankful that we're not that person!

Leaving the Office Early!

In an effort to not write another "This and That" post, I'll write several posts tonight. What the heck. I'm having a glass of wine and relaxing tonight.

By now, after reading all of my recent posts, you're probably well aware that things have been busy at work. I've had another long week of 10- or 12-hour days, and I wasn't alone. There were a few of us who were still at the office well after 6:00 p.m. One of my friends was still at the office well past 7:30. These days and weeks are getting exhausting, but we're all hoping for that their is an end--or even a slowdown--in sight. April will be full of big deadlines, and hopefully after that we'll have a brief moment to breathe. Then, I'm assuming, the next tidal wave will come. Because I've been working so late these days, I did the unimaginable today. I left early! Now, brace yourself...I left at 4:45!! Okay, so it is only 15 minutes before 5:00 and considering I got in the office a little before 8:00, it's still almost a 9-hour workday. Oh well. For me it was an accomplishment!

Anyway, as stressful and exhausting as things get, this really is the perfect job. I work work with a lot of cool people and I work on some really interesting books. Authors can be both a blessing and a curse, and I've been fortunate to have more blessings than curses. This week, in particular, I've had a lot of wonderful conversations and experiences with my authors. We're all under the pressure of deadlines, and fortunately my authors have been so cooperative and accommodating. And what makes it even better is that most of my current authors have such good natures and great senses of humor. You have no idea how much a good laugh or conversation really helps to ease the pressure and stress. It doesn't solve all the problems and it doesn't have the ability to stop time, but it sure makes things so much easier to deal with.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I Can't Think of a Clever Title...

At the moment, I can't think of an appropriate title other than "This and That," but I've used that twice in a row. But this post will, in fact, be a random this and that-type of entry.

Work: By the end of last week, I still had a ton of work that I needed to do. I brought some work home with me, and I was planning on going into the office over the weekend. I did neither. I didn't look at the work I brought home, and I didn't go into the office. How sad is it when you feel guilty about not working on the weekend? I was just exhausted and needed a break. Unfortunately I'll probably be paying the price all week as I scramble to keep up with everything. Things are more stressful this week, because a lot of people I will be depending on are going away on vacation. Must be nice. But now I have to do about a week's worth of work in two or three days. Can't wait until I can take a day off...

Tangent: If my neighbors slam their doors one more time, I might get angry. One neighbor on one side of me keeps slamming his front door. The neighbor on the other side of me keeps slamming her cupboard doors. Anyone who reads this blog knows that I have a lot of pet peeves and there are a lot of things that annoy me--mostly because I'm often a grumpy bitch--but I really can't stand it when people slam doors.

Work parties: Today at work a bunch of people brought in food to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The food had either an Irish theme or it was just green. There was even Irish beer. Had I known that alcohol was allowed, I would have brought some Irish Whiskey.

Life in general: not much going on, really...

I'll try to write an intelligent, thoughtful post sometime soon. Right now I just don't have it in me...

Current mood: tired
Current music: shuffle - Dixie Chicks "Easy Silence"
Current drink: Jack Daniels

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This and That

I'm sure some of you have been waiting for an update...maybe? Maybe not?

Not much has been going on, really. It is only Wednesday, and it already feels like it has been a long week. I've just been busy. We've all been busy, actually. Everyone--well, a few of us, mostly the editors--has been feeling pretty stressed out. You hear the typical comments of "I can barely keep my head above water," or, "I feel like I'm sinking in quicksand," etc. The editors have been working hard, and we've been working long hours. Some people take work home with them. Some of us stay at the office until 6:00 or 7:00. And, of course, I'm one of the two or three who stay at work until 6:00 or 7:00 and take work home. We're all pretty exhausted. I would like to take at least one or two days off, but I don't really know how I would manage that. Taking time off when you have so much going on just isn't realistic or practical. I honestly don't think I will be able to take time off until mid-May. The only way I will be able to stay home is if someone stands in front of my door and prevents me from leaving my apartment! But, unfortunately that's not going to happen.

So I guess I can look forward to May. Hopefully I will last that long. On the bright side, I haven't gotten sick like a few other people in the office. But I'm still feeling pretty darn tired!

Current mood: exhausted
Current drink: Jack Daniels

Sunday, March 09, 2008

This and That Weekend Edition

Friday was my birthday and it was a pretty good day. The editorial department and the design/composition department often get together when someone in one of the departments has a birthday. Usually we just bring in food, set it out on a table, and pretty much snack all day. I had a nice spread of cheese and crackers, hummus, fruit, chocolate pretzel sandwiches, and cake. Later in the day a beautiful co-worker took me out for a wonderful lunch at Laudisio, an Italian restaurant in the 29th Street Mall here in Boulder. We had a little three-course lunch complete with soup, entree, and dessert. And we also had a glass of Chianti with our meal. It was a lovely lunch. When we got back to the office, I snacked on some more food and ate a big piece of chocolate cake. I think I more or less ate my weight in food that day. For the evening, I just came home and relaxed and didn't do anything special.

I took it easy on Saturday and relaxed for most of the day. Then today, Sunday, I went into the office for a few hours. Surprisingly, I wasn't the only one there. There were a few other people who were there working. I didn't do that much work per se. I mostly went there to clean and tidy up my cubicle and to get myself organized for the coming week. Sure, I have more than enough work to do, and I could have spent eight hours at the office today, but I decided not to. I asked myself why I was working on my birthday weekend, so after I got everything cleaned and organized, I left.

Because it was my birthday and because I've been working so hard, I decided that it was time I give myself a treat or a present. So I went to Victoria's Secret and threw myself into a pile of underwear. I'm sure I don't really need new underwear, but they sent me a $10-off birthday gift card, so I figured that I might as well use it. For me, walking into Victoria's Secret is like a junkie walking into a room of crack dealers, but I was sensible and didn't overdue it.

Current mood: relaxed but not looking forward to Monday
Current music: Maroon 5. It Won't Be Soon Before Long
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


My very beautiful friend/co-worker and I were talking over e-mail about my birthday, and I essentially said that I can't believe that I'm turning 33 this week. No, it's not old, but still... This was her response:

33 is how old Jesus was when he died. So I guess it could be a divine age or something sad and catastrophic, depending on how you look at it! LOL. Sorry. I think you will be just fine...

That made me laugh. When dealing with a lot of stressed and tense people at work, a comment like this really makes my day. I love my beautiful friends!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Crazy Dreams

So I had a very strange dream last night. I had a dream that I went to the doctor and she was examining me. She started feeling my neck then she looked down my throat. Then the next thing she said was, "yep, you're pregnant." Umm, what? "Don't you want to check my urine or blood or something," I said. Her simple reply was, "no, there's no need." I walked out of her office somewhat perplexed and confused. How can she tell if I'm pregnant by just feeling my neck and looking down my throat? I don't have my tonsils anymore, thanks to a traumatic childhood operation, so that can't be it... Was she feeling my thyroid or lymph node or whatever the heck that is in your neck?? I was really confused and perplexed, and then I started to panic. Oh my God. What am I going to do? How can I work and take care of a baby at the same time? Then wondered... who the heck is the father? What?? Then I looked down at my tummy and my belly button looked strange, and then I had stomach cramps like some kind of psychosomatic labor pains or something. So I started panicking even more, and I must have scared myself and woken myself up. But even when I was awake, I was still freaking out. Oh My God, what am going to do???

It took me a few minutes to realize that it was only a dream. Where in the world did that dream come from? Just about anyone who knows me knows that the chances of me getting pregnant are pretty slim for various reasons, unless somehow I'm impregnated by Satan and thus forced to give birth to the Antichrist, but that's also probably unlikely...though nevertheless a somewhat amusing thought. Anyway. I was talking to one of my friends at work about this dream, and she seems to think that it is related to stress and carrying a heavy workload. I think that this is true, but I checked some online dream dictionaries and most of the explanations were positive. One dictionary says that being pregnant symbolizes some aspect of myself or my personal life that is growing or developing. It says that it can represent new ideas, new directions, new goals, or new projects. I have plenty of projects right now, so I don't need any more, thank you. Another dream dictionary says that it is a sign that I will have an increase in material wealth. Great, maybe I should play the lottery. But then there was a note that if you are "unwed" then it is a possible sign of losses. So I can't get married legally, so now what does that mean?

Oy! Needless to say, it wasn't a great dream. In fact I prefer my dreams where I get eaten by bears or when I'm fighting in the Civil War. I can handle bears and war, but pregnancy???

Current mood: confused
Current music: shuffle - Beth Waters "Philosophy"
Current drink: Jack Daniels, straight up - fortunately I can still drink since I'm not pregnant!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Why I Often Hate the Human Race

I went to Super Target to pick up a few things, and I walked into a check-out lane behind a family. The all-American family with a father, blond mother, and two blond kids. They took their goods out of the shopping cart and put them on the little conveyor belt. Their goods moved forward and their cart was empty. Now, normally at a time like this a normal person would grab the cart and push it toward the end of the line so that the next person (that would be me) could move forward and put their things on the conveyor belt. Obviously these people weren't normal...or considerate...or intelligent. Instead they just left the cart at the beginning of the lane and in my way. I put my little shopping basket on the conveyor belt, hoping that would get their attention and they would do something like say, "oh, I'm sorry," and move their cart out of the way. No such thing happened. And as my little shopping basket moved forward without me, I inched their shopping cart forward hoping that would get their attention. Nope. They paid and sort of walked away, but I guess you can say that they just clustered and gathered at the end of the lane. I pushed their cart forward right behind them. That still didn't get their attention in spite of the fact that they were still standing right there. I paid and grabbed my two bags and put them in the shopping cart because it was still in my way. The evil side of me wanted to grab the shopping cart and, with all my strength, ram it into the parents and hopefully knock them to the ground where I could run them over completely and then step on their heads with my big black boots. But then I thought it would probably be best to not traumatize the kids. Besides the kids probably have enough trauma in their lives, because their parents are IDIOTS!

Current mood: annoyed
Current music: shuffle - Maroon 5 "Harder to Breathe"
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer

Feeling Better

So I am feeling in much better spirits right now. Yes, things have been crazy at work, and, yes, I have been working some very long hours. But fortunately, as I wrote before, I have a brief moment to catch my breath. Right now most of my "time-sensitive" projects are with someone else, so the pressure is off me for a few weeks. It gives me some time to catch up on other things, and hopefully I won't have to put in those 10- or 12-hour workdays least not for a few more weeks...

But while I've calmed down a little bit, my beautiful friend and co-worker is feeling a little stressed and panicked right now. Fortunately we take turns being stressed out, so we can take turns trying to calm the other down. It works out nicely, actually. We both might go into the office on Sunday, not necessarily to work but to clean and get organized. When you have so many projects going on at once your cubicle tends to get overtaken by page proofs, design samples, forms, notes, etc. It starts to get overwhelming, and, well, it makes it harder to find things. So we might go in on Sunday to do some spring cleaning of our cubes. We'll see. We might also decide to stay home and be lazy.

Meanwhile, the weather is supposed to be beautiful today. Right now I'm sitting in my "office" with the windows open. It's sunny, the skies are blue, and it is supposed to get into the 70s today. So now I'm feeling energized to do some cleaning around the apartment, to get out to run a bunch of errands (I have a million things to take to the recycling center), and to just enjoy a beautiful day.

Current mood: good - dancing around my apartment and singing off key (I have no talent)
Current music: shuffle - Melissa Etheridge "Lucky"
Current drink: and free trade, of course... :-)