Monday, April 27, 2009


Did I just say that it is officially spring and that I could move my ice scraper from my backseat to my trunk? Well, fortunately I didn't officially move my ice scraper yet. For the past few days we've had beautiful springlike weather. It's been warm, sunny, and clear. Absolutely beautiful. This past weekend it was a little bit cooler, but not cold, and there was a chance of rain. It rained a little bit in Boulder on Sunday night as I was going to bed. I heard the rain tapping on the roof, and I thought, how cozy! When I woke up this morning, after a nice long catlike stretch, I looked out the window to snow-covered trees, grass, and roofs. What in the world?!

Late-winter/early-spring snowstorms are not unheard of in Colorado, and it has, on occasion, snowed in May, so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. But I was. There were about 2 or 3 inches of heavy, wet snow on my car this morning that I had to brush away. Fortunately the snow didn't stick to the roads and it was too warm to be icy, so the roads were just we just wet this morning. It wasn't that bad in Boulder, but apparently it was worse in Denver. Naturally this snow didn't stick around for long and most of it melted away around lunchtime. Just a typical spring day in Colorado...

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