I mentioned in a post a few months ago that these days I tend to read a lot of news online. But one of the things that I don't like about online news is that most sites give the readers a chance to comment on the stories. Every now and then, you get some thoughtful and intelligent comments, and these comments can sometimes generate some intelligent discussions about the article. But most of the time the comments aren't so thoughtful or intelligent. Reading ignorant and uninformed comments is bad enough, but one of the things that really annoy me is when people comment with the simple phrase "who cares?". I never understood the point of this and it seems to point more to the stupidity of the commentator than to the possible stupidity or irrelevance of the article. After all, this person took the time to click on the link to go to the article, the person took the time to read the article, and then the person took the time to log on to the site to comment on the article only to say "who cares." So obviously this person cares if he or she took all that time to make the comment. Needless to say, why do people waste their time (and ours) by doing this?
Current mood: resting and relaxing
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Snow Patrol "Run"
Current drink: coffee
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