Spring: I think that I can officially say that it is spring. Now that we are well into May and just a few weeks away from June, I doubt that we will be hit by any other freak and unexpected blizzards. Even for Colorado that would be out of the realm of possibility, I think. Lately the weather has been absolutely beautiful. It has been warm and sunny and clear. Occasionally some clouds and winds would sweep through to cool things off a bit. But overall it has been lovely. And, with all of the snow and rain that we've had over the past few months, things are definitely starting to bloom. It seems as if the trees throughout my apartment complex have suddenly sprouted leaves and flowers over night. Although the spring bloom means that I will soon lose my clear view of the mountains, it is nice to have some lush, leafy trees outside of my windows and balcony. It is also amazing how green everything is. When I'm driving past the farms on my way into work, I am amazed at how green the fields are. And now all the cows are out grazing in the morning. It's beautiful.
Time Off: Well, so far I have schedule a personal day for next Friday. With the following Monday being Memorial Day, that would mean that I would get a four day weekend. But this week the crazy idea entered my head that maybe I should take both Thursday and Friday off. That would mean that I would get a five day weekend! How amazing would that be?! I could do anything I want. Sure, I definitely have a lot of errands to run. It would nice to take my car in for a wash and an oil change. And I'm also long overdue for a haircut. But I could take full advantage of a five day weekend to do all kinds of fun things. I could go on long walks. I could go on hikes. I could read a book. I could watch some movies. I could be completely lazy. Heck, I could sleep for the entire five days! The possibilities are endless!
Current mood: ready for time off
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Maroon 5 "Makes Me Wonder"
Current drink: Barq's root beer
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