Thursday, February 08, 2007

More Unusual Weather

Today we woke up to some interesting weather. Not snow. Not freezing temperatures. Fog! It is not often that we get fog in Colorado, at least not to my knowledge. A few people in my office said that they hated the fog and that they didn't like driving in it because it takes so long to get into work. Fog makes you drive a tad slower, but at least it isn't as bad as snow and ice--hit the wrong spot at the wrong speed and you end up in a ditch.

I personally love the fog. It reminds me of California. More specifically it reminds me of UC Irvine. I remember times when I had to drive to school in the fog. I remember the times when I would be studying Latin in the coffee bar and obviously not studying that hard because I was daydreaming and looking outside at the fog. I remember being bundled up (by California standards) and feeling the moisture on my cheeks while walking to Greek class. This all brings back wonderful memories--being at UCI, having a wonderful group of friends, studying an exciting subject. Right now, at this point in my life, I'm also creating wonderful new memories with another group of friends and an interesting career. But the fog brings back some fun times at UCI.

Some people might think that the fog is cold and dreary. I simply love it. There is something in the fog that is wonderful. It is more than the scent or the feeling or the moisture. There is just a certain feeling. I think there is a mystery in it. There is fantasy in it. There is romance in it. Or maybe I am just a dreamer...

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