Our society has a strange obsession with status, seniority, titles, tenure, or whatever it might be called where you are at. Some companies freely dish out titles like Manager or Director, and with that comes the obsession for the ultimate status symbol, the corner office with a view. When one person quits, those in high rank hover around the office like vultures ready to feed on a bloody carcass. Who cares about causing an inconvenience in the lives of ten other people when you can have the office with the view. Who are we really? Does any official title really mean anything outside the world of the tiny individual company? Does anyone really care what we do or who we know? How does that damn office with a view make anyone in the world better or more important than anyone else? As far as I am concerned, respect is earned by the work you do and how you behave. Respect is not earned by where you sit or how big your windows are or what view you have. Therefore, in my mind, respect is lost in the mindless, senseless, petty, and egotistical pursuit of these things. You can have your office. I have respect. Who is the real winner?
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