More Bad Use of Greek
I opened the Friday, September 21, "Screen" section of the Denver Post and nearly went through the roof when I saw this:
Once again, we have a display of very bad use of Greek. I know that the Greek alphabet is very cool, but, COME ON, people! Do NOT use it just because it looks cool. Why? Because to people who can actually read Greek, you only look STUPID! This ad, or whatever you want to call it, is part of a review for the movie Eastern Promises. I assume it is supposed to say "diary of violence." But if you transliterate it, it reads, "diarg sf nisleece." Who were the IDIOTS who actually came up with this idea?! How is it that you people even have jobs?! And don't you have supervisors or language consultants who check and verify your work?! MORONS! You should all be fired and kicked to the street! ARGH!
1 comment:
Oh god.
Poor, poor Greek alphabet.
I'm just a 15 years old Italian student (Liceo Classico, where Latin and Greek are taught) but these kind of things are already starting to hurt my heart ;D
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