I love soccer. Soccer is fun to watch. My big brother coaches soccer and when I was little (younger) I used to run around on the field chasing the ball while he was holding practice. I was probably getting in the way, but he let me and I had fun. So I have no problem with soccer...unless someone is playing it outside my bedroom window at 4:00 in the morning.
I haven't been sleeping well over the past few days, what, with strange dreams about getting attacked by bears and running extreme obstacle courses through the mountains with my co-workers who were running across rocks and rivers in high heels. So, I really need all the sleep I can get these days. This morning, I was stirred out of sleep by the sound of repeated thumps and loud voices. The thump was actually the sound of two people kicking a soccer ball to each other. Occasionally it would hit the trees outside my window, it would bounce off of walls, then one of them would dribble it (basketball style, not soccer style) on the sidewalk. All this at 4:00 in the morning. I can see how someone can not realize how loud they are being if they are having a party in their own house. Maybe they don't always realize that they are disturbing the people around them. But, seriously, how can you not know that you could potentially annoy people when you're playing soccer in a courtyard that is surrounded by other apartment units? ... at 4:00 in the morning!
Eventually, one of my neighbors yelled at them and told them to knock it off because it was 4:00 in the morning. The loud, obnoxious guy asked her what time it was and when she repeated it he just said "oh my God." And this wasn't an "oh my God, I can't believe how late/early it is and I'm sorry." It was more of an "oh my God, I really don't care." Then he made some annoying comment that she shouldn't worry about the time because tomorrow/today is Sunday and she shouldn't worry because she shouldn't have to get up to go to work. Obviously he was slightly drunk or stoned, or he is just an idiot. Either way, this guy and the girl he was with went back into their apartment, so it was good that the lady yelled at them. She is a new neighbor and replaced my previously annoying neighbor who used to talk on the phone really loud while smoking outside my apartment. But this new neighbor sounds like the type of woman who will call the police if things in the building get too loud and out of control. Probably more sensible than me running outside and swinging a frying pan at various heads.
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