Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Plato Rocks!
Plato's cave...Plato rocks! Get it? Ha...Haha...Classics humor. Either way, I must buy this shirt...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Search Engines
When I look at the stats for my blog visitors I'm able to see how people entered or stumbled upon my page. I have a few loyal readers, but occasionally someone finds my page by accident. Usually their search terms are "vivamus atque amemus." This is the title of my blog, but it also happens to be part of a Catullus poem. My guess is that these searchers are looking for a translation to the phrase (let us live and let us love) or a translation to the entire poem (I'll post the complete translation another day). So, out of curiosity, I searched on my blog title. When you Google "vivamus atque amemus" and when you put the quotes around it, my blog (as of this time and date) shows up second in the list. If you don't put the quotes around it, it still shows up fifth on the list. When I searched it via Yahoo, it showed up first. My huge ego likes to think that these "rankings" actually mean something. So, with this and as I close in on 1,500 visits, I suppose I should thank my loyal four or five readers (and casual stumble uponers--yes, I made up that word) for giving my little blog weight and meaning. Because we all know this random stuff weighs and means so much!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
So, I'm not sure what season it is lately. It has been fairly chilly this past week, and they were predicting some flurries or snow this weekend. Right now it is an absolutely beautiful, sunny day, and the temperature is in the 70s. This is such a strange state. But, you never know, we could get a blizzard tomorrow.
But are the celebrities okay??
I'm sure by now everyone knows that there have been a ton of wildfires raging in California over the past week. Thousands of acres have been burned. Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes. Smoke has been filling the air making it impossible to breathe. There have been several injuries and deaths. And, of course in our idiotic society, several (but not all) TV stations and newspapers were reporting on all of the celebrity homes that were threatened by the fire. They kept saying how Malibu is home to several celebrities and that their homes stood in the path of the fires. They would rattle off the names of these famous celebrities who stood to lose everything in their homes. Who the hell cares? These people have multimillion dollar homes, and they could probably rebuild or buy another one the next day. One celebrity said, "it's just a home, it can be rebuilt easily." Another celebrity said that her housekeepers and assistants were busy gathering her personal items like photos and such. It must be nice to have domestic help to help you evacuate. For a while the spotlight was placed on these idiots when the "regular" people were suffering in the same situation. And once in a while you would see a very brief story about elderly people who were taken out of their nursing homes and relocated to a shelter, probably in the gymnasium of some high school. Every now and then you would see a story about people who had to leave their animals, like horses, behind. That's what really kills me, because you never like to see helpless animals left behind. But, then again, I like animals more than people most of the time. You almost wish they would leave the celebrities behind and rescue the animals instead. Let the idiot celebrities find their own way out of a burning canyon. As the fires got worse, you saw less reports about the celebrities, which is good, but it is annoying that the media made such a big deal about it in the first place. Do people really care about these soulless, idiot celebrities who whine and cry if they don't get paid a million dollars to do one episode of a TV show or who are famous for doing absolutely nothing that contributes to society? IDIOTS!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Well, this has been quite a week at work. Right now things are really busy and really crazy. Everyone seemed stressed and on edge. But we have a great group, because whenever we get stressed and whenever we feel pressured, we always find a way to laugh at the situation. And I suppose it is comforting for all of us to know that we're all feeling the same pressure. Misery loves company.
After work a friend/co-worker and I went to a place in north Boulder called Maruca Designs. They sell purses, handbags, tote bags, cosmetics bags, etc. that are made out of various fabrics. They say that the bags are made in the "Jacquard tradition" where the designs of the patterns are woven into the fabric with different colored threads. They are all very cool. Normally I'm not the type of girl who goes crazy over purses, but I had a beautiful woman standing next to me telling me how cute it would be for me to have a little red purse. So I bought it. Yes, I'm a sucker. And, yes, I'm whipped. At least I'll admit it. It is very cute, though, and now I have two purses. I'm officially becoming "cute."
Current mood: tired but okay
Current music: Loreena McKennitt. Nights from the Alhambra
Current drink: hot chocolate with a shot of rum. Many thanks to my friend, Renee, for introducing that one to me!
After work a friend/co-worker and I went to a place in north Boulder called Maruca Designs. They sell purses, handbags, tote bags, cosmetics bags, etc. that are made out of various fabrics. They say that the bags are made in the "Jacquard tradition" where the designs of the patterns are woven into the fabric with different colored threads. They are all very cool. Normally I'm not the type of girl who goes crazy over purses, but I had a beautiful woman standing next to me telling me how cute it would be for me to have a little red purse. So I bought it. Yes, I'm a sucker. And, yes, I'm whipped. At least I'll admit it. It is very cute, though, and now I have two purses. I'm officially becoming "cute."
Current mood: tired but okay
Current music: Loreena McKennitt. Nights from the Alhambra
Current drink: hot chocolate with a shot of rum. Many thanks to my friend, Renee, for introducing that one to me!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Just Plain Tired
This has been another long week. And, yes, I realize that it is only Wednesday. Things have been busy at work. We have a new project editor that started on Monday, so this week has been full of training. I spent the majority of the morning with him, and that mean that I had to stay at work late to catch up on what I wasn't able to do. My guess is that it will be busy like this for the next few months. The end of November, the end of December, and all of January will probably be the worst months. I'm trying to plan vacations home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I've been figuring out how to adjust my schedules to make everything work. I'll just have to work some long and hard hours now so that I can enjoy my vacations later. All I need to do is buy my tickets.
Current mood: tired
Currently watching: CNN to get updates on the California fires and to see what is happening back home
Current drink: Calming Tea by Yogi Tea
Current mood: tired
Currently watching: CNN to get updates on the California fires and to see what is happening back home
Current drink: Calming Tea by Yogi Tea
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Photo Day
I went out earlier today just to run a few errands. But the sky and mountains looked so beautiful that I turned around, went home, and got my camera. I was able to snap a lot of nice pictures from around the area. Something is wrong with Blogger and I can't upload any photos here. So until they fix it, you can see my pictures on my Flickr page.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Happy Hour
Tonight we had a department happy hour. We met at Southern Sun, a wonderful brewery and restaurant in south Boulder. I spent many, many nights at Southern Sun during my grad student days. This happy hour was to welcome a new employee and to say good bye to an old employee who will be leaving next week. Mostly it was just an opportunity to get together, to blow off some steam, and to have a good time. And we certainly had a good time. We had a wonderful time in fact. There's always something cool about getting a bunch of gals together to drink and talk about anything and everything. It's definitely something we plan on doing more often, because we have such a great group of people in our department.
And as an added surprise for the evening, I ran into two of my grad school professors at Southern Sun. It was nice to see some familiar faces that I haven't seen in several years. And they told me that there will be a lecture on campus next Monday night. Since one of these professors will be the one speaking, I just might check it out. And, of course, the other professor who was there, an older, crazy German guy, told me that he wanted me to be his personal guest and that I would have to sit right next to him. How can one say no?
And as an added surprise for the evening, I ran into two of my grad school professors at Southern Sun. It was nice to see some familiar faces that I haven't seen in several years. And they told me that there will be a lecture on campus next Monday night. Since one of these professors will be the one speaking, I just might check it out. And, of course, the other professor who was there, an older, crazy German guy, told me that he wanted me to be his personal guest and that I would have to sit right next to him. How can one say no?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wish I Had My Camera
I wish I brought my camera to work. The view from my window is beautiful!
That's all for now. I'll write more later.
That's all for now. I'll write more later.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Killer Raccoons
I just went outside to throw away some trash and it was a near-death experience. Our garbage dumpsters are surrounded by walls, and I casually walked into the area to toss my trash in the dumpster. Little did I know that a HUGE raccoon was walking on top of the wall. He was right in front of me, and I guess the bag of trash falling into the dumpster scared him, so he tried to run away along the wall. The only problem is that he ran directly toward me. And, let me remind me that he was HUGE! I got freaked out and I scurried away. Naturally, because I'm a drama queen, I had visions of him jumping on my back and chewing off my head, but fortunately I got away.
I was scared...
I was scared...
Quiet Weekend
This has been a quiet weekend. It's the first weekend I've had where I didn't bring work home with me. Actually, I probably could have brought work home with me, but I chose not to. So what have I been doing this weekend? Absolutely nothing. Although, I have been sleeping a lot if that counts as something. Mostly I've just been taking it easy and I've been trying to relax. I did buy one of those instructional DVDs for beginning T'ai Chi, because I'm trying to fine tune my body and mind. It's a pretty cool DVD, but I think that it will take a lot of practice before I get the movements down. T'ai Chi really is like a dance, and I'm not the most coordinated or graceful woman in the world. Plus, when you watch it on TV, you're normal tendency is to mirror what the instructor is doing, but when you're moving your left leg to mirror him and when he starts talking about moving the right leg it gets really confusing. At least it is confusing to me, since I obviously have understanding the difference between right and left. But maybe I'll get the hang of it. I do have to day that it is very relaxing when you're not struggling to understand the difference between right and left. I also want to try something called Budokon which combines yoga and martial arts. I think the martial arts would be easier for me (I'm much more coordinated when it comes to kicking and punching!) and it would be a way to get into yoga.
I must be on another health kick, because yesterday I was trying to cook up something new with a new recipe I found. Tofu Chili. The chili I've always made in the past usually involved browning ground beef, adding tomatoes, and throwing in one of those ready-made spice packages. But, I thought it might be interesting to try to make chili from scratch, and I got the crazy idea to try tofu chili. This recipe involved chopping up carrots, green bell peppers, onions, garlic, adding individual spices (i.e. not in a handy package), and cooking it up all together with tomatoes, black beans, and tofu. Well, it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. I love tofu, but it just wasn't working in the chili. Maybe I need to experiment with the spice combination, or maybe I should have tried it with meat first. Sigh... I'd make a lousy vegetarian.
In other news, the weather has taken a turn. It was cloudy all day yesterday, and then it started to rain late in the afternoon. It has been raining on and off ever since. Once again, it is a sign that winter is around the corner, but it is feeling quite cozy today.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: Melissa Etheridge. The Awakening. (An awesome CD)
I must be on another health kick, because yesterday I was trying to cook up something new with a new recipe I found. Tofu Chili. The chili I've always made in the past usually involved browning ground beef, adding tomatoes, and throwing in one of those ready-made spice packages. But, I thought it might be interesting to try to make chili from scratch, and I got the crazy idea to try tofu chili. This recipe involved chopping up carrots, green bell peppers, onions, garlic, adding individual spices (i.e. not in a handy package), and cooking it up all together with tomatoes, black beans, and tofu. Well, it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. I love tofu, but it just wasn't working in the chili. Maybe I need to experiment with the spice combination, or maybe I should have tried it with meat first. Sigh... I'd make a lousy vegetarian.
In other news, the weather has taken a turn. It was cloudy all day yesterday, and then it started to rain late in the afternoon. It has been raining on and off ever since. Once again, it is a sign that winter is around the corner, but it is feeling quite cozy today.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: Melissa Etheridge. The Awakening. (An awesome CD)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
This, That, and Everything in Between
Today was a strange day. At work we found out that someone accepted a project editor position we had open. So we replaced two editors who left a few weeks ago. But we also found out that someone else will be leaving our department at the end of this month. It's too bad for us, but she'll be doing something that will be good for her, so you can't be too sad.
Things in general are good, though. I went out this evening to do some shopping, and I saw the most beautiful sunset. The sky was still a pale blue, the mountains were all silhouettes, and the sun was just starting to dip behind the mountains. The clouds were beautiful, and it looked like someone painted them bright orange. It was also one of those nights when I was kicking myself for not having my camera with me. I need to be better about bringing it with me where ever I go, because tonight I lost an opportunity to take some beautiful pictures.
Sadly, I continued on to do my shopping. I went to Target because I needed "just a few things." Yeah, we know what happens when you go to Target to get just a few things. I got what I needed, but I also brought home three CDs with me.
I needed to get some "face stuff" while on my shopping trip. Moisturizer. You always need moisturizer in Colorado and the stuff with SPF, too. Don't know why I'm telling you this, but now you know. Anyway, these days there is a whole assortment of moisturizers. I recently tried something from Olay, and it was part of their "Definity" line. It's part of their "anti-aging" line. Yes, I know, I'm only 32, but it couldn't hurt. Anyway, I decided to not buy it this time. It's really expensive, and, let's face it, I'm never going to be radiant and luminous no matter how hard I try and no matter what I put on my face. I'll stick with the basics and be content with just being moderately dim rather than radiant and luminous.
I just noticed an error on one of my CDs. They forgot to list one song on the back cover, now all of the other songs are numbered incorrectly. Damn editor in me.
Current mood: flirty and naughty
Current music: Faith Hill. The Hits. Faith is in love with me, she just doesn't know it yet!
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer. Yes, that's right, ROOT Beer.
Things in general are good, though. I went out this evening to do some shopping, and I saw the most beautiful sunset. The sky was still a pale blue, the mountains were all silhouettes, and the sun was just starting to dip behind the mountains. The clouds were beautiful, and it looked like someone painted them bright orange. It was also one of those nights when I was kicking myself for not having my camera with me. I need to be better about bringing it with me where ever I go, because tonight I lost an opportunity to take some beautiful pictures.
Sadly, I continued on to do my shopping. I went to Target because I needed "just a few things." Yeah, we know what happens when you go to Target to get just a few things. I got what I needed, but I also brought home three CDs with me.
I needed to get some "face stuff" while on my shopping trip. Moisturizer. You always need moisturizer in Colorado and the stuff with SPF, too. Don't know why I'm telling you this, but now you know. Anyway, these days there is a whole assortment of moisturizers. I recently tried something from Olay, and it was part of their "Definity" line. It's part of their "anti-aging" line. Yes, I know, I'm only 32, but it couldn't hurt. Anyway, I decided to not buy it this time. It's really expensive, and, let's face it, I'm never going to be radiant and luminous no matter how hard I try and no matter what I put on my face. I'll stick with the basics and be content with just being moderately dim rather than radiant and luminous.
I just noticed an error on one of my CDs. They forgot to list one song on the back cover, now all of the other songs are numbered incorrectly. Damn editor in me.
Current mood: flirty and naughty
Current music: Faith Hill. The Hits. Faith is in love with me, she just doesn't know it yet!
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer. Yes, that's right, ROOT Beer.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Seasons Changing and Other Stuff
Seasons: You can tell that the seasons are starting to change. The leaves are turning yellow. The air is starting to get really cold at night and in the morning. The sun is setting earlier. I love the fall. Although I still believe that the best fall seasons I've seen have been in Michigan. In Colorado the leaves turn yellow--a very pretty yellow--but then they quickly turn brown before falling to the ground. In Michigan the leaves turn yellow, red, and orange. It looks like the trees are on fire. The fall in Colorado is still nice, though. But the coming of fall only means that winter is right around the corner, and I hope that it is a mild winter this year. I am not ready for another blizzard!
Other Stuff: On another note, I've recently gotten into Facebook. Yes, another Internet distraction to suck the life out of me. It's like MySpace, but I'm learning that it is a lot better. I originally signed on to Facebook because I knew that one of my friends was on it. It turns out I found a bunch of other friends who are on it, too. So now I'm reconnecting with some old friends. Pretty cool.
Current mood: feeling pretty good
Current music: Lisa Gerrard. The Silver Tree
Other Stuff: On another note, I've recently gotten into Facebook. Yes, another Internet distraction to suck the life out of me. It's like MySpace, but I'm learning that it is a lot better. I originally signed on to Facebook because I knew that one of my friends was on it. It turns out I found a bunch of other friends who are on it, too. So now I'm reconnecting with some old friends. Pretty cool.
Current mood: feeling pretty good
Current music: Lisa Gerrard. The Silver Tree
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Once an Editor...
Since I'm a big bad editor, or at least that's what I tell people, my friends often ask me if I critique and edit everything I hear, see, and read. Yes, I have to admit, I do. I cringe when I hear people speak incorrectly, my biggest pet peeve being when someone says "between X person and I." That's just wrong, people. You see grammatical errors everywhere. You'll find them in advertisements, newspaper headlines, fliers, restaurant menus, etc., and I'll notice them. Granted, I'm not perfect. I'm sure I've had more than my fair share of grammatical slips, and I'm sure I've dangled more than a few participles here and there. Naturally I like to blame these slips on working or typing too fast. I sometimes blame it on the wine or whatever I'm drinking at the time.
Where am I going with all of this??
Oh, the reason why I'm writing this post is because I was struck by something this afternoon. I noticed that whenever my beautiful friend and I send text messages to each other we both use complete sentences and proper grammar. She's also an editor. You'll never see any of the abbreviated language between us.
Okay, this is a random post and slightly disjointed. I'm not drinking yet, but I will probably have a beer soon. I'm just trying to think, type, and eat waffles at the same time. Yes, I'm eating waffles and two little sausage links for dinner. I love having breakfast for dinner occasionally.
Ummm, okay, I'm being random. And I'm a dork.
Where am I going with all of this??
Oh, the reason why I'm writing this post is because I was struck by something this afternoon. I noticed that whenever my beautiful friend and I send text messages to each other we both use complete sentences and proper grammar. She's also an editor. You'll never see any of the abbreviated language between us.
Okay, this is a random post and slightly disjointed. I'm not drinking yet, but I will probably have a beer soon. I'm just trying to think, type, and eat waffles at the same time. Yes, I'm eating waffles and two little sausage links for dinner. I love having breakfast for dinner occasionally.
Ummm, okay, I'm being random. And I'm a dork.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Mufflers and Car Alarms
There's an annoying little situation in my little neighborhood. Picture a little guy who owns a little car with two very large and loud mufflers. Picture a second little guy who also owns a little car with a very loud car alarm. Every time Little Guy Number One drives past Little Guy Number Two's car, Number One's loud muffler sets off Number Two's car alarm. It happens every single time. I kind of wonder if LG Number One does it on purpose. Really, it's a short street, you don't really need to gun the gas for twenty yards it takes you to get to the stop sign. I've never understood the purpose of loud mufflers in the first place, but whatever. The muffler is annoying, the overly sensitive car alarm is annoying, and I just thought I'd share.
Current mood: good
Current music: Maroon 5. It Won't Be Soon Before Long
Current drink: coffee
Current mood: good
Current music: Maroon 5. It Won't Be Soon Before Long
Current drink: coffee
Friday, October 05, 2007
Using the Law for Purposes of Scams
I never answer my phone, my home line or my cell phone, when I don't recognize the number on the caller ID. This evening my home phone rang and I let the call go to my voicemail. There was a message from a woman saying that I've been named as a respondent in a civil complaint. She gave an affidavit number and used words like pursuant. She made threats that if I didn't call back or respond "further legal action or litigation would be filed against me." The woman said her name was Marie Knight (possibly a fake name) and that she was from Worldwide Investigation. I thought it was odd, so I did a little investigating of my own and searched on the phone number on the caller ID and the number she gave me to call back. It turns out that a lot of people receive phone calls like this, and basically this company tries to get the person to turn over information like bank account numbers and social security numbers. I guess the threat of legal action scares enough people into doing things like this.
I kind of hope that she calls back. I'd be tempted to challenge her and ask her if all of the proper legal documents, like the complaint, have been filed and why haven't I received them; what state and county would hold jurisdiction; what are the causes of action; what is the theory of relief, etc. You know, basic stuff like that.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: Loreena McKennitt. Nights from the Alhambra
Current drink: Fat Tire
I kind of hope that she calls back. I'd be tempted to challenge her and ask her if all of the proper legal documents, like the complaint, have been filed and why haven't I received them; what state and county would hold jurisdiction; what are the causes of action; what is the theory of relief, etc. You know, basic stuff like that.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: Loreena McKennitt. Nights from the Alhambra
Current drink: Fat Tire
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