Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just Plain Tired

This has been another long week. And, yes, I realize that it is only Wednesday. Things have been busy at work. We have a new project editor that started on Monday, so this week has been full of training. I spent the majority of the morning with him, and that mean that I had to stay at work late to catch up on what I wasn't able to do. My guess is that it will be busy like this for the next few months. The end of November, the end of December, and all of January will probably be the worst months. I'm trying to plan vacations home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I've been figuring out how to adjust my schedules to make everything work. I'll just have to work some long and hard hours now so that I can enjoy my vacations later. All I need to do is buy my tickets.

Current mood: tired
Currently watching: CNN to get updates on the California fires and to see what is happening back home
Current drink: Calming Tea by Yogi Tea

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