Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Search Engines

When I look at the stats for my blog visitors I'm able to see how people entered or stumbled upon my page. I have a few loyal readers, but occasionally someone finds my page by accident. Usually their search terms are "vivamus atque amemus." This is the title of my blog, but it also happens to be part of a Catullus poem. My guess is that these searchers are looking for a translation to the phrase (let us live and let us love) or a translation to the entire poem (I'll post the complete translation another day). So, out of curiosity, I searched on my blog title. When you Google "vivamus atque amemus" and when you put the quotes around it, my blog (as of this time and date) shows up second in the list. If you don't put the quotes around it, it still shows up fifth on the list. When I searched it via Yahoo, it showed up first. My huge ego likes to think that these "rankings" actually mean something. So, with this and as I close in on 1,500 visits, I suppose I should thank my loyal four or five readers (and casual stumble uponers--yes, I made up that word) for giving my little blog weight and meaning. Because we all know this random stuff weighs and means so much!


Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to see who those loyal fans are. I know I stop by every day!

Tenth Muse said...

Yep, you're definitely one of my loyal fans! Love!