Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well, I made my decision and called the apartment complex yesterday. I officially have a new place to live! I turned in my deposit, but because they were so busy at the end of the day, I'll go in next weekend to sign all of the paperwork. Then I'll get my keys for my new place. I'm really excited. And I'm especially excited because I'll get the unit that I wanted. Now I just need to figure out when I'm going to move everything...

Current mood: excited and relieved
Current music: iTunes shuffle - Maroon 5 "If I Never See Your Face Again"
Current drink: coffee


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I wish I could help you move. I hope you went for the third-floor option.

Tenth Muse said...

Thanks, Beautiful! And, yes, I went for the third-floor option. I'm pretty excited about it. Next time you're in town you'll have to come visit me. Miss you!

Anonymous said...'ll have a couple of brothers in the area the last two weeks of June...maybe we can make it a move-in party!