Thursday, March 26, 2009

Responses to Snow

Whenever it snows, you are bound to get absurd reactions from certain people in response to the snow. Some of my favorites include:

1. It's much for global warming. If it's cold and snowing, that means that global warming and climate change do not exist! It's called weather people! There is a difference between weather patterns and climate change.

2. It snows in Colorado, why isn't the state prepared, why don't they plow the roads? Well, they do plow the roads, but there is a pattern/system for how they do this. They plow the interstates, freeways, and major roads first. Then they go through the secondary roads and so on. Calm down and be patient, people!

3. People don't know how to drive in the snow, it must be those Californians who are causing all the accidents. I was born in Colorado but I moved around and came here from California. Californians—sometimes justly but mostly unjustly—are not liked in Colorado. Californians are blamed for every bad thing in Colorado, and they are especially blamed for bad driving and not being able to drive in the snow. A few people have jokingly made the stereotypical assumption that I don't know how to drive in the snow because I'm from California. So I take advantage of stereotypes and, jokingly, say, "no, because I'm from California I don't know how to drive in the snow, but, because I'm from California, I do know how to shoot someone while driving 75 mph on the freeway!" I just want to remind people that that is a joke. I'm not violent or crazy, and I would never shoot anyone on the freeway...I would only think about it...

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