Monday, March 02, 2009

Bottled Water Update

OK, so in a previous post I ranted about the evils of bottled water. Actually I didn't rant about their evils. I mostly just ranted about how perplexing it was to pay for water, but internally and silently I was thinking about how evil they are. Anyway, this evening I stumbled across an article on Planet Green about Charity: Water. Their fresh, thirst-quenching water costs $20. Basically their price is so high to make you think about the fact that you're actually paying for water, but, before there is an uproar, the money goes to a charity that funds well drilling in Africa so that the people have a safe and clean water supply. When other people around the world don't have clean water supplies, it sort of makes you think about that bottled water, doesn't it?

Some links:
Planet Green
Planet Green's article about Charity: Water

Current mood: tired
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Melissa Etheridge "An Unexpected Rain" (a very sexy song!)
Current drink: Jack Daniel's Whiskey (who drinks water??)

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