Thursday, March 26, 2009

Snow Day!

As I mentioned in my previous post, the weather in Colorado has been changing. For the past few weeks it has felt like spring. Now winter has returned, and it looks like March will go out like a lion not a lamb. When I woke up this morning at 6:00 there was a steady, fairly heavy, snowfall in Boulder. But when I turned on the news, there was no snow falling around the newscasters who were reporting throughout Denver. I called our office "snow line" and checked my work e-mail a few times, and there was no report of the office being closed. At most there were one or two people who made their own decision to stay home. I took my shower, had my breakfast, got dressed and ready like I do every morning. At about 7:30, the snow seemed to be falling harder and the winds seemed to pick up. I sat around my apartment for about 20 minutes and debated whether I should go into the office. I live only 3 miles away from work, and people generally assume that I'll be the only one able to make it into the office. But with the weather already pretty bad this morning and knowing that things will just get worse throughout the day, I made my own decision to stay home. Just as I finished writing an e-mail to the other people in my department to let them know that I wouldn't be coming in (so there!), an e-mail came through from the corporate office that let everyone know that the Boulder office was officially closed. Yay!

I've been wanting (and needing!) to take a day off, so I suppose this is one way that forces me to do that!

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