Monday, June 26, 2006

For the Record

There often seems to be some confusion when I tell people what I studied in college and grad school. I studied Classics. I often get the response, "oh, you mean Shakespeare and Jane Austen, that's great." Once I even got the comment, "wow, you know how to play classical violin?" No, that's not what I mean. Although Shakespeare and Austen are "classics" in the sense that they produced works of "enduring excellence" (Websters), that's not the kind of Classics I'm talking about. I'm talking about the works of Greece and Rome. And I'll emphasize, ANCIENT Greece and Rome, as in predominately B.C. and the early parts of A.D. I can read ancient Greek and Latin.

And another thing. I got this tan because I was born this way. I didn't get it from sitting out in the sun by the pool. Granted, I do get darker when I sit in the sun and I can "tan" nicely in less than ten minutes, but this is more or less natural.

Thank you...

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