Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Weather and Moods

For the past few days it has been unbearably hot. Today we have somewhat of a dramatic change. Lately temperatures have been in the 90s, but today it is in the 70s. It seems colder because of a cold wind and cold rain. We're actually having a thunderstorm right now, and the rumbling of thunder has been fairly constant. Afternoon thunderstorms are normal for Colorado, but today just feels different.

If you've read some of my poetry and if you know a little about me, you probably know that I love thunderstorms. I didn't used to be this way. When I was younger, thunderstorms terrified me. I've grown to love them over the years. Thunderstorms just put me in a mood. There is something intense about them, something dramatic. Maybe it is the sound, maybe it is the energy, but I often find them passionate and erotic. Maybe passionate and erotic describes me more than the thunderstorm. Sex and thunderstorms is always an amazing combination.

If this storm keeps up tonight, it looks like it will be a night of wine, candlelight, and poetry.

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