Friday, October 27, 2006

Mission Accomplished

Well, I can finally relax! I finished my big project this afternoon, and I'm glad it is done. For all of the stress I went through, I think all of my efforts are appreciated. That makes me feel better. But, just because I'm finished with this book, that doesn't mean that I can sit idle for the next few weeks. I have nearly 20 other books that need my attention.

Still, I do think I need some kind of reward for doing two months of work in ten days. Hmm, what will it be? A nice dinner? A shopping trip at Old Navy? Maybe Victoria's Secret? A bottle of wine? A bottle of cognac? All of them???

current mood: I rock!
current music: random songs. Currently "Crying" by Roy Orbison and k.d. lang.
current drink: Orange Juice...with a shot of Ketel One vodka...I need my vitamin C after working so hard...and I need to support a Dutch distillery...


Anonymous said...

I vote for all of them...

Tenth Muse said...

You bad influence, you! ;)