Most people work for the weekend (who sang that song, again?), but I've been working on the weekends. Things are still busy at work, and because I have three books going to press tomorrow, things are a little busier. I've been getting to work at my normal time, 8:00, but for the past week I've been pulling long hours and working until around 6:30 on most nights. And that doesn't account for the work that I still take home with me. We also have a new person starting in our department tomorrow. Since the first week is usually filled with training and lunches and various other things, that doesn't leave much time to get any real work done. So I've been pulling the long hours just to get enough done to make up for any time I'll lose during the week. Normally I can bring work home with me on the weekends, but this time I had to go into the office. I actually like working in the office on the weekends. Of course I try not to make a habit of it. I like working when it is absolutely silent except for the creaking of the building as it settles and the sound of the wind blowing against the windows. There is something both eerie and fun about hearing random sounds that I normally don't notice during the average workday.
I worked today for only about three hours or so, and I'm determined to enjoy the rest of my weekend. In reality, I'll probably just try to clean my apartment. How exciting! But, on a brighter note, it is absolutely beautiful today. The weather has been fabulous.
Current mood: productive
Current music: K.T. Tunstall. Drastic Fantastic
Current drink: Fat Tire
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Holy Grail
In my dream I had a vision of you--
You descended from above--
Cloaked in a radiant glow
I felt your power as you came to me--
Warming me
Soothing me
Caressing me
I saw all that you had to offer--
Eternal Life
Eternal Hope
Eternal Love
I extended my hands to you--
Needing you
Desiring you
Wanting to possess you
As quickly as you appeared, you vanished--
Teasing me
Seducing me
Not wanting to be possessed so easily
I set out on my quest--
Day and night I ride
Searching for you
Praying for you
Where are you, my Holy Grail--
Let me be worthy of you
Let me possess you
Let me drink from you
You descended from above--
Cloaked in a radiant glow
I felt your power as you came to me--
Warming me
Soothing me
Caressing me
I saw all that you had to offer--
Eternal Life
Eternal Hope
Eternal Love
I extended my hands to you--
Needing you
Desiring you
Wanting to possess you
As quickly as you appeared, you vanished--
Teasing me
Seducing me
Not wanting to be possessed so easily
I set out on my quest--
Day and night I ride
Searching for you
Praying for you
Where are you, my Holy Grail--
Let me be worthy of you
Let me possess you
Let me drink from you
Monday, September 24, 2007
Fall...For a Day...
At some point during the evening last night/this morning I was awakened to the sound of wind and a cold breeze blowing through my bedroom window. I got up to close the window a tad, then crawled back in my warm bed and snuggled into my teddy bear. ...Yes, I'm 32 and I still have a teddy bear... I woke up again during the evening/morning to the sound of rain. I looked at my alarm clock and it was still 5:00, so I snuggled deeper into my blankets. My alarm went off about an hour later and when I lifted my head up to look out the window I saw that it was still relatively dark outside. It was cloudy and raining. With weather like this, surely it must be Sunday, I thought, and I was wondering why my alarm was going off. Sadly, I soon realized that it was, in fact, Monday. I hit snooze a few times before dragging myself out of bed.
This was truly a fall day. I had warm, steaming oatmeal for breakfast and some good coffee while I watched the news. It was still raining, and the rain started to fall harder. On days like this, the only thing I want to do is stay at home and sit on the couch under a blanket while drinking coffee and watching the Food Network on TV. But, alas, I had to go to work. Right when I got to my office the rain started to fall harder, and eventually the rain turned into little pellets of hail. Our parking lot was covered with hail within a few minutes. Temperatures stayed cold and it rained all day. The clouds were so low that they covered the mountains entirely. It seemed like the mountains disappeared completely. The clouds kept things dark; we didn't see one ray of sunshine all day. 5:00 in the afternoon felt like 8:00 in the evening because it seemed so unusually dark.
Most of the people at work hated the weather we had today, but I loved it. There was just something cozy about it. But, according to the weather people, things will warm up and brighten up later this week. Sigh... I'm not quite ready for snow yet, but I liked what we had today.
Things at work are still busy. I actually brought work home with me tonight that I've been working on this evening. I just wanted to take a break to share my weather report.
Current mood: surprisingly relaxed
Current drink: Haven's 2002 Napa Valley Merlot
This was truly a fall day. I had warm, steaming oatmeal for breakfast and some good coffee while I watched the news. It was still raining, and the rain started to fall harder. On days like this, the only thing I want to do is stay at home and sit on the couch under a blanket while drinking coffee and watching the Food Network on TV. But, alas, I had to go to work. Right when I got to my office the rain started to fall harder, and eventually the rain turned into little pellets of hail. Our parking lot was covered with hail within a few minutes. Temperatures stayed cold and it rained all day. The clouds were so low that they covered the mountains entirely. It seemed like the mountains disappeared completely. The clouds kept things dark; we didn't see one ray of sunshine all day. 5:00 in the afternoon felt like 8:00 in the evening because it seemed so unusually dark.
Most of the people at work hated the weather we had today, but I loved it. There was just something cozy about it. But, according to the weather people, things will warm up and brighten up later this week. Sigh... I'm not quite ready for snow yet, but I liked what we had today.
Things at work are still busy. I actually brought work home with me tonight that I've been working on this evening. I just wanted to take a break to share my weather report.
Current mood: surprisingly relaxed
Current drink: Haven's 2002 Napa Valley Merlot
Saturday, September 22, 2007
More Bad Use of Greek
I opened the Friday, September 21, "Screen" section of the Denver Post and nearly went through the roof when I saw this:
Once again, we have a display of very bad use of Greek. I know that the Greek alphabet is very cool, but, COME ON, people! Do NOT use it just because it looks cool. Why? Because to people who can actually read Greek, you only look STUPID! This ad, or whatever you want to call it, is part of a review for the movie Eastern Promises. I assume it is supposed to say "diary of violence." But if you transliterate it, it reads, "diarg sf nisleece." Who were the IDIOTS who actually came up with this idea?! How is it that you people even have jobs?! And don't you have supervisors or language consultants who check and verify your work?! MORONS! You should all be fired and kicked to the street! ARGH!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Pooped and Plagues
Pooped: This has been another busy week at work, and, yes, I realize that it is only Tuesday. We have quite a few books going to press over the next few weeks, and the last few stages to finish things are usually pretty chaotic and hectic. In addition to all of the work we have to do, this week we're also interviewing our next potential project editors. It is nice that we can all sit in and ask questions during the interviews, but it does take a big chunk of time to get through several interviews a day. I've been coming into work early and staying late to make up for lost time. I've also brought work home on a few occasions, but I often don't get as much accomplished as I want to. I'm usually too tired...and occasionally writing blog posts... But mostly my eyes are just tired. I came home tonight and put some drops in my eyes, and for a moment I thought that I put Tabasco sauce in my eye. It kind of burned. Oh well. We editors work through pain and injuries, burning eyes and paper cuts and all...
Plague: there have been several plagues sweeping through our office over the past few weeks. I think the stress has weakened immune systems. The first plague was a stomach flu that hit most of the people in the office. Fortunately I escaped that plague. Now a plague is currently hitting our little editorial department, but this plague has struck from the neck up. There are sore throats, sniffles, and general head colds. I'm going to do my best to ward off this plague. I've been telling my co-workers to eat a lot of soup and drink lots of tea or a smoothie from Jamba Juice. I might actually get some Jamba Juice before I go into the office tomorrow. Maybe I'll load it up with vitamin and immunity boosts. Although, the thought struck me last night that a Jamba Juice smoothie would taste really good with a shot of Vodka.
And just to let my Ma know, yes, I'm taking my cod liver pills...
Plague: there have been several plagues sweeping through our office over the past few weeks. I think the stress has weakened immune systems. The first plague was a stomach flu that hit most of the people in the office. Fortunately I escaped that plague. Now a plague is currently hitting our little editorial department, but this plague has struck from the neck up. There are sore throats, sniffles, and general head colds. I'm going to do my best to ward off this plague. I've been telling my co-workers to eat a lot of soup and drink lots of tea or a smoothie from Jamba Juice. I might actually get some Jamba Juice before I go into the office tomorrow. Maybe I'll load it up with vitamin and immunity boosts. Although, the thought struck me last night that a Jamba Juice smoothie would taste really good with a shot of Vodka.
And just to let my Ma know, yes, I'm taking my cod liver pills...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Clothes That Fit and the Dangers of Sidewalks
Clothes That Fit: So I know that the style for many guys these days is to wear baggy pants and pants that sometimes "sag" a little on the hips. Well, some guys tend to take it to the extreme. Here is a tip: if you pants fall down when you run, you should probably buy a smaller size or wear a belt. I was on my way to work this morning and I was waiting at a red light. A guy started to run across the crosswalk, probably trying to beat the light that was about to change. His speed and progress were seriously impeded when his pants fell down around his knees. What followed next was a brief stumble and a near fall as he sort of waddled like a penguin while he struggled to pull up his pants. Fortunately his boxers stayed up around his waist, but, still, that was an odd sight at 7:30 a.m.
The Danger of Sidewalks: I'm not sure if there is something wrong with the sidewalks and streets around Boulder, or if the quality of skateboarding this year has gotten worse. On several occasions over the past few weeks, I've seen skateboarders crash for no apparent reason. They're going along their merry way, then they go one way and their skateboard goes another way. A few times the skateboards rolled dangerously close to the street, and one actually did roll into the street and was run over by a Super Shuttle and shattered into a million pieces.
The Danger of Sidewalks: I'm not sure if there is something wrong with the sidewalks and streets around Boulder, or if the quality of skateboarding this year has gotten worse. On several occasions over the past few weeks, I've seen skateboarders crash for no apparent reason. They're going along their merry way, then they go one way and their skateboard goes another way. A few times the skateboards rolled dangerously close to the street, and one actually did roll into the street and was run over by a Super Shuttle and shattered into a million pieces.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Cursed Words
Childish god
Impish devil
Stringing your bow with your silken thread
Steadying two golden arrows
Thrust through my heart
Tormenting God
As the tears well in my eyes
The yearning, the passion, the love
The fear...
All silenced within
Strangling my voice
Cursed words
"I love you"
Hate me, Love me
Feel whatever you will
I say,
I love you...
Childish god
Impish devil
Stringing your bow with your silken thread
Steadying two golden arrows
Thrust through my heart
Tormenting God
As the tears well in my eyes
The yearning, the passion, the love
The fear...
All silenced within
Strangling my voice
Cursed words
"I love you"
Hate me, Love me
Feel whatever you will
I say,
I love you...
Monday, September 10, 2007
So, as I mentioned in last night's post, I caught a glimpse of the VMAs on MTV. Personally, I think it is ironic that MTV hosts the Video Music Awards when they never play videos anymore, but that is another post...
All of the hoopla at this year's show was centered around Britney Spears, because, naturally, last night was supposed to be her big "comeback" performance after sever turbulent and tumultuous years. Well, it wasn't exactly the "comeback" that everyone was expecting, and she wasn't the same Britney that we all used to know and love. Yes, lip-synched, and, yes, she was a wee bit unsteady while she danced in her heels. As to be expect--and sadly, actually--she was ripped apart by the media the next day. Granted, the performance wasn't her best, but--sadly, again--the majority of the critics focused on her weight. Wait a minute, What? She might not look the way she did a few years ago, but she's also had two kids since then and she has other "issues." But, honestly, does she look all that different from the typical woman on the street? She looks like what the average woman looks like, and is that a bad thing? I suppose by the media's standards, it is a bad thing. These days the picture of normal is stick-thin and anorexic. Bones, unhealthy skin, and unhealthy hair are all you see in the majority of celebrities these days. Personally, I don't see anything sexy about being able to count all 206 bones through a woman's skin. But, these days, a woman with even the slightest amount of meat on her bones is immediately called fat. Who cares if a woman has meat on her bones as long as she is healthy? This is all ironic because there was once a time when a voluptuous woman was the ideal. But now curves and healthy weight are a bad thing. No wonder so many women have body image problems. The entertainment world--and the rest of the world for that matter--can keep its stick-thin women. I'll take a healthy woman with curves any day.
This is a random post...and I'm not even drinking yet...
All of the hoopla at this year's show was centered around Britney Spears, because, naturally, last night was supposed to be her big "comeback" performance after sever turbulent and tumultuous years. Well, it wasn't exactly the "comeback" that everyone was expecting, and she wasn't the same Britney that we all used to know and love. Yes, lip-synched, and, yes, she was a wee bit unsteady while she danced in her heels. As to be expect--and sadly, actually--she was ripped apart by the media the next day. Granted, the performance wasn't her best, but--sadly, again--the majority of the critics focused on her weight. Wait a minute, What? She might not look the way she did a few years ago, but she's also had two kids since then and she has other "issues." But, honestly, does she look all that different from the typical woman on the street? She looks like what the average woman looks like, and is that a bad thing? I suppose by the media's standards, it is a bad thing. These days the picture of normal is stick-thin and anorexic. Bones, unhealthy skin, and unhealthy hair are all you see in the majority of celebrities these days. Personally, I don't see anything sexy about being able to count all 206 bones through a woman's skin. But, these days, a woman with even the slightest amount of meat on her bones is immediately called fat. Who cares if a woman has meat on her bones as long as she is healthy? This is all ironic because there was once a time when a voluptuous woman was the ideal. But now curves and healthy weight are a bad thing. No wonder so many women have body image problems. The entertainment world--and the rest of the world for that matter--can keep its stick-thin women. I'll take a healthy woman with curves any day.
This is a random post...and I'm not even drinking yet...
Sunday, September 09, 2007
I opted for the wine tonight. Catena's 2005 Malbec to be exact.
I wanted to be a vegetable tonight, so I sat on the couch and looked for something good on TV. I didn't have much luck. There was football, which was okay, but it was the Giants vs. the Cowboys, so I didn't have any personal interest in that game. There were random things on Food Network. I turned to MTV to catch a glimpse of the VMAs. What a disaster! Honestly, does anyone really sing anymore or is it really possible to lip-synch your way through your entire career? Disappointed, disgusted, and sometimes horrified by the few performances I saw at the VMAs, I decided to put in a DVD of Loreena McKennitt's performance at the Alhambra. Now that is what you call real singing and real performing! The woman actually sings, and she sings beautifully. No fancy stage production (other than a setting at the Alhambra), no wild dance moves, just pure performing and pure singing. And you didn't see any lip-synching. And, really, how many performers can play a harp next to an electric guitar and make it sound really awesome?! I think some of the performers today could take a lesson from her!
I wanted to be a vegetable tonight, so I sat on the couch and looked for something good on TV. I didn't have much luck. There was football, which was okay, but it was the Giants vs. the Cowboys, so I didn't have any personal interest in that game. There were random things on Food Network. I turned to MTV to catch a glimpse of the VMAs. What a disaster! Honestly, does anyone really sing anymore or is it really possible to lip-synch your way through your entire career? Disappointed, disgusted, and sometimes horrified by the few performances I saw at the VMAs, I decided to put in a DVD of Loreena McKennitt's performance at the Alhambra. Now that is what you call real singing and real performing! The woman actually sings, and she sings beautifully. No fancy stage production (other than a setting at the Alhambra), no wild dance moves, just pure performing and pure singing. And you didn't see any lip-synching. And, really, how many performers can play a harp next to an electric guitar and make it sound really awesome?! I think some of the performers today could take a lesson from her!
This has been an odd week. It has been both busy and quiet, if that makes any sense. Things have been busy at work, and things will probably get even more busy over the next few weeks. Life in general, though, has been relatively quiet. Not much is going on and nothing too exciting has happened recently, except for my promotion. Professionally I've been keeping busy, but privately and personally I've been taking it easy. I like my "me-time" and like to retreat into my "self" as Marcus Aurelius would say.
Right now it is feeling like a true fall day. Earlier this morning, temperatures were in the 50s and it was cloudy and overcast. They expect temperatures to stay around the mid-60s today. I like this, and I've been looking forward to it all summer. There is just something cozy about this time of the year. It is cozy and comfortable to snuggle in a long-sleeved t-shirt or sweatshirt. Lighting incense and candles always seems more romantic in the fall and winter. I like the crispness in the air, and I can't wait for the smell of wood burning in fireplaces. It will be nice when it starts to snow, but I really hope that our winter this year isn't as bad as the winter we had last year. Speaking of snow and blizzards, I need to buy a warmer pair of gloves...and maybe a shovel, just in case...
In a nutshell, things are quiet, and for me, that is a good thing.
Update, 6:42 p.m.: the temperature never rose above 60, at least not here in Boulder. Temperatures stayed in the 50s, and here I sit, snug and cozy in my "Classicist" sweatshirt. The real question is what to drink tonight. It is possibly too cold to drink a beer, but maybe not. Red wine would be nice. Or I could make a cup of tea. Tea?? I suppose I could make tea if I wanted a hot toddy... Decisions, decisions...
Right now it is feeling like a true fall day. Earlier this morning, temperatures were in the 50s and it was cloudy and overcast. They expect temperatures to stay around the mid-60s today. I like this, and I've been looking forward to it all summer. There is just something cozy about this time of the year. It is cozy and comfortable to snuggle in a long-sleeved t-shirt or sweatshirt. Lighting incense and candles always seems more romantic in the fall and winter. I like the crispness in the air, and I can't wait for the smell of wood burning in fireplaces. It will be nice when it starts to snow, but I really hope that our winter this year isn't as bad as the winter we had last year. Speaking of snow and blizzards, I need to buy a warmer pair of gloves...and maybe a shovel, just in case...
In a nutshell, things are quiet, and for me, that is a good thing.
Update, 6:42 p.m.: the temperature never rose above 60, at least not here in Boulder. Temperatures stayed in the 50s, and here I sit, snug and cozy in my "Classicist" sweatshirt. The real question is what to drink tonight. It is possibly too cold to drink a beer, but maybe not. Red wine would be nice. Or I could make a cup of tea. Tea?? I suppose I could make tea if I wanted a hot toddy... Decisions, decisions...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
So after being at my new job for only five months, I've already received a promotion. Part of this has to do with the fact that one of our senior project editors will be leaving us. But I was asked to step up to assume one of the "leadership roles" in our department. Either I'm that good, or these people are that crazy, because I've been with the company for only five months! I'm excited, and it is both flattering and scary all at the same time. It will be a lot of work and a lot of responsibility, but I suppose they trust me and think that I'm capable of handling it. It's nice to know that my abilities are recognized and respected!
All of this comes with a new title, Senior Project Editor; a new role, team leader of my imprint; and a pretty good raise! I suppose I can't complain. Things are looking good right about now.
Current mood: scared and nervous but happy and flattered
Current music: Loreena McKennitt. Nights from the Alhambra
Current drink: peach celebration of my promotion, really...
All of this comes with a new title, Senior Project Editor; a new role, team leader of my imprint; and a pretty good raise! I suppose I can't complain. Things are looking good right about now.
Current mood: scared and nervous but happy and flattered
Current music: Loreena McKennitt. Nights from the Alhambra
Current drink: peach celebration of my promotion, really...
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Just Another Sunset...
Soccer Anyone?
I love soccer. Soccer is fun to watch. My big brother coaches soccer and when I was little (younger) I used to run around on the field chasing the ball while he was holding practice. I was probably getting in the way, but he let me and I had fun. So I have no problem with soccer...unless someone is playing it outside my bedroom window at 4:00 in the morning.
I haven't been sleeping well over the past few days, what, with strange dreams about getting attacked by bears and running extreme obstacle courses through the mountains with my co-workers who were running across rocks and rivers in high heels. So, I really need all the sleep I can get these days. This morning, I was stirred out of sleep by the sound of repeated thumps and loud voices. The thump was actually the sound of two people kicking a soccer ball to each other. Occasionally it would hit the trees outside my window, it would bounce off of walls, then one of them would dribble it (basketball style, not soccer style) on the sidewalk. All this at 4:00 in the morning. I can see how someone can not realize how loud they are being if they are having a party in their own house. Maybe they don't always realize that they are disturbing the people around them. But, seriously, how can you not know that you could potentially annoy people when you're playing soccer in a courtyard that is surrounded by other apartment units? ... at 4:00 in the morning!
Eventually, one of my neighbors yelled at them and told them to knock it off because it was 4:00 in the morning. The loud, obnoxious guy asked her what time it was and when she repeated it he just said "oh my God." And this wasn't an "oh my God, I can't believe how late/early it is and I'm sorry." It was more of an "oh my God, I really don't care." Then he made some annoying comment that she shouldn't worry about the time because tomorrow/today is Sunday and she shouldn't worry because she shouldn't have to get up to go to work. Obviously he was slightly drunk or stoned, or he is just an idiot. Either way, this guy and the girl he was with went back into their apartment, so it was good that the lady yelled at them. She is a new neighbor and replaced my previously annoying neighbor who used to talk on the phone really loud while smoking outside my apartment. But this new neighbor sounds like the type of woman who will call the police if things in the building get too loud and out of control. Probably more sensible than me running outside and swinging a frying pan at various heads.
I haven't been sleeping well over the past few days, what, with strange dreams about getting attacked by bears and running extreme obstacle courses through the mountains with my co-workers who were running across rocks and rivers in high heels. So, I really need all the sleep I can get these days. This morning, I was stirred out of sleep by the sound of repeated thumps and loud voices. The thump was actually the sound of two people kicking a soccer ball to each other. Occasionally it would hit the trees outside my window, it would bounce off of walls, then one of them would dribble it (basketball style, not soccer style) on the sidewalk. All this at 4:00 in the morning. I can see how someone can not realize how loud they are being if they are having a party in their own house. Maybe they don't always realize that they are disturbing the people around them. But, seriously, how can you not know that you could potentially annoy people when you're playing soccer in a courtyard that is surrounded by other apartment units? ... at 4:00 in the morning!
Eventually, one of my neighbors yelled at them and told them to knock it off because it was 4:00 in the morning. The loud, obnoxious guy asked her what time it was and when she repeated it he just said "oh my God." And this wasn't an "oh my God, I can't believe how late/early it is and I'm sorry." It was more of an "oh my God, I really don't care." Then he made some annoying comment that she shouldn't worry about the time because tomorrow/today is Sunday and she shouldn't worry because she shouldn't have to get up to go to work. Obviously he was slightly drunk or stoned, or he is just an idiot. Either way, this guy and the girl he was with went back into their apartment, so it was good that the lady yelled at them. She is a new neighbor and replaced my previously annoying neighbor who used to talk on the phone really loud while smoking outside my apartment. But this new neighbor sounds like the type of woman who will call the police if things in the building get too loud and out of control. Probably more sensible than me running outside and swinging a frying pan at various heads.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Long Philosophical Post (not all my own)
I've been feeling moody these past few days, some might say weeks. Whenever I get into moods like this, I try to find a way to get myself out of the slightly depressed mood into a better mood. Often, I like to read the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius. Yes, it is exactly the thing that a dorky Classicist would do, but he often offers some practical advice. Here is a long piece that I hope you enjoy...
Men seek for seclusion in the wilderness, by the seashore, or in the mountains--a dream you have cherished only too fondly yourself. But such fancies are wholly unworthy of a philosopher, since at any moment you choose you can retire within yourself. Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul; above all, he who possesses resources in himself, which he need only contemplate to secure immediate ease of mind--the ease that is but another word for a well-ordered spirit. Avail yourself often, then, of this retirement, and so continually renew yourself. Make your rules of life brief, yet so as to embrace the fundamentals; recurrence to them will then suffice to remove all vexation, and send you back without fretting to the duties to which you must return.
After all, what is it that frets you? the vices of humanity? Remember the doctrine that all rational beings are created for one another; that toleration is a part of justice; and that men are not intentional evildoers. Think of the myriad enmities, suspicions, animosities, and conflicts that are now vanished with the dust and ashes of the men who knew them; and fret no more. ...
...Or does the bubble reputation distract you? Keep before your eyes the swift onset of oblivion, and the abysses of eternity before us and behind; mark how hollow are the echoes of applause, how fickle and undiscerning the judgments of professed admirers, and how puny the arena of human fame. For the entire earth is but a point, and the place of our own habitation but a minute corner in it; and how many are therein who will praise you, and what sort of men are they?
Remember then to withdraw into the little field of self. Above all, never struggle or strain; but be master of yourself, and view life as a man, as a human being, as a citizen, and as a mortal. Among the truths you will do well to contemplate most frequently are these two: first, that things can never touch the soul, but stand inert outside it, so that disquiet can arise only from fancies within; and secondly, that all visible objects change in a moment and will be no more. Think of the countless changes in which you yourself have had a part. The whole universe is change, and life itself is but what you deem it. (Translation by Maxwell Stainforth)
After all, what is it that frets you? the vices of humanity? Remember the doctrine that all rational beings are created for one another; that toleration is a part of justice; and that men are not intentional evildoers. Think of the myriad enmities, suspicions, animosities, and conflicts that are now vanished with the dust and ashes of the men who knew them; and fret no more. ...
...Or does the bubble reputation distract you? Keep before your eyes the swift onset of oblivion, and the abysses of eternity before us and behind; mark how hollow are the echoes of applause, how fickle and undiscerning the judgments of professed admirers, and how puny the arena of human fame. For the entire earth is but a point, and the place of our own habitation but a minute corner in it; and how many are therein who will praise you, and what sort of men are they?
Remember then to withdraw into the little field of self. Above all, never struggle or strain; but be master of yourself, and view life as a man, as a human being, as a citizen, and as a mortal. Among the truths you will do well to contemplate most frequently are these two: first, that things can never touch the soul, but stand inert outside it, so that disquiet can arise only from fancies within; and secondly, that all visible objects change in a moment and will be no more. Think of the countless changes in which you yourself have had a part. The whole universe is change, and life itself is but what you deem it. (Translation by Maxwell Stainforth)
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