This was one rough week at work! And it seemed rough for everyone not just me. More and more work is starting to pour in, and many of us are at our limit. I think that I have about 14 or 15 projects right now, and everyone else has a heavy workload too. What a lot of people don't realize is that each project and each book is like a different child. No child is the same, and no book is the same. One book can be easy to deal with, but another book can drive you to your wits end. It seems like several of the editors have had problem children to deal with this week. At one point or another, we all hit our rough patches that take us to the breaking point. I wasn't one of the ones who were at the breaking point, but I was definitely feeling overwhelmed. But there was something about this week that seemed extra odd and unusual. Everything seemed "off" and out of whack. Maybe it was because of the full moon. Maybe it is because Mercury is about to go into retrograde. (I can't explain it. Look it up.) Maybe it is the stress. Maybe everyone is PMSing. Something just didn't seem right about this week. People seemed more stress and sensitive than usual. There was a mix of moodiness and sadness. In spite of all the work that everyone had to do, there was a lack of motivation.
I'll admit, I was part of all of this too. I'll also be the first to admit that I can be very moody. It has nothing to do with PMS or the moon. I'm just moody and emotional in general. I'm also the type of person that, like a sponge, sucks in the emotions or moods of the people around me. If a lot of people around me are sad, then I start to get depressed. If people around me are stressed, I get stressed. If people around me are angry and annoyed, I get angry and annoyed. I can be in a perfectly fine mood, but in a matter of minutes I can change depending on what is going on around me. I'm just waiting to turn into a big, green monster like the Incredible Hulk.
My moods this week shifted from perfectly fine, to angry and annoyed, and finally to grumpy and pouty. I usually have a good poker face, and for the most part people seem to think that I'm always cool, calm, and collected. I always laugh inside when I hear this, because they have no idea how crazy I am. But I guess I'm a little more transparent to some of my closer friends. After work today, one of my very wonderful and beautiful friends gave me a call to check up on me. She said that I looked sad at work, so she wanted to make sure I was doing okay. In spite of everything that went on all week, that single moment, that one phone call, made everything better, because it reminded me that there are, in fact, a few people out there who actually pay attention to me and who care about me. So I'm feeling much better after receiving a wonderful call from a wonderful friend. I also, sort of, feel like a crazy fool for being such a moody idiot, but, what's new?
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