Friday, January 12, 2007


Well, we're in the middle of another storm. Fortunately (so far), we're not having a blizzard or an unbelievable amount of snow. Instead, we've had a little bit of snow and what people like to call "freezing rain." I'm not sure which is worse. Needless to say it is [insert adjective of your choice] COLD! Temperatures dropped below zero last night, and when I was getting ready for work this morning, the temperature was around 0 and -1. The roads in the morning were icy at times, but for the most part they were surprisingly good. In spite of the decent drive to work, I was still gritting my teeth and muttering to myself, "why don't they have publishers in Southern California? Then I wouldn't have to go out in weather like this. I'm cold. My car is cold. The roads are icy. I don't like this..." grumble, grumble, grumble... The temperature is already starting to fall below zero right now, and if you consider the windchill, I think things are around -15. I checked the weather reports for Southern California, and right now the temperature there is around 50. When I was living in California, 40 or 50 always felt really cold to me. Now that I've been living in Colorado for about four years, 50 feels pretty nice.

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