We all have our own versions of crack, those little addictions and vices that take control of our lives and send us into a mind-numbing, body-shaking withdrawal if we don't get our fix. I have two big new year's resolutions this year, to eat healthier and to save money. In the past I haven't always been good about eating leftovers. Usually, I eat things for two days, get sick of it, and throw away the rest. This is bad because you throw away good food and essentially you throw away money, too. So I was good, and for the past four days (yes four, I'm just one person here), I was able to take full advantage of a good pot of chili. And, it was even on the healthy side because I added some extra tomatoes and black beans. Normally, I'm not a big fan of tomatoes and I'm picky about the types of beans I like. So, save money and eat healthy accomplished for four days. Yay! I also happened to catch Super Size Me on TV the other night, and that movie will turn anyone away from fast food. So, I was feeling resolved--eat healthy, eat leftovers and save money, and don't eat fast food! But then the crack affect starts to set in. Why? Why? Why do I have a near unbearable craving for a sausage and egg McMuffin? Ooo, and one that's still so hot it melts the cheese. And those hashbrowns... I'm comforted by the fact that it is past 10:30 a.m., and there is no way I can possibly have a sausage and egg McMuffin now, fortunately. Maybe I have PMS. But why do we crave things we know we shouldn't have? My mind says "no," but my body says "yes."
Then comes addiction number two. Checking e-mail is sometimes a bad thing if you know that you often get e-mail newsletters from certain people. I checked my email this morning to find a message reading, "Save up to 50% on select clothing at Victoria's Secret." And if that's not enough for you, how about free shipping on orders over $100. ARGHHHH!!! How evil is that? They know that most people make a New Year's resolution to save money, they know that people are trying to recover from Christmas shopping debt, yet they peddle these offers and dangle them in front of helpless and weak souls. I'm happy to say that I deleted the e-mail immediately. No clicking on any links to see the available offers, I just deleted it.
Bad Roads
Some of the roads here are still pretty bad after the blizzard. The main roads are fine with the exception of certain lanes being slightly narrow because of piles of snowdrifts along the side of the road. Some of the side streets are still horrible. When roads aren't plowed, the snow just gets packed down solid by cars that have no choice to drive over it. Parts of the snow melts in patches during the day, then things freeze during the night. More cars drive over things the next day, ice turns to slush, things get packed down, things freeze again, then things melt again. What you're left with is a "road" where parts are still covered with three or four inches of snow right next to patches where the road is exposed. And in places you'll also find the occasional pothole. When you drive it, you're driving on a very lumpy and bumpy road. At one point your tires could be climbing a little mound of snow only to fall suddenly into an open patch on the road. It almost feels like you are trying to drive across a road of boulders. Sitting in the driver's seat feels more like you're sitting in a boat that is being rocked back and forth. Add to the mix the fact that you're still driving on ice at times and still find yourself slipping. This is annoying, but I cringe every time I drive over roads like this. I'm not afraid of the ice or afraid of sliding, I'm afraid what the road is doing to my car. Creeping over a pile of snow and falling into a pothole can't be good for the tires or the alignment. As I drive over these streets, all I can do is grit my teeth and mutter "this would never happen in Irvine."
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