Leave the Sigmas at Home!
I think I've written a post about this before, but I just have to write about it again. I must repeat how much I hate it when people use Greek sigmas (Σ) to represent the letter E. People do it all the time in advertising. They use sigmas in movie posters, store signs, business names, you name it. There is a new show on ABC Family called "Greek," and, yes, they are falling into the sigma trap.
Σ does not equal E!! Yes, the Greek lettering might look cool, but it is WRONG! It's WRONG and it's STUPID! And any advertising executive or creative "genius" who comes up with this should be fired! They should be fired and forced to take a real Greek class! IDIOTS...
Current mood: disgruntled
Current music: Holly Brook. Like Blood, Like Honey
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
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