Sunday, July 23, 2006

I Hate the Human Race

The only thing I hate more than bad drivers on the roads are bad shopping cart drivers in the grocery store. Honestly, people, is it that difficult to be considerate. Do you have to leave your shopping cart in the middle of the aisle while you walk up and down the aisle browsing at the food? The shopping carts I really hate are the SUV shopping carts for parents and their five kids. Those carts are just plain dangerous! And, do you have to leave your cart at the checkout stand while you run throughout the store to get some last minute dozen items? Not to mention the fact that those extra items push you over the limit in the "express" lane. What I hate most is when people are on their cell phones while trying to drive their carts through the store. No, that's okay, really, you were on your cell, I'm sure you didn't see me standing here and accidentally and unfortunately crash your cart into my leg, don't worry, it is only bleeding a little, I'm sure my insurance will pay for a severed Achilles tendon, I won't keep you from your conversation, I'm sure it's costing you minutes. IDIOTS!

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