I'll admit that I buy several different brands of the same type of liquor. Let's call them grades. I might buy three different kinds of Merlot, and each has a different price and a different quality. The same rule applies with all of the alcohol I buy. I might have my "regular" vodka, but I also have a quality vodka. I've had an unopened bottle of Grey Goose sitting in my little liquor cabinet for months now, and, because I ran out of my "regular" vodka, I decided to open the Grey Goose. I've made Peach Martinis for myself many times, but tonight's Peach Martini tasted especially good. Maybe it was because I chilled the glass for an hour before making the drink. Maybe it was because I put the right amount of ice in the shaker. Maybe it was because I poured the right measurements. Maybe it was because I shook (not stirred) it just the right amount of time. Maybe all of these things come into play, but I think the Grey Goose had something to do with it.
So why do I even bother buying several versions of the same things? Well, it's all a matter of situation and money. If I'm at home alone and I want a glass of wine or two, I don't really need to open the $20-$30 bottle of wine. A $10 bottle will just do fine. And when you are drinking cocktails, the ingredients can get quite expensive so you have to make you sacrifices and err on the side of price over quality. So, why do I buy the expensive things? Well, in general I tend to save the high quality and more expensive stuff for my "special guests" who are visiting me. The special ladies get the special drinks. Some people might say that that makes me shallow, but say what you will. Put simply the depth of my love determines the extent of my sacrifice. With me there is a difference between having a friend and being in love. But that is another blog...
Current drink: Peach Martini
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: Beth Waters "Blue and White"
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