Saturday, July 22, 2006

Why Can't People Drive These Days?

The other day a friend and I were talking about how bad people seem to be driving these days. We wonder what the problem is. Maybe the heat and hot sun are melting the normal brain functions. A few days ago when I was leaving my apartment to go to work, I was pulling out of my street and getting ready to turn on another street when a woman came zipping around the corner to pull into my street. Had I been a foot to the left or pulled out a foot more, she would have hit me head on. That's how tight she cut the corner. But here is the picture. Between her left shoulder and her left ear she was attempting to hold up a cell phone. All at the same time she was holding a coffee mug in her left hand. I suppose she was steering with her knee and trying to shift with her right hand. Bitch! Today, when I was going out everyone seemed to be driving extremely slow. And when I say slow, I mean driving 50 in the left lane of a freeway without a clue of knowing that people slamming on their breaks behind. And when a horse trailer with four horses is passing your Subaru Outback (the standard car that everyone in Colorado drives), you are driving too slow. Stay home people! And stay off the roads if you can't drive!

Current drink: Jamba Juice's Strawberry Nirvana

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