I'm back in Boulder after a vacation home in California. I had a great time at home. All I did was relax, eat, spend time with the family, and play and wrestle with the dogs. It was absolutely wonderful, but that always makes it hard to leave and come back to my adult world where I'm not so spoiled.
The weather in California was strange this Christmas. When I got home, there was quite a bit of snow on the ground. In fact, there seemed to me more snow in California than in Colorado when I left. The snow lasted for a few days until we got some hard rain that washed away/melted all the snow. Some days were cold and windy, but toward the end of the week the weather was beautiful.
It is always tough to come back to work after a vacation. It takes a while to remember what I was doing before I left, and it takes some time to get resettled. But fortunately this will be a short week because of the New Year's holiday.
And when I got back to work, I got some wonderful news that my lovely friend/co-worker just got engaged. So I'm very happy and excited for her, and wish her congratulations!
More (long overdue) updates will come soon...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Absent and Vacations--Quick Update
I realize that it has been quite a while since I've last posted something. After coming back from my Thanksgiving vacation, I've been inundated with work and haven't had much of a break. It's as if going from park to fifth gear in a matter of seconds. Things have been extremely busy, and I've been extremely exhausted. I'll be going home for vacation for the entire week of Christmas, but that means that I have only one week, next week, to get all of my projects in order before I leave. I love publishing, but the difficult thing about working at a job with deadlines is that you constantly have to plan around deadlines and schedules. Next week will be even worse because it will be the week where there are several office holiday parties. Because the economy isn't in the greatest shape, our office will be having a holiday potluck at work instead of a big dinner at a restaurant. Because I'm not going to have much time to cook anything nice for myself let alone an entire office, I've signed up to bring in a few bottles of wine. Next week we also have our department happy hour gift exchange. Things will be busy next week and all of the parties, nice as they might be, will get in the way of getting work done. I have a feeling that I will be getting to work early every day and bringing work home with me every night. Hopefully I'll survive...
Monday, December 01, 2008
Vacation and Back to Business
I'm finally back after a long absence. I'm sure my die hard, loyal readers have been holding their breaths and eagerly awaiting a new post. Ok, maybe not.
Vacation: As you might have guessed by now, I've been away on vacation. I went home to California to visit the family and didn't get a chance to update my blog. Sure I could have written some updates here and there, but I was too busy eating and resting and relaxing and playing with the dogs. As to be expected it was a wonderful trip and a week always seems too short. But fortunately I'll be going home again in a few weeks for my Christmas vacation.
Adventures in Travel: While the trip home was wonderful, the journey back was adventurous. First of all, my flight was delayed. I think that the delays were caused by bad weather in the Midwest, and somehow the series of delays eventually affected my flight. The arriving plane that was then supposed to take me to Denver was delayed, so I ended up being delayed by about an hour. But it is winter and I expect these things to happen, so I don't let myself get bothered by it...unlike a few other people in the terminal who kept asking where the plane was.
There also happened to be an entire team of teenage girls from some kind of athletic team on my flight. Their presence was both amusing and annoying. Amusing in the sense that I'm so old, I can't even remember what it was like to be that young. Annoying in the sense that they were lying all over the floor around the gate, so people had to step over or around them to get from one place to another.
The one good thing that happened was that I was able to get my bag right away from baggage claim. By the time I was able to get from the gate to the baggage carousel the bags were already coming out. I walked up, looked down, and there was my bag. Wahoo! However, that wasn't quick enough for me to catch the 7:00 p.m. shuttle, so I had to wait for the 8:00 shuttle. Another hour delay, so to speak. I got on the shuttle bus and naturally it was crowded with people coming back from vacation. We stopped near a hotel in Boulder, and they broke us up into smaller vans to take us to different locations. This time my van had only three people, so that wasn't so bad. However, the person who got off the shuttle before me accidentally took my bag. It was an older gentleman, it was dark, both our bags are red, so I can see how that could happen, but that sort of took the air out of the sail of my sinking ship. Fortunately, a neighbor of the gentleman called me and was able to bring my bag to me. So that reinforced my somewhat weakening belief that there are still good people in the world. But by the time I got settled at home it was about 10:00, and I was exhausted. What is normally a five hour travel day, ended up being about a nine hour travel day somehow.
Work: Everything at work seemed to be in good order. My teammates did a great job of babysitting my projects while I was away. But there was a lot to take care of today, and this is going to be a really busy and hectic week. I'm already looking forward to my next vacation!
Vacation: As you might have guessed by now, I've been away on vacation. I went home to California to visit the family and didn't get a chance to update my blog. Sure I could have written some updates here and there, but I was too busy eating and resting and relaxing and playing with the dogs. As to be expected it was a wonderful trip and a week always seems too short. But fortunately I'll be going home again in a few weeks for my Christmas vacation.
Adventures in Travel: While the trip home was wonderful, the journey back was adventurous. First of all, my flight was delayed. I think that the delays were caused by bad weather in the Midwest, and somehow the series of delays eventually affected my flight. The arriving plane that was then supposed to take me to Denver was delayed, so I ended up being delayed by about an hour. But it is winter and I expect these things to happen, so I don't let myself get bothered by it...unlike a few other people in the terminal who kept asking where the plane was.
There also happened to be an entire team of teenage girls from some kind of athletic team on my flight. Their presence was both amusing and annoying. Amusing in the sense that I'm so old, I can't even remember what it was like to be that young. Annoying in the sense that they were lying all over the floor around the gate, so people had to step over or around them to get from one place to another.
The one good thing that happened was that I was able to get my bag right away from baggage claim. By the time I was able to get from the gate to the baggage carousel the bags were already coming out. I walked up, looked down, and there was my bag. Wahoo! However, that wasn't quick enough for me to catch the 7:00 p.m. shuttle, so I had to wait for the 8:00 shuttle. Another hour delay, so to speak. I got on the shuttle bus and naturally it was crowded with people coming back from vacation. We stopped near a hotel in Boulder, and they broke us up into smaller vans to take us to different locations. This time my van had only three people, so that wasn't so bad. However, the person who got off the shuttle before me accidentally took my bag. It was an older gentleman, it was dark, both our bags are red, so I can see how that could happen, but that sort of took the air out of the sail of my sinking ship. Fortunately, a neighbor of the gentleman called me and was able to bring my bag to me. So that reinforced my somewhat weakening belief that there are still good people in the world. But by the time I got settled at home it was about 10:00, and I was exhausted. What is normally a five hour travel day, ended up being about a nine hour travel day somehow.
Work: Everything at work seemed to be in good order. My teammates did a great job of babysitting my projects while I was away. But there was a lot to take care of today, and this is going to be a really busy and hectic week. I'm already looking forward to my next vacation!
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm really looking forward to my vacation home. However, I'm not looking forward to getting up at 4:00 a.m. to catch the shuttle at 6:00 a.m. to be at the airport on time for a 9:45 a.m. flight. It will be nice once I'm home, though. I'm more or less all packed, and all I'll need to do tomorrow is throw some final things in my suitcase before heading out.
Fortunately I was able to get all of my projects at work in good shape before I left today. Unfortunately, though, I will need to take some work home with me. But, fortunately, it isn't a lot and it's a small cookbook, so it will be easier and quicker to read.
All in all, it should be a nice vacation. But I should probably be getting to bed soon, because it is going to be a long day tomorrow.
Fortunately I was able to get all of my projects at work in good shape before I left today. Unfortunately, though, I will need to take some work home with me. But, fortunately, it isn't a lot and it's a small cookbook, so it will be easier and quicker to read.
All in all, it should be a nice vacation. But I should probably be getting to bed soon, because it is going to be a long day tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Dilated Editor Is a Useless Editor
Today I had my first eye appointment in about three years. As I mentioned in a previous post, the strain of my job has weakened my eyes a little bit. I did need a stronger prescription, but fortunately it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I had a full, comprehensive--yes, that was probably a bit redundant--exam. Because this was a new eye doctor for me, I had to get used to new tests on different machines. When the time came to test my eye pressure, I was expecting one of two tests. One would have been the puff of air. In the past it would always take about three or four times for the test to register, because I kept blinking so much. Another time the eye doctor tested my eye pressure by thumping a tono pen on my eyeball. That just felt weird. At this new eye doctor, they tested my eye pressure with a completely different machine. Before the test they put some thick, yellow drops in my eyes to numb them, so I didn't feel a thing. After that, the optometrist then had to dilate my eyes before she could do the other tests. She said that my eyes look great (I get that all the time!), and everything looks really healthy. She said the only strange thing she saw was that I have a "tilted nerve." Apparently that's normal and I was just born with a tilted nerve.
So everything turned out great. I picked out some cool new glasses and some new sunglasses. Usually it takes about five to ten days for those to come in, but the lady who was helping me said that she could put a rush on it, so maybe they will come in before I go on my vacation.
The only bad thing about the whole experience was going back to work after the appointment. I forgot about the aftereffects of getting your eyes dilated. Naturally I was sensitive to light, so the bright, fluorescent light in the office was a little harsh. I had to keep my sunglasses on for a few hours. Then I forgot that you have problems focusing on things up close. Well, not being able to read pages or the computer makes editing pretty difficult, so I was somewhat useless at work for the rest of the day. Next year, I have to remember to schedule my appointment for the afternoon instead of first thing in the morning. At least now my vision is finally starting to come back, but any typos, spelling or grammatical errors that you see in this post can be blamed on my dilation...
So everything turned out great. I picked out some cool new glasses and some new sunglasses. Usually it takes about five to ten days for those to come in, but the lady who was helping me said that she could put a rush on it, so maybe they will come in before I go on my vacation.
The only bad thing about the whole experience was going back to work after the appointment. I forgot about the aftereffects of getting your eyes dilated. Naturally I was sensitive to light, so the bright, fluorescent light in the office was a little harsh. I had to keep my sunglasses on for a few hours. Then I forgot that you have problems focusing on things up close. Well, not being able to read pages or the computer makes editing pretty difficult, so I was somewhat useless at work for the rest of the day. Next year, I have to remember to schedule my appointment for the afternoon instead of first thing in the morning. At least now my vision is finally starting to come back, but any typos, spelling or grammatical errors that you see in this post can be blamed on my dilation...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
With my vacation coming at the end of this week, I'm already starting to prepare for the trip. Yes, I'm preparing almost a week early, because I'm a planner and a control freak. As I mentioned in a previous post, this planning included haircuts, cleaning, reservations, etc.
Witness to stupidity: This has nothing to do with my preparations, but I though I should comment on it anyway. And it's been a while since I've written a post about stupid people, so here we go. Boulder is an active city with lots of people walking, jogging, and biking on the streets or sidewalks. There is an understanding that drivers look out for walkers, joggers, and bikers and walkers, joggers, and bikers look out for drivers. While driving to hair salon, I was stopped at a light and noticed a man and his son on their bikes riding in the bike lane. Since there was no traffic coming from the other directions, the father just started to ride through the intersection and through what was our red light. The son paused for a moment, but then started to follow. But just then the traffic in the opposite direction had the green arrow and started to turn into the intersection. The son sort of panicked in the middle of the intersection, and turned around and went back to the street corner. The idiot father was about fifty yards away before he eventually looked back and noticed that his son was still waiting for the light to change. That's great parenting for you!
Haircut: My hair has been a somewhat long, wild mess because it's been many, many months since I got my last haircut. I'm happy that I found a new salon—officially it's called a barber shop, I guess—where I can get a nice haircut for a good price. I've been to some really nice salons in Boulder, but I was tired of spending $60–$70 on a haircut. And if you got something like highlights, it would be well over $100. I've decided I don't want to do color or highlights anymore...at least not for a while. I got tired of spending the money to maintain it. Plus, I sort of decided to just let myself go gray. So all I really need is a cut and nothing too special. At this new place, I can get a cut for only $30. Wahoo! They also give you a massage when they are finished. I thought it was going to be a regular massage, but it turned out that they use a large, vibrating machine. (I realize that sounds somewhat naughty, but I don't know how else to describe it...) Anyway, the large, vibrating massage machine was really powerful and not exactly gentle or soothing or relaxing. It actually felt like my teeth were about to rattle and fall out of my head. But it's the thought that counts.
Shuttle: Because this is a busy travel week, I wanted to make early reservations for shuttle service to the airport. Usually I can make easy reservations online, but the company must have changed their Web site because I was redirected to the national shuttle service. You can still make reservations, but things didn't seem right. I'm not sure if I missed something when I was selecting my service, but when they gave me the rates they quoted the price as $230. Um, $230 for a trip to the airport? Is it in a limo with a mini bar? Does it come with an escort? That didn't seem right, so I quit that session and decided to phone in my reservation for the bargain price of $30. I'm still somewhat curious what you get with a $230 shuttle trip, but I suppose I'll have to find out another day.
Current mood: full—I made my world famous Vodka Cream Pasta for dinner tonight
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—David Gray "Say Hello Wave Goodbye"
Current drink: Remy Martin VSOP Cognac
Witness to stupidity: This has nothing to do with my preparations, but I though I should comment on it anyway. And it's been a while since I've written a post about stupid people, so here we go. Boulder is an active city with lots of people walking, jogging, and biking on the streets or sidewalks. There is an understanding that drivers look out for walkers, joggers, and bikers and walkers, joggers, and bikers look out for drivers. While driving to hair salon, I was stopped at a light and noticed a man and his son on their bikes riding in the bike lane. Since there was no traffic coming from the other directions, the father just started to ride through the intersection and through what was our red light. The son paused for a moment, but then started to follow. But just then the traffic in the opposite direction had the green arrow and started to turn into the intersection. The son sort of panicked in the middle of the intersection, and turned around and went back to the street corner. The idiot father was about fifty yards away before he eventually looked back and noticed that his son was still waiting for the light to change. That's great parenting for you!
Haircut: My hair has been a somewhat long, wild mess because it's been many, many months since I got my last haircut. I'm happy that I found a new salon—officially it's called a barber shop, I guess—where I can get a nice haircut for a good price. I've been to some really nice salons in Boulder, but I was tired of spending $60–$70 on a haircut. And if you got something like highlights, it would be well over $100. I've decided I don't want to do color or highlights anymore...at least not for a while. I got tired of spending the money to maintain it. Plus, I sort of decided to just let myself go gray. So all I really need is a cut and nothing too special. At this new place, I can get a cut for only $30. Wahoo! They also give you a massage when they are finished. I thought it was going to be a regular massage, but it turned out that they use a large, vibrating machine. (I realize that sounds somewhat naughty, but I don't know how else to describe it...) Anyway, the large, vibrating massage machine was really powerful and not exactly gentle or soothing or relaxing. It actually felt like my teeth were about to rattle and fall out of my head. But it's the thought that counts.
Shuttle: Because this is a busy travel week, I wanted to make early reservations for shuttle service to the airport. Usually I can make easy reservations online, but the company must have changed their Web site because I was redirected to the national shuttle service. You can still make reservations, but things didn't seem right. I'm not sure if I missed something when I was selecting my service, but when they gave me the rates they quoted the price as $230. Um, $230 for a trip to the airport? Is it in a limo with a mini bar? Does it come with an escort? That didn't seem right, so I quit that session and decided to phone in my reservation for the bargain price of $30. I'm still somewhat curious what you get with a $230 shuttle trip, but I suppose I'll have to find out another day.
Current mood: full—I made my world famous Vodka Cream Pasta for dinner tonight
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—David Gray "Say Hello Wave Goodbye"
Current drink: Remy Martin VSOP Cognac
Friday, November 14, 2008
This and That
Work: Things have been busy as usual. The end of the year tends to be one of the busiest times as we try to finish all of our books by December. So I've been busy, but I'm also resisting the temptation to stay late or to take work home with me. I try to listen to the wise advice of a lovely friend who whispers in my ear and tells me to not bring home with me. I just don't want to burn myself out, because I've done that too many times before. The rewards never quite measure up to the effort and energy expended.
Vacation: Things seem even busier at work because I'll be going home for vacation during the week of Thanksgiving. Yes, I'll be taking the entire week off! I'm really looking forward to it, but I just have a million things to do before then. In addition to the work, there are the life things I need to take care of. I should probably get a haircut. And next week I have an appointment to get my eyes checked. It's been about three or four years since I last had an eye appointment, and I think my eyes have been strained and abused by this career path that I've chosen. So I found an eye doctor in Boulder, and I finally made an appointment. My new doctor will probably yell at me for going so long without a check-up, but it will be nice to be able to see again. Then I need to stop my mail, make a reservation for the shuttle to take me to the airport, pay my bills, pay my rent, etc., etc., etc. …
Weather: When I woke up this morning I was surprised to see the first dusting of snow on the roofs, trees, and grass. This was the first noticeable snow that we've had this year. It's been snowing up high in the mountains, but until last night, nothing has hit the Front Range or the city. This is really odd. Usually we get our first snowfall in October, but here we are in the middle of November and we get our first dusting. And it really was a dusting. Plus it all melted within a few hours. I wonder if this means that we're going to have a mild winter this year. Or maybe it means that we're going to get hammered with a horrible blizzard sometime in December or March. You never know in this state!
Garlic: I've eaten so much garlic today, I think I will be able to repel vampires for about five years. This afternoon I went out to lunch with a few co-workers—my team and our boss—and we went to an Italian restaurant. We had garlic bread and then my dish had what seemed like an entire head of garlic in it. Then one of the treats at our Special Treats Food Club gathering today happened to be homemade hummus, and it happened to be a super garlic hummus. Wow! I'm going to be fun to be around for the next few weeks!
Current mood: tired
Current drink: soy milk
Vacation: Things seem even busier at work because I'll be going home for vacation during the week of Thanksgiving. Yes, I'll be taking the entire week off! I'm really looking forward to it, but I just have a million things to do before then. In addition to the work, there are the life things I need to take care of. I should probably get a haircut. And next week I have an appointment to get my eyes checked. It's been about three or four years since I last had an eye appointment, and I think my eyes have been strained and abused by this career path that I've chosen. So I found an eye doctor in Boulder, and I finally made an appointment. My new doctor will probably yell at me for going so long without a check-up, but it will be nice to be able to see again. Then I need to stop my mail, make a reservation for the shuttle to take me to the airport, pay my bills, pay my rent, etc., etc., etc. …
Weather: When I woke up this morning I was surprised to see the first dusting of snow on the roofs, trees, and grass. This was the first noticeable snow that we've had this year. It's been snowing up high in the mountains, but until last night, nothing has hit the Front Range or the city. This is really odd. Usually we get our first snowfall in October, but here we are in the middle of November and we get our first dusting. And it really was a dusting. Plus it all melted within a few hours. I wonder if this means that we're going to have a mild winter this year. Or maybe it means that we're going to get hammered with a horrible blizzard sometime in December or March. You never know in this state!
Garlic: I've eaten so much garlic today, I think I will be able to repel vampires for about five years. This afternoon I went out to lunch with a few co-workers—my team and our boss—and we went to an Italian restaurant. We had garlic bread and then my dish had what seemed like an entire head of garlic in it. Then one of the treats at our Special Treats Food Club gathering today happened to be homemade hummus, and it happened to be a super garlic hummus. Wow! I'm going to be fun to be around for the next few weeks!
Current mood: tired
Current drink: soy milk
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Beautiful Morning
This has been a very unusual late fall/early winter in Colorado. Usually by this time there would be snow on the ground, but so far we haven't had any significant snowfall. There has been snow up high in the mountains, but nothing has hit the front range and cities yet. Here it is, the morning of November 8, and I'm sitting in my living room with the windows open. Right now it is a very comfortable 57 degrees, and earlier I was standing on my balcony drinking a cup of coffee. It's a beautiful and wonderful morning.
However, I can't get too comfortable and relaxed and lazy. My apartment needs some serious cleaning!
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Melissa Etheridge "I've Loved You Before"
Current drink: coffee
However, I can't get too comfortable and relaxed and lazy. My apartment needs some serious cleaning!
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Melissa Etheridge "I've Loved You Before"
Current drink: coffee
Thursday, November 06, 2008
This and That
Post-Election Thoughts: It goes without saying that this was an amazing week in American politics. We just took a historic step by electing the first African American president. It's great not only to see it but to actually play a part in it by voting for Obama. Of course I've voted several times before, but I've never felt so passionate or energized about an election as this one. Everyone around me seemed energized and passionate. The day after the election we had a victory party at work with food, cake, and champagne. It's been an amazing and incredible election year.
Bitter-Sweet: Although I was ecstatic and celebrating the Obama victory, I was disappointed that Prop 8, the amendment banning gay marriage, passed in California. Gay marriage bans also passed in Arizona and Florida, and Arkansas went so far as to ban gay adoption. Technically the words in the amendment banned "unmarried couples" from adopting children. Yes, that means an unmarried heterosexual couple can't adopt children (which is pretty bad in itself), but I think we all know what they really mean when they say "unmarried couples." They mean the gay or lesbian couples who, of course, can't get married. As I might have said before: only in this country can a person go on TV and marry a complete stranger for a million dollars, but God forbid a loving and committed gay or lesbian couple want to get married. That destroys the sanctity of marriage. That destroys society. The sky will fall. There will be fires and floods and earthquakes and swarms of locusts... It's really sad and pathetic. We like to think of ourselves as the "leaders of the free world," but we really have a lot to learn and we still have a long way to go.
Sickness and Health: This isn't related to marriage. This is related to our office, because it seems to be infested with a new virus. A new cold, flu, plague, or whatever it is, is making its way through our department. So far it has hit two people--two people who happen to be on my team--and my guess is that it won't be long before it infects everyone else. I've been lucky and have thus far been able to avoid all of the plagues that have hit the office over the past year. It's almost ironic because many of my co-workers tease me for how "unhealthy" I am because I'm obsessed with root beer, I love chips and Cheetos, I'm often craving blue cheese burgers, and I love to drink. So, with this being unhealthy--and maybe it is slightly unhealthy-- everyone is always shocked that I never get sick. Here is the secret: cod liver pills and a huge glass of orange juice every day. And when you feel like you might be getting sick, get a huge Jamba Juice with an immunity boost and go to Noodles (if you're lucky to have them where you live) and get a huge bowl of chicken noodle soup. But cod liver pills and OJ are the real secret. And maybe a few shots of whiskey to kill the germs...
Bitter-Sweet: Although I was ecstatic and celebrating the Obama victory, I was disappointed that Prop 8, the amendment banning gay marriage, passed in California. Gay marriage bans also passed in Arizona and Florida, and Arkansas went so far as to ban gay adoption. Technically the words in the amendment banned "unmarried couples" from adopting children. Yes, that means an unmarried heterosexual couple can't adopt children (which is pretty bad in itself), but I think we all know what they really mean when they say "unmarried couples." They mean the gay or lesbian couples who, of course, can't get married. As I might have said before: only in this country can a person go on TV and marry a complete stranger for a million dollars, but God forbid a loving and committed gay or lesbian couple want to get married. That destroys the sanctity of marriage. That destroys society. The sky will fall. There will be fires and floods and earthquakes and swarms of locusts... It's really sad and pathetic. We like to think of ourselves as the "leaders of the free world," but we really have a lot to learn and we still have a long way to go.
Sickness and Health: This isn't related to marriage. This is related to our office, because it seems to be infested with a new virus. A new cold, flu, plague, or whatever it is, is making its way through our department. So far it has hit two people--two people who happen to be on my team--and my guess is that it won't be long before it infects everyone else. I've been lucky and have thus far been able to avoid all of the plagues that have hit the office over the past year. It's almost ironic because many of my co-workers tease me for how "unhealthy" I am because I'm obsessed with root beer, I love chips and Cheetos, I'm often craving blue cheese burgers, and I love to drink. So, with this being unhealthy--and maybe it is slightly unhealthy-- everyone is always shocked that I never get sick. Here is the secret: cod liver pills and a huge glass of orange juice every day. And when you feel like you might be getting sick, get a huge Jamba Juice with an immunity boost and go to Noodles (if you're lucky to have them where you live) and get a huge bowl of chicken noodle soup. But cod liver pills and OJ are the real secret. And maybe a few shots of whiskey to kill the germs...
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Happy Birthday, To Me!
Ok, it's not really my birthday. But today in the mail I received a little present I bought for myself.
Now that I work for a cool book publisher that publishes books that I would actually like to read (as opposed to the other publishers I worked for), I've had the opportunity to work on some really interesting books. In addition to the mix of history, pop culture, and health and wellness books that I've worked on, I've now had the opportunity to work on a handful of cookbooks. Working on a cookbook gives you a whole new appreciation for them because they can be so complex and involved. There is just a lot going on and there is so much to think about. So now, after working on cookbooks—through blood, sweat, and (sometimes) tears—I have a mild obsession with cookbooks.
While browsing through Borders one afternoon I stumbled across Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. My lovely co-worker/friend had already mentioned this cookbook to me, so I thought I'd flip through it. It's a huge tome filled with lots and lots of recipes. The best thing about it was that it seemed just right for my skill level. It didn't seem intimidating or daunting or too complex. Let's face it, I'm not a master chef and I don't have the time to spend five hours on one recipe that uses forty-five ingredients. So I'm always looking for something that is simple and quick and easy, yet still yummy. Bittman's book seemed just right. I didn't buy it right away, but instead opted for checking it out on Amazon first because they usually have good discounts, and they had a great discount! I was able to get How to Cook Everything and How to Cook Everything Vegetarian for about 66 percent off! No, I'm not a vegetarian, but I have an open mind and I like experimenting and trying new things. Plus I have a lot of vegetarian friends that I might need to woo sometime.
Anyway, I can't wait to try out some new recipes. So expect some "Recipe Success!" or "Recipe Disaster..." posts in the near future.
Now that I work for a cool book publisher that publishes books that I would actually like to read (as opposed to the other publishers I worked for), I've had the opportunity to work on some really interesting books. In addition to the mix of history, pop culture, and health and wellness books that I've worked on, I've now had the opportunity to work on a handful of cookbooks. Working on a cookbook gives you a whole new appreciation for them because they can be so complex and involved. There is just a lot going on and there is so much to think about. So now, after working on cookbooks—through blood, sweat, and (sometimes) tears—I have a mild obsession with cookbooks.
While browsing through Borders one afternoon I stumbled across Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. My lovely co-worker/friend had already mentioned this cookbook to me, so I thought I'd flip through it. It's a huge tome filled with lots and lots of recipes. The best thing about it was that it seemed just right for my skill level. It didn't seem intimidating or daunting or too complex. Let's face it, I'm not a master chef and I don't have the time to spend five hours on one recipe that uses forty-five ingredients. So I'm always looking for something that is simple and quick and easy, yet still yummy. Bittman's book seemed just right. I didn't buy it right away, but instead opted for checking it out on Amazon first because they usually have good discounts, and they had a great discount! I was able to get How to Cook Everything and How to Cook Everything Vegetarian for about 66 percent off! No, I'm not a vegetarian, but I have an open mind and I like experimenting and trying new things. Plus I have a lot of vegetarian friends that I might need to woo sometime.
Anyway, I can't wait to try out some new recipes. So expect some "Recipe Success!" or "Recipe Disaster..." posts in the near future.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
This and That, Weekend Edition
This has been another quiet weekend, and I'm thankful for that because it's been a busy week at work. I can't really remember what I did yesterday other than some small shopping and some chores around the house. Today I decided to do some real shopping and I decided to venture into the mall. As I'm getting older (and I'm so old), I'm becoming less and less of a mall shopper. I think it is because when you're at malls the sales people are more eager to help and encourage you to buy something. The worst are those little carts that you pass as your walking along where they try to sell their special products. Some people are selling different cell phone plans, others are selling face cleaning products, etc. And then there is the dreaded nail and hand care cart which happened to trap me today. As I walked past, I tried to avoid eye contact by looking in the windows of the stores. But the woman at the cart pounced on me like a lion attacking its prey. The fact that she was very charming and a beautiful Israeli woman (she told me she was Israeli) with thick, dark curly hair and very dark eyes that looked intensely into mine, made it somewhat difficult for me to say "get away from me, I don't want any." She buffed my fingernail (yes, just one) and made it so shiny I can see my reflection and then she put some nice cuticle oil on my cuticles. Then she looked at my hands and said, "your hands are very dry." I live in Colorado, everything is dry. She then proceeded to rub some lotion into my hands and said, "now your hands are so soft and silky." Um, let go please... I was strong enough to resist a very flirtatious sell, but she gave me her name just in case I wanted to come back for a special deal or sale. I thanked her for being kind and sweet, then I ran away...
So I was proud that I was able to resist the hand and nail care kit, but I wasn't successful in resisting buying two different body sprays at the Body Shop. I walked in and I was immediately greeted by two women, a redhead and a blond, and I knew I was done for. I tried to hide at the back of the shop, but then the blond found me and asked me if I needed more help. I said that I was just torn between two scents. She said that one of the scents I was interested in was a "classic" sent, and the other one was really "sexy and sensual." I grabbed what I wanted, and I also got a nice discount and a bunch of samples.
I then went and had a less exciting and less stressful but still successful shopping trip at Old Navy.
Scary as it all was, it was a fairly successful shopping day.
Current mood: just fine
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
So I was proud that I was able to resist the hand and nail care kit, but I wasn't successful in resisting buying two different body sprays at the Body Shop. I walked in and I was immediately greeted by two women, a redhead and a blond, and I knew I was done for. I tried to hide at the back of the shop, but then the blond found me and asked me if I needed more help. I said that I was just torn between two scents. She said that one of the scents I was interested in was a "classic" sent, and the other one was really "sexy and sensual." I grabbed what I wanted, and I also got a nice discount and a bunch of samples.
I then went and had a less exciting and less stressful but still successful shopping trip at Old Navy.
Scary as it all was, it was a fairly successful shopping day.
Current mood: just fine
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Back in Ancient Greece...
There was once a practice called ostracism. This is a practice where a prominent citizen could be banished and expelled from the city state for ten years. Often this was used to expel people who were a threat to the city-state or a threat to the democracy. It was often a preemptive act. Each year the people of Athens had the option to hold an ostracism or not. If they chose to, they would write the name of the person they wanted expelled on a potsherd and they put it in an urn. If someone received 6,000 votes, he would have ten days to leave the city-state, and he couldn't return for ten years. And, note, the people had this power. Sort of an interesting practice...
In fact, there are a few people I would like to ostracize right now: John McCain, Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, Elisabeth Hasselback, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, people who think Obama is a Muslim, people who think Obama is a terrorist, people who think Obama is a scary black guy, etc.
There was once a practice called ostracism. This is a practice where a prominent citizen could be banished and expelled from the city state for ten years. Often this was used to expel people who were a threat to the city-state or a threat to the democracy. It was often a preemptive act. Each year the people of Athens had the option to hold an ostracism or not. If they chose to, they would write the name of the person they wanted expelled on a potsherd and they put it in an urn. If someone received 6,000 votes, he would have ten days to leave the city-state, and he couldn't return for ten years. And, note, the people had this power. Sort of an interesting practice...
In fact, there are a few people I would like to ostracize right now: John McCain, Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, Elisabeth Hasselback, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, people who think Obama is a Muslim, people who think Obama is a terrorist, people who think Obama is a scary black guy, etc.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
This was a really lazy weekend. At first I was feeling guilty about it because there are a lot of things that I could have done—like cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.—but I didn't do any of those things except for a quick shopping trip to the grocery store. Oh well. I suppose I don't need to feel guilty considering how busy I've been and how hard I've been working lately. I deserve weekends like this, darn it!
In fact the most strenuous thing I've done all weekend was make and eat a huge dinner. And, really, how hard is it to make a simple dinner and then eat it? I wish every day was like this. I made my famous Baked Penne Pasta with Turkey, Zucchini, and Fire Roasted Tomatoes. It's basically adapted from another recipe I found. I use penne instead of ziti and turkey instead of beef. This time I was also craving some extra spice, so I added a bunch of red pepper flakes. Yum! I think I ate my weight in pasta tonight...
Current mood: relaxed and lazy
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Goldfrap "Ooh La La"
Current drink: Simonassi 2007 Malbec
In fact the most strenuous thing I've done all weekend was make and eat a huge dinner. And, really, how hard is it to make a simple dinner and then eat it? I wish every day was like this. I made my famous Baked Penne Pasta with Turkey, Zucchini, and Fire Roasted Tomatoes. It's basically adapted from another recipe I found. I use penne instead of ziti and turkey instead of beef. This time I was also craving some extra spice, so I added a bunch of red pepper flakes. Yum! I think I ate my weight in pasta tonight...
Current mood: relaxed and lazy
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Goldfrap "Ooh La La"
Current drink: Simonassi 2007 Malbec
Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to take some sunset photos, but this evening we had a really nice sunset. And I was able to take all of the pictures from my balcony. Here is one of the shots.

I'm always a little worried when I take pictures from my balcony. I'm worried that the people in the condos across the way will think that I'm taking pictures of them. But so far the cops haven't knocked on my door, so I suppose I'm OK.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Josh Gracin "Brass Bed"
Current drink: Simonassi 2007 Malbec

I'm always a little worried when I take pictures from my balcony. I'm worried that the people in the condos across the way will think that I'm taking pictures of them. But so far the cops haven't knocked on my door, so I suppose I'm OK.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Josh Gracin "Brass Bed"
Current drink: Simonassi 2007 Malbec
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Average Folk
So...the McCain/Palin campaign have spent much of the past few weeks talking about average American folks out there in the country. Joe six pack, Joe the plumber, hockey moms, soccer moms, real Americans, patriotic Americans. Um, so how many "real" Americans spend $150,000 in one month on a new wardrobe? I honestly don't think I've spent that much money on clothes in my lifetime. (Alcohol, maybe, but not clothes.) It's no wonder the words "middle class" aren't in the McCain/Palin vocabulary, because most middle class folks can't exactly drop $150,000 on clothes. These "real Americans" are the people who are losing their jobs and homes, the people who see their finance swirling down the toilet, the once successful people who are now forced to pick up food stamps. But McCain and Palin are just like you and me, right, and Obama is nothing but a liberal elitist, right? The Republican campaign gets more and more pathetic and disgusting every day, and, like many people out there in the world, I'm getting sick of it. I'm getting even more sick of the gullible saps who fall for everything (i.e. lies and hypocrisies) that comes out of McCain's and Palin's mouth.
I'm trying to think of what I would do with $150,000, other than sharing it with my family. Maybe take a trip to Greece and Italy. Or maybe I'll by that bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac that I've been dreaming about. But I don't have $150,000, so I'll have to settle with drinking Remy Martin VSOP Cognac in my little Boulder apartment. And, you know what, I'm fine with that. Sarah Palin can have her expensive wardrobe. I have character and integrity and a soul, and I think that might count for more in the long run!
Current mood: annoyed, but content
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Faith Hill "Beautiful"
Current drink: Remy Martin VSOP Cognac (I'm breaking my I-can-only-drink-expensive-cognac-on-the-weekends rule because I'm drinking tonight in honor of my rebellion against Sarah Palin and the wingnuts)
I'm trying to think of what I would do with $150,000, other than sharing it with my family. Maybe take a trip to Greece and Italy. Or maybe I'll by that bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac that I've been dreaming about. But I don't have $150,000, so I'll have to settle with drinking Remy Martin VSOP Cognac in my little Boulder apartment. And, you know what, I'm fine with that. Sarah Palin can have her expensive wardrobe. I have character and integrity and a soul, and I think that might count for more in the long run!
Current mood: annoyed, but content
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Faith Hill "Beautiful"
Current drink: Remy Martin VSOP Cognac (I'm breaking my I-can-only-drink-expensive-cognac-on-the-weekends rule because I'm drinking tonight in honor of my rebellion against Sarah Palin and the wingnuts)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
In typical Colorado fashion seasons can change on a dime. This weekend the weather was warm and sunny. Today that all changed rather dramatically. This morning was somewhat cold, but there was a thin layer of fog hanging around the Flatirons but you could tell that a bigger storm was brewing. I have to admit that I was distracted for most of the day and had a hard time focusing on work because I was watching the clouds building and drifting over the mountains. They were dark and ominous. I love clouds like that, but in general I think that I am obsessed with and mesmerized by clouds. In the afternoon we had a downpour of rain and some strong gusts of wind. After a twenty minute storm, the skies opened up and it was sunny again. About two hours later, more dark clouds were building over the mountains. And when I left the office, it was really cold.
As I was driving home I was still distracted by the clouds. I should probably focus on driving, but it was too beautiful. Plus the drive home, even by itself without all of the beautiful ominous clouds, is just gorgeous. I drive on a little two-lane road that passes some old farmlands. Most of the road is lined by trees, and right now the trees still have their fall colors. So the trees are red and gold and yellow, and while there are still a lot of leaves on the trees, there are also a lot of leaves that have fallen on the road. I don't know how else to describe it, and you probably have to see it to believe it, but it literally feels like you're driving through a postcard. It's stunning.
So, needless to say, it's been a lovely evening. I voted, and I'm feeling optimistic and energized about the election. And I enjoyed a lovely drive home. It's been a nice evening so far.
Current mood: optimistic, relaxed, generally good
Current music: Loreena McKennitt An Ancient Muse
Current drink: Terra Barossa 2007 Shiraz
As I was driving home I was still distracted by the clouds. I should probably focus on driving, but it was too beautiful. Plus the drive home, even by itself without all of the beautiful ominous clouds, is just gorgeous. I drive on a little two-lane road that passes some old farmlands. Most of the road is lined by trees, and right now the trees still have their fall colors. So the trees are red and gold and yellow, and while there are still a lot of leaves on the trees, there are also a lot of leaves that have fallen on the road. I don't know how else to describe it, and you probably have to see it to believe it, but it literally feels like you're driving through a postcard. It's stunning.
So, needless to say, it's been a lovely evening. I voted, and I'm feeling optimistic and energized about the election. And I enjoyed a lovely drive home. It's been a nice evening so far.
Current mood: optimistic, relaxed, generally good
Current music: Loreena McKennitt An Ancient Muse
Current drink: Terra Barossa 2007 Shiraz
In Colorado this election we're allowed to vote early and to vote by mail. So today I dropped off my ballot. Wahoo! Ready for change!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
This and That, Weekend Edition
Winter clothing: About this time last weekend, I was talking about the change of seasons, and how winter was just around the corner. On the advice of a very lovely friend, I went on a shopping spree to reward myself for all of my hard work these past few months and to buy some more winter clothes. In spite of living in Colorado for about six years, I didn't own that many sweaters. I'm also really picky when it comes to sweaters. For one, my body tends to run on the cold side so I get cold easily. And, yes, because of this I sometimes ask myself why I moved to Colorado from Southern California! But, nevertheless, I'm here and I get cold. So because of my tendency to get cold, I need sweaters that actually keep you warm, sweaters with some weight. Sweaters that are really thin and light usually don't cut it for me. They might be soft and pretty and more suited for the fall or early spring, but in the dead of winter I need something warmer. Then there is the issue of lambs wool. I once bought a sweater, one that was heavy and warm, and it was made of lamb's wool. Well, it kept me warm, but it made me all itchy. Then there is also the issue of the "plunging" neckline sweaters. Maybe it's a personal preference, but I'd rather not expose my boobs and cleavage to the elements. I prefer v-neck sweaters, but not ones that practically reach my navel.
So this is why I don't own many sweaters, but I was determined and went on a mission to find the "perfect" sweater. And I have to say that I was really successful. I found three v-neck sweaters with the proper amount of "plunge" in the V. One was heavier and really warm; the other two were a bit lighter, but still warm. And I found two other sweaters that are a little sportier. So all in all, it was a successful shopping trip.
Weather: I was able to wear my sweaters earlier this week, because it was still chilly. Now it's the weekend, and it's 78 degrees. Should expect this from Colorado.
Vacations: With the holidays quickly approaching, I decided to buy my plane tickets home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. I wanted to buy things early to get a good price...well, as good as you can get these days. I also wanted to lock my vacation days in at work. Last year, my Christmas vacation was shorter than usual because I came back early to send some books to press. The to press dates ended up moving, and I was a little upset, but that's what happens sometimes. Anyway, this year I've put my foot down and vowed (to myself and anyone who would listen) that I wasn't going to let work dictate or control my vacation. I'm going away, damn it, and nothing and no one is going to stop me! So there!
Current mood: warm
Current music: iTunes on shuffle–Tori Amos "Bouncing off Clouds"
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
So this is why I don't own many sweaters, but I was determined and went on a mission to find the "perfect" sweater. And I have to say that I was really successful. I found three v-neck sweaters with the proper amount of "plunge" in the V. One was heavier and really warm; the other two were a bit lighter, but still warm. And I found two other sweaters that are a little sportier. So all in all, it was a successful shopping trip.
Weather: I was able to wear my sweaters earlier this week, because it was still chilly. Now it's the weekend, and it's 78 degrees. Should expect this from Colorado.
Vacations: With the holidays quickly approaching, I decided to buy my plane tickets home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. I wanted to buy things early to get a good price...well, as good as you can get these days. I also wanted to lock my vacation days in at work. Last year, my Christmas vacation was shorter than usual because I came back early to send some books to press. The to press dates ended up moving, and I was a little upset, but that's what happens sometimes. Anyway, this year I've put my foot down and vowed (to myself and anyone who would listen) that I wasn't going to let work dictate or control my vacation. I'm going away, damn it, and nothing and no one is going to stop me! So there!
Current mood: warm
Current music: iTunes on shuffle–Tori Amos "Bouncing off Clouds"
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Start of Winter
The seasons are certainly starting to change here in Colorado. The leaves on the trees outside my apartment are all yellow. And when I've been waking up in the morning, I notice that it feels colder and colder, and the sun seems to be rising later and later. A few nights ago I was in bed and noticed that the heater clicked on. There was that familiar dusty smell for a few minutes and finally some warmth.
Now that I'm in a bigger apartment, I notice that it tends to be a colder apartment. Obviously there are more places for the air to go, and it's not like the small contained space like my old apartment. But, then again, my old apartment tended to be really cold, too. That had less to do with the size and more to do with the limited heater. In my current place, I have central heat and air, so the heat and air actually goes into all rooms. At my old place, the heater only vented out to the living room, so it essentially heated only the living room and every other room (all one and a half of them) was cold. It was also an old and odd heater, too. I think that it essentially worked by striking some miniature flint and steel together to create a small fire in the wall. As much as I loved my old place, one of the things I didn't like about it was the heating in the winter. But now I finally have central heating. I don't crank up the heat because I don't want an astronomical heating bill, but at least every room can be warm when I want it to be.
This is supposed to be a cold, rainy, and possibly snowy weekend. This reminds me that I need to get another ice scraper for my car. And maybe I need some new gloves, too. And maybe a few more sweaters...
Now that I'm in a bigger apartment, I notice that it tends to be a colder apartment. Obviously there are more places for the air to go, and it's not like the small contained space like my old apartment. But, then again, my old apartment tended to be really cold, too. That had less to do with the size and more to do with the limited heater. In my current place, I have central heat and air, so the heat and air actually goes into all rooms. At my old place, the heater only vented out to the living room, so it essentially heated only the living room and every other room (all one and a half of them) was cold. It was also an old and odd heater, too. I think that it essentially worked by striking some miniature flint and steel together to create a small fire in the wall. As much as I loved my old place, one of the things I didn't like about it was the heating in the winter. But now I finally have central heating. I don't crank up the heat because I don't want an astronomical heating bill, but at least every room can be warm when I want it to be.
This is supposed to be a cold, rainy, and possibly snowy weekend. This reminds me that I need to get another ice scraper for my car. And maybe I need some new gloves, too. And maybe a few more sweaters...
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Attack Dogs
Apparently John McCain knows that his campaign is going down the toilet and apparently he knows that he isn't very popular. What else could explain the fact that the women in his life are turning into the "attack dogs" to go after Obama. Sarah Palin has been doing her dirty work, and now Cindy McCain is getting into the act. I was really hoping that she would remain classy and stay above the fray. But unfortunately she has to stoop to a level far below what she is probably worth, all in an effort to try to save her husband's campaign. It's sad, really. Well sort of.
And I have to admit, when I saw this photo of her on a news story on the Web, my thoughts shifted to another somewhat unpleasant individual...

Ok. That was really, really mean of me. I'm probably going to hell for this, but it still made me laugh.
And I have to admit, when I saw this photo of her on a news story on the Web, my thoughts shifted to another somewhat unpleasant individual...

Ok. That was really, really mean of me. I'm probably going to hell for this, but it still made me laugh.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Wonderful Weekend
This has been a wonderful weekend. And, to make it even better, it was a three-day weekend for me. I decided to take the day off on Friday because it's been a while since I've taken time off, and I needed a break. I spent Saturday with my best friend, Julie, who is here with her two kids and visiting the rest of her family. We met at Chautauqua park and went on a hike around the Flatirons. The weather was perfect and it was a beautiful day for a hike. As the kids ran up the hill (I wish I had that kind of energy), we followed and talked and caught up on what we're doing in our lives. We took a route different from my usual route because there was a lot of activity on the mountain. Apparently some guy was trying to climb one of the Flatirons without any safety ropes and he fell and broke his leg. So the mountain was crawling with crews from the Boulder Fire Department, Rocky Mountain Fire Department, and Rocky Mountain Rescue. Maybe, just maybe, he learned a lesson and it's probably good that it came with a lot of pain! Next time use some ropes, dude. But I digress...
After our hike, we came to my apartment so that I could show it off, then we went to Pearl Street and had lunch at Mountain Sun. We ate yummy burgers and drank their always-wonderful beer. After lunch we just wandered around Pearl Street. After that, we drove up to Loveland and had dinner with her family. It was a great day! It was just wonderful to spend the day with a really good friend. But now I'm sad because she's gone and I miss her already. But it was a wonderful weekend.
After our hike, we came to my apartment so that I could show it off, then we went to Pearl Street and had lunch at Mountain Sun. We ate yummy burgers and drank their always-wonderful beer. After lunch we just wandered around Pearl Street. After that, we drove up to Loveland and had dinner with her family. It was a great day! It was just wonderful to spend the day with a really good friend. But now I'm sad because she's gone and I miss her already. But it was a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Hypocrite? Coward? Senile?
So today, the day of the Vice Presidential Debates, McCain made an announcement that he would be giving up on the state of Michigan. Because Obama is leading in the polling in Michigan, the McCain campaign thinks that it is not worth spending the money on a state that he will presumably lose. Are you kidding me? This is the bastard—oops, candidate—who for months has been saying that he puts country first? And he is giving up on Michigan? The state of blue-collar workers? The state where the auto industry is failing? The state where unemployment is high? And he's abandoning them because they are not worth the money? Just more proof that he doesn't care about the middle class. And McCain accuses Obama of playing politics and of partisanship and not caring about the people? What a first-class idiot!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Baking Results
Well, my baking adventure seemed to be a success. People in the food club seemed to like my mini cinnamon rolls, and a few people asked for the recipe. So I take that as a success.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Maroon 5 "Harder to Breathe"
Current drink: coffee
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle—Maroon 5 "Harder to Breathe"
Current drink: coffee
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Is this lady for real? Or is it a Saturday Night Live skit? This woman has no idea what she is talking about. Could she possibly be dumber than George Bush?
Watch CBS Videos Online
Reminds me of a certain commercial..."No Katie, I don't know anything about politics or foreign policy, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night..." If somehow, someway McCain and Palin get elected, I'm moving to Amsterdam!
Watch CBS Videos Online
Reminds me of a certain commercial..."No Katie, I don't know anything about politics or foreign policy, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night..." If somehow, someway McCain and Palin get elected, I'm moving to Amsterdam!
Baking Adventures
As I might have mentioned before, I'm part of the Special Treats Club at work. This is a little—actually pretty big—group of co-workers who like to cook and who especially like to eat. So every Friday, two people bring in treats to share. The last time I had to bring in treats, I brought in my, now famous, baklava bars. Prior to that, I never really baked at all, but it ended up being a success. Tomorrow is my turn to bring in treats, so I thought I'd try another baked good, and on this menu are Mini Cinnamon Rolls.
I used some premade dough courtesy of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. I followed all of the directions and rolled everything out and cut everything up into mini rolls. Well, the prebaked rolls were about the size of a quarter or silver dollar, and I started to panic. Even with two batches, I was beginning to think that I would have to make another two more to have enough to feed everyone in the club. But after looking through the oven window, I was comforted to know that the cinnamon rolls were growing. Whew! Yes, I really am that dumb. But pasta is my thing, and I really don't know what the heck happens when you put a baked good in the oven.
They are still in the oven and my apartment is starting to smell like cinnamon. Hopefully they taste as good as they smell!
I used some premade dough courtesy of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. I followed all of the directions and rolled everything out and cut everything up into mini rolls. Well, the prebaked rolls were about the size of a quarter or silver dollar, and I started to panic. Even with two batches, I was beginning to think that I would have to make another two more to have enough to feed everyone in the club. But after looking through the oven window, I was comforted to know that the cinnamon rolls were growing. Whew! Yes, I really am that dumb. But pasta is my thing, and I really don't know what the heck happens when you put a baked good in the oven.
They are still in the oven and my apartment is starting to smell like cinnamon. Hopefully they taste as good as they smell!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Value of Copper
While tidying up around my "office" at home, I stumbled across a newsletter that comes with my energy bill. There was one mini-article about copper, and it mentioned that stealing copper has become a really big "business" lately. It said that because of the price increase for copper, people are taking even greater risks at trying to get their hands on it. People have been trying to steal copper from electric equipment including switch cabinets, transformers, and utility poles. According to the article, these crimes can result in power outages, fires, and explosions. (That would be a bad thing.) It can also result in serious injury and even death to the criminal (that would be a good thing), so the energy company encourages people who witness such crimes to call 911. Or you can throw a bucket of water on the crook while he/she has his/her hand on a live wire, which is what I would be tempted to do, provided it doesn't result in the loss of power to my home. But maybe that's just me...
Best Laid Plans and Being Laid Out
This was another long, busy week at work, and all day on Friday I was looking forward to the weekend and planning what I would be doing. I had grand intentions to go on a bunch of hikes this weekend, but my plans didn't exactly fall into place. For the past week I've been having headaches that have been lingering and not going away. I never get sick with colds or the flu, but I do have frequent (and nasty) headaches. They usually come on at times when I'm most stressed, and because stress and tension have been somewhat high lately, I've been getting headaches more frequently. On Wednesday I actually had to leave work early because I was feeling so bad. The headache alone was bad enough, but then I started to feel light headed and nauseated, so I thought it would be better to either faint or throw up at home rather than at work. I felt a little better on Thursday and Friday, but the headache came back on Saturday—it's common for my body to completely shut down when I'm resting—so instead of hiking on Saturday, I rested or slept for most of the day. My headache is better today, and I mostly feel tired and achy, but at least I'm not as bad as I was. I guess I'll be saving my hike for another day.
Current mood: tired and achy
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Loreena McKennitt "The Lady of Shalott"
Current drink: orange juice
Current mood: tired and achy
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Loreena McKennitt "The Lady of Shalott"
Current drink: orange juice
Friday, September 19, 2008
On Death and Taxes and People Who Deserve to Die
This week at work were very fortunate to get our little bonuses for the year. I was very excited about it until I opened it up and was reminded that bonuses are subject to federal and state taxes. So about 40 percent went back to the government. Yipee! I suppose I can't complain too much because I'm very fortunate to have a job in the first place and this (heavily) taxed bonus is a lot more than some people are getting right now. So I should (and I do) feel blessed.
However... It is too bad I'm not the CEO of one of these big corporations that is collapsing in the latest economic crisis and financial meltdown. Those idiots seem to be getting multimillion dollar severance packages just for running a company into the ground. I highly doubt that the people who have lost their jobs or the people who have lost their homes are weeping for these CEOs. They walk away with millions of dollars, the government bails out the companies they left behind, and most likely the "regular" people of the world will pay more taxes to fix everything. Something doesn't seem right about this picture...
Current mood: happy and bitter
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - David Gray "This Year's Love"
Current drink: soy milk - something healthy before I pour a glass of brandy
However... It is too bad I'm not the CEO of one of these big corporations that is collapsing in the latest economic crisis and financial meltdown. Those idiots seem to be getting multimillion dollar severance packages just for running a company into the ground. I highly doubt that the people who have lost their jobs or the people who have lost their homes are weeping for these CEOs. They walk away with millions of dollars, the government bails out the companies they left behind, and most likely the "regular" people of the world will pay more taxes to fix everything. Something doesn't seem right about this picture...
Current mood: happy and bitter
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - David Gray "This Year's Love"
Current drink: soy milk - something healthy before I pour a glass of brandy
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Stubbornness and Shallowness
Stubbornness: With Hurricane Ike approaching the Gulf Coast, many people were given mandatory evacuation orders. They were told to leave because this hurricane could be one of the worst in history. However, many people insisted on staying behind to "ride out the storm" or to protect their homes and belongings. I've been watching the news this morning and there is one report that some of the people who stayed behind are now trapped because the roads or bridges are washed out. They most likely don't have power and the phone lines are probably down. So there were reports that these people were standing on their roofs trying to flag for help. Part of me feels sorry for them, but another part of me doesn't. They made the choice to stay when they could have evacuated. And now other people will have to put their lives at risk to rescue these people. All for stubbornness and, quite frankly, stupidity.
Shallowness: For the past few weeks, I've been wondering why so many people seem to be crazy about Sarah Palin. I just don't like her. For one, she is a hunter, and I just don't like hunting. I just don't see why it is considered a "sport." If the animals had weapons, then it would be a level playing field. But they don't have weapons. And when the animals are shot and killed it's usually when they are doing what comes naturally to them—looking for food, looking for water, or just wandering about. They are just minding their own business, so to speak, but apparently in the minds of some people they still have the right to shoot these animals. And the bigger cowards and lazier of the hunters shoot animals from helicopters.
But that is a digression to what I title "shallowness." As I've said, I've been wondering why people are crazy about Palin. It occurred to me that people are crazy about her because in general the American public is shallow and everything is based on how you look. Palin has that girl next door, homecoming/beauty queen, class president, librarian, "hockey mom" look about her. She might be inexperience and ill-informed on what is going on in the world outside Alaska, but she's pretty and that's all that matters. She has power (as governor), she's sassy and feisty, she's challenging the boys, but she does it with a cute little smile and laugh that some women just seem to love and admire. She is totally clueless and classless, but people don't seem to care. But my theory is that if Sarah Palin looked like Janet Reno, she would not be getting this kind of reception, because I have a feeling that if she did, women (because let's face it most women are catty) and the media would be ripping her apart and tearing her down. Instead of being cute and sassy and feisty, she would be considered rude, bossy, pushy, and butch and mannish. It's maddening and frustrating for people who are smart. But Let's face it, there are a lot of stupid and shallow people out there in the word. Let's just hope they don't ruin the election for the rest of us!
Current mood: "feisty" and unforgiving
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - New Order "True Faith"
Current drink: coffee
Shallowness: For the past few weeks, I've been wondering why so many people seem to be crazy about Sarah Palin. I just don't like her. For one, she is a hunter, and I just don't like hunting. I just don't see why it is considered a "sport." If the animals had weapons, then it would be a level playing field. But they don't have weapons. And when the animals are shot and killed it's usually when they are doing what comes naturally to them—looking for food, looking for water, or just wandering about. They are just minding their own business, so to speak, but apparently in the minds of some people they still have the right to shoot these animals. And the bigger cowards and lazier of the hunters shoot animals from helicopters.
But that is a digression to what I title "shallowness." As I've said, I've been wondering why people are crazy about Palin. It occurred to me that people are crazy about her because in general the American public is shallow and everything is based on how you look. Palin has that girl next door, homecoming/beauty queen, class president, librarian, "hockey mom" look about her. She might be inexperience and ill-informed on what is going on in the world outside Alaska, but she's pretty and that's all that matters. She has power (as governor), she's sassy and feisty, she's challenging the boys, but she does it with a cute little smile and laugh that some women just seem to love and admire. She is totally clueless and classless, but people don't seem to care. But my theory is that if Sarah Palin looked like Janet Reno, she would not be getting this kind of reception, because I have a feeling that if she did, women (because let's face it most women are catty) and the media would be ripping her apart and tearing her down. Instead of being cute and sassy and feisty, she would be considered rude, bossy, pushy, and butch and mannish. It's maddening and frustrating for people who are smart. But Let's face it, there are a lot of stupid and shallow people out there in the word. Let's just hope they don't ruin the election for the rest of us!
Current mood: "feisty" and unforgiving
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - New Order "True Faith"
Current drink: coffee
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Morning Hike
I woke up early this morning because I wanted to take a hike around Chautauqua Park and up into the Flatirons. I got to Chautauqua at about 9:30 and the parking lot was already full. The trails, though, were surprisingly quiet. I'd occasionally see people as they passed, but it wasn't crowded at all, and that made it really nice. I walked up the Chautauqua trail, then turned down the Bluebell-Baird trail. I then went halfway up the 2nd and 3rd Flatiron access trail. I didn't want to go all the way to the top, so I turned around and came back down. I then took the Mesa trail back to Chautauqua park.
It's been a while since I last hiked, so in the beginning I was pretty tired and out of breath, but then I started feeling better. I'm definitely not as young as I used to be. But I suppose if I hiked more often, I wouldn't be tired in the first place. So that's probably incentive to hike more often.
Another incentive to hike more often is because I just enjoyed myself. I took my time and enjoyed my surroundings. Some people hike purely for exercise or because they want to "conquer" nature. I hike to enjoy everything. I took my camera and got a lot of great pictures. I was also completely absorbed with everything around me and I was absorbed with myself. For the first time in a long time, I wasn't thinking about work or any of the other things that stress me out in life. I wasn't thinking about anything other than what would make a great picture. And I wasn't thinking about anyone other than myself. That, for me, is strange and rare!
Here are a few pictures from my hike. If you want to see more, you can click on the link to the left to see more pictures on my Flickr page.
On the Chautauqua Trail heading toward the Flatirons
Two deer. I took this with my zoom, but I was only about 10 yards away from them. They kept grazing and didn't seem to mind that I was standing there taking pictures of them.
Heading back to Chautauqua Park. The Flatirons. Notice the heart-shaped cloud!
So all in all I had a great time!
It's been a while since I last hiked, so in the beginning I was pretty tired and out of breath, but then I started feeling better. I'm definitely not as young as I used to be. But I suppose if I hiked more often, I wouldn't be tired in the first place. So that's probably incentive to hike more often.
Another incentive to hike more often is because I just enjoyed myself. I took my time and enjoyed my surroundings. Some people hike purely for exercise or because they want to "conquer" nature. I hike to enjoy everything. I took my camera and got a lot of great pictures. I was also completely absorbed with everything around me and I was absorbed with myself. For the first time in a long time, I wasn't thinking about work or any of the other things that stress me out in life. I wasn't thinking about anything other than what would make a great picture. And I wasn't thinking about anyone other than myself. That, for me, is strange and rare!
Here are a few pictures from my hike. If you want to see more, you can click on the link to the left to see more pictures on my Flickr page.
So I woke up early today, a Sunday. For me and my standards, waking up at 7:30 on a Sunday is early. For normal people that time might be, well, normal. But I decided to wake up early because I want to go on a little hike. I might as well take advantage of the weather before the winter starts to hit. I'll be back later in the day, hopefully with stories and pictures.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
So one of my co-workers, who is becoming a good and loyal friend, just told me that she had a dream that I was a school shooter. That's pretty disturbing, but the fact that it made me laugh probably makes it even more disturbing. I wonder what it all means, other than I'm probably slightly crazy...
Current mood: glad it's a sunny, pleasant day
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Tori Amos "Raspberry Swirl"
Current drink: Barq's root beer
Current mood: glad it's a sunny, pleasant day
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Tori Amos "Raspberry Swirl"
Current drink: Barq's root beer
Monday, September 01, 2008
Photography Excursion
I woke up early today to carry out my plans to head up into the mountains to take some pictures at Boulder Falls. As I said before, I wanted to play around with my shutter speeds and aperture settings. I was hoping that if I got there early enough, the light in the canyon wouldn't be so harsh. I got there at about 10:00 and I guess I was a little too late. The sun just crept over the mountain and the light was shining directly in the canyon but the falls were hidden in a shadow. That made playing with my shutter speeds and aperture settings pretty difficult. Actually, it was a disaster. When you slow down the shutter speed, more light gets into the camera. Usually you can balance things out by increasing the aperture number (making the aperture smaller). My whole purpose for using a slow shutter speed was to try to get that silky effect that you see in some pictures of waterfalls. I tried to slow down my shutter speed and set the aperture at the highest setting (smallest opening), but too much light kept coming in. Everything was washed out and too bright. Sigh. I suppose that I need to get to the falls a whole lot earlier or much later in the afternoon when the sun isn't shining directly into the canyon.
Oh well. Here is the best of all of my efforts:

Oh well. Here is the best of all of my efforts:
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Can't Think of a Clever Title
So, once again, there isn't all that much to report. This past week has been another busy and chaotic one, but fortunately we have a long weekend because of the Labor Day holiday. Unfortunately, though, last week was the last week of our summer hours where we get to leave the office early on Fridays. Even though next week will be a short week, Friday will probably feel like the longest Friday ever because we won't be able to leave the office at 1:00.
Because of Labor Day, I had grand intentions to take advantage of the long weekend. I've been wanting to go back to Boulder Falls to take more pictures. I just bought a tripod for my camera, so now I want to use it to play with different exposures and shutter speeds and stuff like that. I've also been wanting to get out and go on some hikes. I haven't done any of that yet. Instead I've been sleeping in, really late, and just lounging around the home doing nothing in particular. I suppose my body just wants to rest. But if I want to get out and do something fun and interesting, I still have tomorrow I guess.
Current mood: lazy
Current music: Tori Amos
Current drink: coffee
Because of Labor Day, I had grand intentions to take advantage of the long weekend. I've been wanting to go back to Boulder Falls to take more pictures. I just bought a tripod for my camera, so now I want to use it to play with different exposures and shutter speeds and stuff like that. I've also been wanting to get out and go on some hikes. I haven't done any of that yet. Instead I've been sleeping in, really late, and just lounging around the home doing nothing in particular. I suppose my body just wants to rest. But if I want to get out and do something fun and interesting, I still have tomorrow I guess.
Current mood: lazy
Current music: Tori Amos
Current drink: coffee
Saturday, August 23, 2008
This and That, Weekend Edition
There isn't much to report, really. This past week at work has been pretty busy and hectic as I mentioned before. But I got three of my books to press, and I suppose that's all that matters. It was mostly just a tiring and exhausting week.
Right now I'm sitting in my apartment and listening to the rumble of thunder from a distant storm. Hopefully the storm comes closer and hopefully we get some rain. I'm all settled in my new place, and I'm really loving it. I still think that I need another bookcase or two, though, and maybe a few more prints to put on the walls.
I drove through the middle of Boulder this afternoon, and you can tell that school is about to start because it seems much busier. There are more people wandering around, and there are a lot more cars on the road. Although I sometimes like the busyness and the activity, it's nice to come home to a quieter area.
It sounds like the thunder is getting louder, so I'm going to hang out on my balcony for a little while.
Right now I'm sitting in my apartment and listening to the rumble of thunder from a distant storm. Hopefully the storm comes closer and hopefully we get some rain. I'm all settled in my new place, and I'm really loving it. I still think that I need another bookcase or two, though, and maybe a few more prints to put on the walls.
I drove through the middle of Boulder this afternoon, and you can tell that school is about to start because it seems much busier. There are more people wandering around, and there are a lot more cars on the road. Although I sometimes like the busyness and the activity, it's nice to come home to a quieter area.
It sounds like the thunder is getting louder, so I'm going to hang out on my balcony for a little while.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sports and Uniforms
Has anyone else noticed that when it comes to sports and uniforms the women's uniforms are getting smaller and tighter while the men's uniforms are getting bigger and baggier?
Just an observation...
Just an observation...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Work: All I have to say is that I'm really glad it's Friday! This has been an extremely busy and exhausting week. Work has been really busy lately, and to make things more fun and exciting, I've been working on some really messy and complicated projects. Unfortunately that is the one downside of being a team leader--you generally have to take on the tougher projects. Things got really crazy with two books that have to go to press next week, and I've been frantically trying to get them under control. Oh well. I might be tired and stressed out, I might be fighting off headaches and grinding my teeth both at night and during the day, but once these books are finished, the will be great reads. And while I try to wrap up these two projects up, some more complicated projects have just come in. To keep on top of everything, I had to bring some work home with me. We had "summer hours" today, so I've been enjoying my half-day off. But I know I'll have more work to do later this weekend. Sad!
Weather: For the past few weeks it has been really hot. It's not unusual for Colorado to be in the upper 90s or low 100s during the summer, and we've certainly had that kind of weather. But, apparently, a cold front is moving through. It is the middle of August and here I am wearing a sweatshirt. You never know what you're going to get in this state! It's supposed to snow in the high country this weekend!
Weather: For the past few weeks it has been really hot. It's not unusual for Colorado to be in the upper 90s or low 100s during the summer, and we've certainly had that kind of weather. But, apparently, a cold front is moving through. It is the middle of August and here I am wearing a sweatshirt. You never know what you're going to get in this state! It's supposed to snow in the high country this weekend!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Olympics - Opening Ceremonies
So, like a good Classics nerd, I've been eagerly awaiting the opening ceremonies to the Olympics all day. So far the ceremonies have been good. There was one glitch here in Colorado, though, because apparently rain was disrupting the signal and the station was without sound for about ten or fifteen minutes. That was really great when you're trying to figure out the symbolism behind what was going on. Eventually it was fixed.
For one, I think it's always great when the Olympics are held in an "old" country. With that you get a ceremony that is very rich with history and culture. When your civilization is 3000 or 5000 years old, you have a lot to share and a lot to tell. It's always just so much more exciting. I think that's what makes these opening ceremonies in China so cool. And, of course, the opening ceremonies to the Athens games in 2004 were extra special.
The parade of nations is always fun. I give a little cheer to the Greek team. Yay for the birthplace of the games! And I always eagerly await the Dutch team. Unfortunately, though, the Dutch team followed a few countries behind the United States. They showed the Dutch team for about 20 seconds, then cut back to shots of the U.S. team acting silly. Argh! And in spite of the other countries entering the stadium, they keep cutting back to the U.S. team. I kind of like to see and hear about the other countries and their athletes. I really don't care if Kobe Bryant is taking a picture with someone. Argh! Oh well. What do you expect. For the most part things have been beautiful and wonderful.
Still waiting for them to light the torch...
And, yes, I will be rooting for the Dutch throughout the games...
For one, I think it's always great when the Olympics are held in an "old" country. With that you get a ceremony that is very rich with history and culture. When your civilization is 3000 or 5000 years old, you have a lot to share and a lot to tell. It's always just so much more exciting. I think that's what makes these opening ceremonies in China so cool. And, of course, the opening ceremonies to the Athens games in 2004 were extra special.
The parade of nations is always fun. I give a little cheer to the Greek team. Yay for the birthplace of the games! And I always eagerly await the Dutch team. Unfortunately, though, the Dutch team followed a few countries behind the United States. They showed the Dutch team for about 20 seconds, then cut back to shots of the U.S. team acting silly. Argh! And in spite of the other countries entering the stadium, they keep cutting back to the U.S. team. I kind of like to see and hear about the other countries and their athletes. I really don't care if Kobe Bryant is taking a picture with someone. Argh! Oh well. What do you expect. For the most part things have been beautiful and wonderful.
Still waiting for them to light the torch...
And, yes, I will be rooting for the Dutch throughout the games...
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Customer Service
So the "several installments" that I mentioned in my previous post have been slow in coming. Sorry...
Now I will tell my story about customer service. Usually people have bad customer service stories, but I have a good one. A few weeks ago I called the phone company to cancel my service at my old apartment. What could easily have been a five minute phone call turned into a thirty minute conversation. I had to verify my address, and it turns out that the lady who was helping me used to live in Boulder in the 70s. She was telling me that she always remembered it being a beautiful and a fun town, and I told her that it's still beautiful and fun, but probably just busier than she remembers. She's now living and working in South Dakota, but she's also lived in San Francisco for a few years. She said that now that she's older and that all her kids are grown up, she wants to come back to Colorado. She said that she missed the mountains and the beauty of the state, and she has always wanted to go whitewater rafting. She loved skiing and would like to go again...
This lady and I pretty much exchanged life stories, and I almost felt guilty about canceling my phone service, but it was a fun conversation. I think that most people of the world approach customer service calls with a bad attitude. They are angry and demanding and they yell and scream. Therefore they have bad customer service experiences. But if you approach the call with a polite, pleasant, and respectful attitude, you get much different service. It's not that surprising. If you treat people nicely, you'll get the same treatment in return. At least that is what my Ma taught me.
Now I will tell my story about customer service. Usually people have bad customer service stories, but I have a good one. A few weeks ago I called the phone company to cancel my service at my old apartment. What could easily have been a five minute phone call turned into a thirty minute conversation. I had to verify my address, and it turns out that the lady who was helping me used to live in Boulder in the 70s. She was telling me that she always remembered it being a beautiful and a fun town, and I told her that it's still beautiful and fun, but probably just busier than she remembers. She's now living and working in South Dakota, but she's also lived in San Francisco for a few years. She said that now that she's older and that all her kids are grown up, she wants to come back to Colorado. She said that she missed the mountains and the beauty of the state, and she has always wanted to go whitewater rafting. She loved skiing and would like to go again...
This lady and I pretty much exchanged life stories, and I almost felt guilty about canceling my phone service, but it was a fun conversation. I think that most people of the world approach customer service calls with a bad attitude. They are angry and demanding and they yell and scream. Therefore they have bad customer service experiences. But if you approach the call with a polite, pleasant, and respectful attitude, you get much different service. It's not that surprising. If you treat people nicely, you'll get the same treatment in return. At least that is what my Ma taught me.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
The Danger of Sidewalks
I've been a bit quiet in the blogging world because I've been busy. Work has started to get busy again, and I've been doing a lot of stuff around my new apartment. So here is the first of several installments on what has been going on in my life...
To speak honestly, I've been hesitant about writing this post, mainly because I come off looking like a total dork. But, whatever, most of the people who read this already know I'm a dork, so what do I have to lose...
Last weekend I was happily going about my day, running errands and shopping for some new little things for my apartment. I was walking toward one store, and I'm not sure if I was distracted or what I was thinking or doing, but before I knew it a little (low) sidewalk jumped out of nowhere and surprised me. It hit me fast and I had no time to react, so down I went. I tripped and fell. I landed straight on my knees and my left hand. I bruised my left knee but apparently did the most damage to my right knee. I tore through my jeans and skinned my knee. ...and blood was pouring out of it like a waterfall... Actually it wasn't that bad, but I might as well make it more dramatic and less embarrassing than it really was. It was bleeding, but I only lost about a silver dollar-sized portion of my skin. I also managed to bruise my hand and wrist. I think that I was more upset about the fact that I ruined my favorite pair of jeans! Fortunately it was a quiet store and no one was around. If I had eaten the pavement in front of the Super Target, that would have been a little more ego bruising.
Apparently I'm becoming more like my mother and falling at random times for random reasons.
My knee still kind of hurts because it is trying to heal, but I'm sure I will be okay. No need for any one to worry, I'm fine... Although I won't turn down any offers to kiss my knee...
Current mood: bruised ego, still, a week later
Current music: Loreena McKennitt
Current drink: Fat Tire
To speak honestly, I've been hesitant about writing this post, mainly because I come off looking like a total dork. But, whatever, most of the people who read this already know I'm a dork, so what do I have to lose...
Last weekend I was happily going about my day, running errands and shopping for some new little things for my apartment. I was walking toward one store, and I'm not sure if I was distracted or what I was thinking or doing, but before I knew it a little (low) sidewalk jumped out of nowhere and surprised me. It hit me fast and I had no time to react, so down I went. I tripped and fell. I landed straight on my knees and my left hand. I bruised my left knee but apparently did the most damage to my right knee. I tore through my jeans and skinned my knee. ...and blood was pouring out of it like a waterfall... Actually it wasn't that bad, but I might as well make it more dramatic and less embarrassing than it really was. It was bleeding, but I only lost about a silver dollar-sized portion of my skin. I also managed to bruise my hand and wrist. I think that I was more upset about the fact that I ruined my favorite pair of jeans! Fortunately it was a quiet store and no one was around. If I had eaten the pavement in front of the Super Target, that would have been a little more ego bruising.
Apparently I'm becoming more like my mother and falling at random times for random reasons.
My knee still kind of hurts because it is trying to heal, but I'm sure I will be okay. No need for any one to worry, I'm fine... Although I won't turn down any offers to kiss my knee...
Current mood: bruised ego, still, a week later
Current music: Loreena McKennitt
Current drink: Fat Tire
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I wanted to take a break from house stuff and decided to relax for the evening. For the past hour I've been sitting on the balcony and enjoying a glass of wine. Aside from the occasional plane that passes overhead and aside from my music playing inside, all I hear are the sounds of birds chirping or a owl hooting in the distance. Through the green leaves of the trees outside my apartment, I can see the mountains in the distance. With the sun setting, they look like a simple dark blue mass of peaks. There are a lot of clouds in the sky, and they are drifting slowly by, almost inching their way across the sky. It's been beautiful. It's calming and relaxing.
Now it's time to pour a second glass of wine and get back outside.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: random shuffle of Dead Can Dance and Lisa Gerrard
Current drink: Swanson 2003 Merlot
Now it's time to pour a second glass of wine and get back outside.
Current mood: relaxed
Current music: random shuffle of Dead Can Dance and Lisa Gerrard
Current drink: Swanson 2003 Merlot
Friday, July 25, 2008
Getting Settled
I've been in my new apartment for exactly one week, and so far it has been wonderful. I'm still in the process of unpacking a few things and putting everything where I want it. Then I have to figure out where I want to hang all of my artwork. Now that I have a bigger apartment and more walls, this might actually be difficult. Decisions, decisions, decisions... I also want to buy another bookcase (now that I have the room), but I might hold off on that for a while. After spending $200 on the movers, it might be a good idea to save some money.
Our entire complex is in the process of renovating certain things, and on Tuesday the maintenance crew came in to install new windows and a new sliding door to my balcony. These are double-pane windows, so that means they will be more energy efficient. So this will be much better when winter comes around.
All in all, everything has been great and it is all coming together. I've been doing well and settling quite nicely. I've also been sleeping well, so that's a welcome change!
More later...
Our entire complex is in the process of renovating certain things, and on Tuesday the maintenance crew came in to install new windows and a new sliding door to my balcony. These are double-pane windows, so that means they will be more energy efficient. So this will be much better when winter comes around.
All in all, everything has been great and it is all coming together. I've been doing well and settling quite nicely. I've also been sleeping well, so that's a welcome change!
More later...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Silver Lining
I was having a really rough day at work today. Things have just been busy and chaotic. I was feeling kind of down and apathetic, but then I came home to this...
This is a view from my new balcony.
This is a view from my new balcony.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
New Home
Here I am in my new apartment! Yay! The move yesterday went really well. The movers showed up at about 8:30 in the morning, and it took them only about 30 minutes to load up their truck. Of course, since I moved most of my things myself, all they had to move was the furniture and only about four boxes. It took them longer to move things into my new place, but that is understandable considering I'm on the third floor. But, all totaled, the whole move took only two hours. That made me pretty happy.
Then came the task of unpacking everything and placing everything in its proper place. It's all starting to come together. I'm also in the process of getting used to everything. The dishwasher works perfectly fine. Since all of my dishes were wrapped in newspaper, I thought I'd give it a quick clean in the dishwasher to get all of the icky ink or dust off everything. Earlier in the week I turned on the stove to make sure it was working. It turned out that it wasn't, but the maintenance people came right over yesterday and fixed it. Now everything is fine. This morning I made hash browns and scrambled eggs for breakfast!
The place is wonderful. Last night was beautiful. It was really hot during the day, but things cooled off at night. I had a nice breeze coming through my windows in my bedroom, and I fell asleep right away. I felt pretty rested today, but my body is still a bit sore and tired. Other than a tired, old, and sore body, things are wonderful.
Then came the task of unpacking everything and placing everything in its proper place. It's all starting to come together. I'm also in the process of getting used to everything. The dishwasher works perfectly fine. Since all of my dishes were wrapped in newspaper, I thought I'd give it a quick clean in the dishwasher to get all of the icky ink or dust off everything. Earlier in the week I turned on the stove to make sure it was working. It turned out that it wasn't, but the maintenance people came right over yesterday and fixed it. Now everything is fine. This morning I made hash browns and scrambled eggs for breakfast!
The place is wonderful. Last night was beautiful. It was really hot during the day, but things cooled off at night. I had a nice breeze coming through my windows in my bedroom, and I fell asleep right away. I felt pretty rested today, but my body is still a bit sore and tired. Other than a tired, old, and sore body, things are wonderful.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Packing Booze
I've been procrastinating for the longest time on packing my alcohol. But tonight I decided to finally do it. First I put each bottle in those plastic newspaper bags. I double bagged it, of course. Then I wrapped the bottle in newspaper. I then packed the bottles in some boxes and added some extra newspaper for some extra padding. All totaled, my alcohol filled only two small boxes. I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed...
Update: make that three small boxes. I found some more booze.
Update: make that three small boxes. I found some more booze.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Moving...Yes, STILL...
I'm sure my loyal reader(s) will be happy once I move so that they won't have to read any more of these posts...
But, yes, I'm still in the process of moving, but I'm making better progress. I'm now forced to move quicker because of having the pressure of an actual "move-in date" when the movers will be here to take the big furniture. Most of my non-essential items and smaller things are already in my new place. I just need to make a few more trips with some of the bigger things. Then all I'll need to do is get things organized for the movers. Then on the day of the move, I'll probably use my bathroom as a storage room for things that I'll be using that morning and packing later--sheets and pillows on my bed, my teddy bear and doggie, the coffee maker, etc. I'm hoping it will be a smooth and quick move...and the smoother and quicker it is, the less it will cost!
And, now that I have a bigger place, I "had" to buy a few more pieces of new furniture. My current computer desk/workstation is really a dining table. Now that I have a dining room, I will be able to use the dining table for actual dining. But that meant that I needed a new computer desk/workstation, so I went out and bought one. It's nothing big and nothing fancy, but it will do the trick. It's all packed in a box and needs to be assembled, but fortunately that made it easier to carry it up the stairs. But, considering it's around 25-30 pounds, I'm pretty impressed that I was able to carry it all the way up by myself! Go me!
Now I just need to find time to assemble the desk. The cable and internet people will be at my apartment the day after I move to set everything up and to install everything. (No, I can't possibly go a day without internet access. I'm a pathetic internet addict, I know!) So the desk and computer have to be ready by Saturday afternoon. Just a little more pressure for me to get things done...
But, yes, I'm still in the process of moving, but I'm making better progress. I'm now forced to move quicker because of having the pressure of an actual "move-in date" when the movers will be here to take the big furniture. Most of my non-essential items and smaller things are already in my new place. I just need to make a few more trips with some of the bigger things. Then all I'll need to do is get things organized for the movers. Then on the day of the move, I'll probably use my bathroom as a storage room for things that I'll be using that morning and packing later--sheets and pillows on my bed, my teddy bear and doggie, the coffee maker, etc. I'm hoping it will be a smooth and quick move...and the smoother and quicker it is, the less it will cost!
And, now that I have a bigger place, I "had" to buy a few more pieces of new furniture. My current computer desk/workstation is really a dining table. Now that I have a dining room, I will be able to use the dining table for actual dining. But that meant that I needed a new computer desk/workstation, so I went out and bought one. It's nothing big and nothing fancy, but it will do the trick. It's all packed in a box and needs to be assembled, but fortunately that made it easier to carry it up the stairs. But, considering it's around 25-30 pounds, I'm pretty impressed that I was able to carry it all the way up by myself! Go me!
Now I just need to find time to assemble the desk. The cable and internet people will be at my apartment the day after I move to set everything up and to install everything. (No, I can't possibly go a day without internet access. I'm a pathetic internet addict, I know!) So the desk and computer have to be ready by Saturday afternoon. Just a little more pressure for me to get things done...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Moving...Yes, Still...
Needless to say, I've been busy. I'm still in the process of moving, but now I have an "official" move date. I've hired movers to take care of the big heavy stuff, and they will be moving my things next Friday on the 14th 18th. (I'm so confused!) I think that I'm going to be glad when that happens, because I just want to be in my new place. I'm getting a little tired of moving a little bit each day. My body is getting tired of it, too! My legs are getting sore, and my back is starting to hurt. Strangely, though, it's not my lower back that is hurting. My upper back right below my shoulder blades is hurting. And it is starting to hurt whenever I move any part of my upper body. I don't think I pulled or strained anything. I think I'm just sore. I suppose I'm lifting the boxes correctly by not straining my lower back, but by using different muscles, I'm sore in different places. Can't win, I suppose...
I need a back rub... :(
I need a back rub... :(
Sunday, July 06, 2008
I was going to move some more stuff today, but when I woke up, I decided I wasn't in the mood to move anything. I was feeling too tired and a little sore. So instead I just packed some more things today, and I'll move it all tomorrow after work. I am making progress, though, so I suppose I can be happy about that. All I can say is that I'm going to be very happy when I'm officially moved in!
Current mood: tired
Current drink: Jack Daniels...straight up
Current mood: tired
Current drink: Jack Daniels...straight up
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Moving (cont.)...
I just got home after moving another carload of things into my new apartment. While I was at my new apartment, there was a sudden rainstorm, so that interrupted the move a bit. But it was a nice break. I was able to stand outside on my balcony and watch the rain fall, and I didn't get wet. There were a few times when a gust of wind would spray some of the rain into my face, but that actually felt nice after making several trips up and down the stairs. There were even a few rumbles of thunder. So I guess you can say that I experienced my first thunderstorm (although it wasn't a big one) in my new apartment!
Now I'm just taking a little break before I figure out what I need to/want to move next.
Current mood: getting tired
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Kelly Clarkson "Sober"
Current drink: Barq's root beer
Now I'm just taking a little break before I figure out what I need to/want to move next.
Current mood: getting tired
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Kelly Clarkson "Sober"
Current drink: Barq's root beer
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Long Weekend
I finally have a chance to write something today. Things have been busy this week. After a wonderful week off last week to spend time with my family, I was back to work this week. Whenever you take time off from work it always takes a few days to get resettled and to get things back in order. It was a rough week, though, and it was tough to be back after having so much fun the week before. On the first day, I immediately feel the stress and tension come back to my shoulders. Oh well, what are you going to do...
Fortunately, though, this is a short workweek because of the Fourth of July holiday. We got out of the office today at about 1:00 and we have the day off tomorrow. But this probably won't be a weekend for me to relax. I still have a lot of things I need to move into my new apartment. I'm still moving everything myself, and still moving a few carloads each day. In a few weeks, I'll be hiring movers to take care of all of the furniture and other heavy stuff. There is still a lot more I need to do, but I'm making reasonable progress. Since I have a three-day weekend, I'm hoping that I can get a lot accomplished. Hopefully my strength and endurance lasts all weekend!
That's all for now. I'll post more when I have more time...
Fortunately, though, this is a short workweek because of the Fourth of July holiday. We got out of the office today at about 1:00 and we have the day off tomorrow. But this probably won't be a weekend for me to relax. I still have a lot of things I need to move into my new apartment. I'm still moving everything myself, and still moving a few carloads each day. In a few weeks, I'll be hiring movers to take care of all of the furniture and other heavy stuff. There is still a lot more I need to do, but I'm making reasonable progress. Since I have a three-day weekend, I'm hoping that I can get a lot accomplished. Hopefully my strength and endurance lasts all weekend!
That's all for now. I'll post more when I have more time...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunset and Camera Features
I was taking some pictures of the sunset and thought I'd play around with some of my camera features. I also thought I'd try out Flickr's "Blog This" feature...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Last night and this morning I said good-bye to the family that was here for our family reunion. Although we were really missing some members of the family who couldn't come, we still had a lot of fun. The best part was just getting together and talking about the "good old days" and all of the memories that we've made over the year. It was a great time.
I'll probably post more about the whole reunion later, but here is a short video clip. Yesterday was my Pa's 76th birthday, and we got the whole group together for a dinner at P. F. Chang's in Flatirons Mall. During the summer they have concerts every Thursday, and last night they had a really great band called Chase 'n the Dream. My Ma and sister got out on the floor and did a little dancing.
I'll probably post more about the whole reunion later, but here is a short video clip. Yesterday was my Pa's 76th birthday, and we got the whole group together for a dinner at P. F. Chang's in Flatirons Mall. During the summer they have concerts every Thursday, and last night they had a really great band called Chase 'n the Dream. My Ma and sister got out on the floor and did a little dancing.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Family Reunion
I haven't posted that much recently because I have most of the family and extended family here in Colorado for a family reunion. Who knew there was so many of us?! Things are great and we're having a fun time! And I'll be taking the week off of work, so this will be my first time off since Christmas. Yay for me!
More to come later...
More to come later...
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Check Is in the Mail...
It has recently occurred to me that I haven't received my "economic stimulus" rebate check from the government. It was supposed to be sent in the mail this month, and I'm still waiting for it. Maybe the IRS is sending it via pony express because the cost of gas is too high to put gasoline in the mail trucks because this sorry excuse for a government ran our economy into the sewer... But I'm not bitter. And, sorry, George W., I'm not going to stimulate the economy you ruined by buying a new car or TV. I'm going to try to pay off some bills and maybe buy some overpriced food, because a girl has to eat...
Just thought I would write about something other than moving...
Current mood: bitter and annoyed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Dave Matthews "Crash Into Me"
Just thought I would write about something other than moving...
Current mood: bitter and annoyed
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Dave Matthews "Crash Into Me"
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Moving (cont.)...
With the exception of all of my dictionaries and grammar books, all of my other books are moved into my new apartment. And I'm so tired! However, I'm pretty impressed and proud of myself for moving it all by myself without any help from anyone.
Now I have to figure out what is next...
Now I have to figure out what is next...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Moving (cont.)
I had grand plans to wake up early so that I could get a lot done with my move. But then I decided to sleep in this morning. However, I was still able to move a reasonable amount of stuff today. I've only made a few trips to my new place, but most of my books are moved in. I have only about 100 more to go. Yay! I think those can wait for tomorrow. I'm a little tired and I'm hungry. More later...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Since we have Summer Hours today, I have a chance to write a quick post. Actually, I'll probably be writing a lot of little posts over the next few days, because I've been slacking on my blogging this week.
So far the move is going okay. As I mentioned before, I got the keys to my new place last weekend, and I've been moving a little bit each day. For the most part, I'm moving things that I'm not going to be using anytime soon--winter clothes, extra blankets, books. Damn, I have a lot of books. And books are such a pain to move, too. Since they get heavy really quickly, I've been putting them in small boxes so I don't break my back carrying them. They are light enough, but that also means that I have to make more trips up and down the stairs to get them from my car. It definitely gives my legs a workout! And if my legs and butt don't look good when this is all finished, then I'm going to be really angry! Although, considering I have stick legs, I'm probably going to be disappointed anyway...
So, I've made a little dent in the things that I have to move. Moving the books is really going to take the longest time, because I have so many. I've already moved a respectable amount of books from my "library" but I still have about 200 or 300 more to go. Then it also occurred to me a few nights ago that eventually I'll need to move the contents of my liquor cabinet. That alone could take a week or two!
I still have a lot to do and this will probably be a really busy weekend, but all I can do is keep chipping away at this in stages. Eventually it will all get done!
Current mood: busy
Current music: iTunes shuffle - The Killers "Mr. Brightside"
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
So far the move is going okay. As I mentioned before, I got the keys to my new place last weekend, and I've been moving a little bit each day. For the most part, I'm moving things that I'm not going to be using anytime soon--winter clothes, extra blankets, books. Damn, I have a lot of books. And books are such a pain to move, too. Since they get heavy really quickly, I've been putting them in small boxes so I don't break my back carrying them. They are light enough, but that also means that I have to make more trips up and down the stairs to get them from my car. It definitely gives my legs a workout! And if my legs and butt don't look good when this is all finished, then I'm going to be really angry! Although, considering I have stick legs, I'm probably going to be disappointed anyway...
So, I've made a little dent in the things that I have to move. Moving the books is really going to take the longest time, because I have so many. I've already moved a respectable amount of books from my "library" but I still have about 200 or 300 more to go. Then it also occurred to me a few nights ago that eventually I'll need to move the contents of my liquor cabinet. That alone could take a week or two!
I still have a lot to do and this will probably be a really busy weekend, but all I can do is keep chipping away at this in stages. Eventually it will all get done!
Current mood: busy
Current music: iTunes shuffle - The Killers "Mr. Brightside"
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Baking Adventures
I like to think of myself as a pretty decent cook, but I've never been much of a baker. I can't say that I'm a bad baker, because I've never really baked anything before. I mostly don't bake because the "easy-bake oven" in my current apartment sometimes scares me. The few times that I have baked meals--mac and cheese, other pasta dishes, pizza, a potato that always gives me problems--I've had mixed results of things being either slightly overcooked or slightly undercooked. So baking real baked goods scared me a little because it's supposed to be so precise. Anyway, this week is my week (with a partner) to bring in something for our office food group. I decided to test out something new, so I had a little baking adventure today. (I always like to test new recipes on myself first, before bringing it into the office. If it is a disaster, then I can come up with a plan B. And if I don't kill myself, then I know it's safe for everyone else...)
I found a recipe on the Betty Crocker Web site for Baklava Bars that sounded really good. Traditional baklava is really difficult to make, and it is a long, tedious process. But the recipe I found is much easier, even for me! It makes use of some handy shortcuts like sugar cookie mix and crushed phyllo shells. I just used regular phyllo dough and tore it and scattered it over the baklava. Next time I'll probably use more nuts, but, other than that, it turned out great!
This is really loaded with butter and sugar and honey, so it's not exactly healthy. But what do I care? I'm not watching my weight!!
I found a recipe on the Betty Crocker Web site for Baklava Bars that sounded really good. Traditional baklava is really difficult to make, and it is a long, tedious process. But the recipe I found is much easier, even for me! It makes use of some handy shortcuts like sugar cookie mix and crushed phyllo shells. I just used regular phyllo dough and tore it and scattered it over the baklava. Next time I'll probably use more nuts, but, other than that, it turned out great!
This is really loaded with butter and sugar and honey, so it's not exactly healthy. But what do I care? I'm not watching my weight!!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Stray Cow
After signing all of the paperwork on my new apartment, I came back to my current apartment for a quick lunch and the previous, quick blog post. I then went back to my new apartment because I wanted to do some cleaning. Everything in the apartment is fresh and clean, but it's always nice to give an extra scrub to the bathroom and kitchen, because then I know that I'm cleaning it my way. And, naturally, it will be perfect. On my way back from my new place to my current place, I was driving along the "country" road. Really, I'm not living in the middle of nowhere. It's just a road where there is a lot of open space and where people have a lot of land. It was probably old farming land at one point, but some people still have horses and cows and such. Earlier in the afternoon, when I was on my way to the new place, there was a cow standing by the fence near the road. It is pretty much just a wire-type of fence, and the cow was scratching her chin along the wires. A few hours later, when I was leaving and driving back to my current place, the cow was now on the other side of the fence and standing on the shoulder eating the grass along the side of the road. Fortunately the cow wasn't walking in the road, but what in the world are you supposed to do when a cow gets out of her pen??
I wonder how often this happens? I wonder if it will ever happen when I'm trying to commute to work? Yeah, sorry I'm late, boss, but there was a cow in the road and I couldn't get around her...
Current mood: relaxed...and excited
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Beth Waters "Sweaters"
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
I wonder how often this happens? I wonder if it will ever happen when I'm trying to commute to work? Yeah, sorry I'm late, boss, but there was a cow in the road and I couldn't get around her...
Current mood: relaxed...and excited
Current music: iTunes on shuffle - Beth Waters "Sweaters"
Current drink: Barq's Root Beer
More on My New Apartment
Today I went to my new apartment complex to sign all of the paperwork and to pick up the keys for my new place. So everything is all settled.
The place looks great. There is brand new carpeting and a fresh coat of paint. It's amazing. Right now I don't quite know what to do with so much more space, and I'm trying to visualize where I'm going to put everything. I'll have a little dining area, which will be nice, because in my current place I don't have any real dining area. I have a "dining" table, but I currently use it as my desk/office space, so now I probably need to buy a real desk (or another table) for my computer and stuff. And since I have more room, I could probably buy another bookcase. I certainly could use one! My balcony is huge and has a nice view. The trees in front are pretty tall and full, so you can't quite see the mountains, but it's still nice. There is plenty of light in the apartment, and it's very bright, and I really like that. I have lots of closet space, and there are lots of cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. And the cabinets in the kitchen are nice because I'll be able to reach the top shelves without standing on a chair or crawling on the counters. (And I don't want to hear any of my friends or family tease me about how short I am!!) The kitchen has a big sink and a dishwasher. The refrigerator/freezer are bigger than what I have right now. And the stove and oven are bigger.
There are only two things that I don't like about the new place. In the bathroom there isn't a shower rod but, instead, there are some strange shower doors. I don't like shower doors as much. Plus, without a shower rod, I won't be able to use my cool Greek-inspired shower curtain, and that makes me sad because that shower curtain is so awesome! It's so me...and, yes, I mean that I'm awesome! I also wish there were some more overhead lights in the place. There are some in the dining room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and my closet area off the bedroom, but there aren't overhead lights in the living room or bedroom. That means that I'll need to buy some lamps. But, other than that, everything else is great.
The place looks great. There is brand new carpeting and a fresh coat of paint. It's amazing. Right now I don't quite know what to do with so much more space, and I'm trying to visualize where I'm going to put everything. I'll have a little dining area, which will be nice, because in my current place I don't have any real dining area. I have a "dining" table, but I currently use it as my desk/office space, so now I probably need to buy a real desk (or another table) for my computer and stuff. And since I have more room, I could probably buy another bookcase. I certainly could use one! My balcony is huge and has a nice view. The trees in front are pretty tall and full, so you can't quite see the mountains, but it's still nice. There is plenty of light in the apartment, and it's very bright, and I really like that. I have lots of closet space, and there are lots of cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. And the cabinets in the kitchen are nice because I'll be able to reach the top shelves without standing on a chair or crawling on the counters. (And I don't want to hear any of my friends or family tease me about how short I am!!) The kitchen has a big sink and a dishwasher. The refrigerator/freezer are bigger than what I have right now. And the stove and oven are bigger.
There are only two things that I don't like about the new place. In the bathroom there isn't a shower rod but, instead, there are some strange shower doors. I don't like shower doors as much. Plus, without a shower rod, I won't be able to use my cool Greek-inspired shower curtain, and that makes me sad because that shower curtain is so awesome! It's so me...and, yes, I mean that I'm awesome! I also wish there were some more overhead lights in the place. There are some in the dining room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and my closet area off the bedroom, but there aren't overhead lights in the living room or bedroom. That means that I'll need to buy some lamps. But, other than that, everything else is great.
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